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[Page 136]

Picture section (cont.)

People standing next to the house are Lewi Frank, son in law of Naphtali Katz, his wife and children. Next to them stand Dawid Talmud and Yaakow Rogel. All perished in the shoa. Yossef Katz sent the picture.


Naphtali Tzuker or Naphtali Bole as he was called in Dynow. Perished in the shoa. He was a simple fellow that provided transportation to Reishe or Przemysl. His horses were underfed and frequently fell along the trip. He reminded one of the famous horse story written by Peretz where the coachman talks to his horses and tells them to haul and he will feed them. The horses reply, give us food and then we will haul. Picture presented by Awraham Zilberman.

[Page 137]

The market of Dynow that took place each Thursday and provided most of the Jews with an income.


Main Street of Dynow called the royal road


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 28 May 2005 by LA