[Page 128]
The famous attorney and social minded activist Goldhamer was also born in Dynow.
[Page 130]
Standing: from right, Yossef Domb, Melech Tzkehaft, both perished in the shoa, Yaakow Tepper, author's son in Israel. Second row: from right: unknown, Henech Halman in Israel,Yossef Pinkas, perished, unknown. Third row: from right: Malisdorf in Israel, Israel Shia Kasser in very active Zionist in Dynow, in Israel and Reichel Kasser |
[Page 131]
Standing from right: Chaim Hausner, Leizer Rabs fought the Germans, Yossef Pinkas, Israel Laufer killed by the A.K. Sitting from right: Manes Walder in New York, Itzik Shia Kasser, and Pinhas Kessler |
[Page 132]
Standing from right: Mordechai Sternlicht, New York, Hersh Meilech Hausner, Hanan Tzuker ( son of Naphtali Tzuker) both perished in the shoa. Seated from right: Yaakow Abeles, shoa, Yossef Katz, New York, Leib Shayowicz, in France |
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Updated 17 June 2005 by LA