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I Begged Her To Escape … (cont.)

Lucy Zilberman [Levitt](second from right) came to Vilna from
Brazil to meet up with her relatives who had survived the Holocaust
Left to right: Avraham Levitt, his wife Izana (Stein), cousin Shimon Levitt, his wife (third from left) and their two sons, his mother Nechama (far right), next to her is Lucy, holding her neice Byata-Berta (Avraham and Izana's daughter)


At the end of 1944 I sent a letter to Ponivezh and received a reply stating that my parents had perished. Two years went by until I was discharged from the army, and I returned to Ponivezh in November 1946.

From a Gentile acquaintance I learned that at the beginning of the war he had seen my mother sitting on a sidewalk, with a woman who had given birth to her baby there beside her. My mother asked him to tell me that she was being taken to Lublin. I learned that my mother was among those who perished in the slaughter of the Jews of Ponivezh three kilometers outside the city. My father was murdered with other distinguished members of the community in the school building, to which all the city dignitaries had been “invited”.


The Jewish Ghetto in Ponivezh was in this area, from July 7 until August 7, 1941
(Courtesy Hedva Scop 1998)

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