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A Nurse in the Red Army (cont.)


No Time for Hesitation

During the Soviet occupation, I worked as a midwife in Kovno, in the hospital of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. When the war between Germany and Russia broke out, there was panic in the city, and the party members ran for their lives. I was requested to join those who were leaving, in order to care for a new mother, the wife of one of the important party members, who had recently had a caesarean. I was permitted to pack a few things, and among them were the photographs from my album. My brother Yisrael was in Kovno at that time; I called him on the telephone and asked him to pack his things and join me, but he refused. I pleaded with him repeatedly, but in vain. I thought to myself, if he doesn't go than neither will I. At this point, I must give credit to the Polish-Jewish doctor, Dr. Fingerhut, to whom I apparently owe my life. There were some nurses there who heard that I wasn't going, and asked to take my place, in order to escape into Russia. Dr. Fingerhut said to me: “Don't be stupid! Everyone wants to go, and you are hesitating? There is no time for hesitation!” Just at that moment, they bombed the city. I remember putting my hands on my face and immediately getting into the car.

In Vilkomir (Ukmerge) I wanted to leave everyone and go to my mother and my brother Noah, who had left Dusiat and moved to Utian (Utena), but I was told that the road was blocked and that I wouldn't be able to go through.


Lana Visakolsky with Rivka Levitt
Beside the Monument in the Center of Dusiat
  Father Abba-Shiye with his
daughter Leah and son Israel


Mother Lotta with her children
From right to left: Noah, Moshe, Lana, Israel, Chana and her husband Aharon Brikman
Sukkot 1933


Moisei Chernamordik
Brother of Lotta, married to Ania


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