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God Knows What The Future Will Bring… (cont.)

Micha, the son of Emanuel and Chaya-Tzipe Slep


A postcard from Micha to his brother Avraham Slep

Palestine, Haifa, Kiryat Chaim D St., No. 9
Vilnius, September 5, 1940



Vilna, September 5, 1940

We are well and living normally, like we did before. How are you? How are you surviving the war period? Do you have all you need? Do you have enough food and essential items? Are you well?

Were you bombed, as was written in the paper?

We are well.

Yehuda came to me from Kovno for a few days. They had a course in Yiddish in Kovno.

Hillel was also here. Kehat will also visit me shortly.

In the meantime I am working and content.

How are your children Sarale, Dvorale, Yair and Zoharl? How are you Esther and Rivka? How are Yosef and Miryam? [ ].

We are well. Regards to you from[ ] mother, Ella and her children.

Keep well. Please answer me.



Sara Weiss-Slep: During the Soviet period Micha moved from Dusiat to Vilnius (Stepono g-ve 17b2 p.p. Lifsietz). Micha worked there in the Harmatz department store, till the war broke out, on June 22, 1941.

When the Vilna Ghetto was liquidated (September 23, 1943), Micha was marched and shipped along with many others to Estonia and then to Stutthoff (August 23, 1944). On September 29, 1944 Micha was taken by cattle train to the forced labor camp Dautmergen-Schomberg (K.L. Natzweiler, south-west Germany), where he perished on December 30, 1944 from hard labor and physical exhaustion.

May the Lord revenge his blood!

Netl and her children Leibele and Chaim Slovo


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