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Reminiscences… (cont.)

Arik Elchanan: I remember Bracha from that time in Ushpol. I was the head of the “ken” of Hashomer Hatzair there, and I remember the visit of Yitzhak Poritz (from Dusiat), who was one of the leaders of “The Second Legion”, and who came to us from Ponivezh [Panevezys]. When I moved to Salok, Bracha replaced me, and when we parted she gave me a photo of her as a souvenir…


Scenes from Ushpol[3]

The Old Bridge in Ushpol


The Old Water Mill in Ushpol
Yehudit Zimmerman is among the people enjoying the view


The General Gathering in Viesteryski, near Kovno
Hashomer Hatzair summer camp, June 19-22, 1930


I made aliya in 1933, and came to Nes Ziona. I worked in the citrus groves, where I met Elimelech Brumberg. We got married and made our home here.

Elimelech Brumberg: I come from Lodz (Poland). In 1926 I planned to make aliya to Eretz Yisrael, but I failed the examination: I was unable to answer four questions in the “history of Zionism”, and so I didn't receive a certificate[4].

In 1932 I purchased a certificate for 1,100 zlotys. I was already on the ship to Eretz Yisrael, but when it reached Beirut (Lebanon) it was stopped, and was sent back to Poland with all its passengers. Apparently one of the passengers was bankrupt, and his creditors got a hold of him.

I remember that Avraham Stavsky[5] was also with us.

A year later I added another hundred zlotys and made aliya to Eretz Yisrael. I was found fit to work in the citrus grove in Nes Ziona, even without my knowledge of the history of Zionism… I found Bracha among the women working there and we got married. We have a daughter and a son. Our daughter Hadara was named for the citrus fruit [hadar in Hebrew means citrus], and our son bears the name of his grandfather Yom-Tov, which we converted to Hagi[6].



  1. Shimshon Lerman's collection. Return
  2. British permit for immigration to Palestine. Return
  3. Stavsky was accused of assassinating Chaim Arlozoroff, but was acquitted on lack of evidence. He was killed while trying to land the ship “Altalena” carrying fighters and weapons for the newly proclaimed State of Israel. Return
  4. Yom-Tov and Hag both mean “festival” in Hebrew. Return

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