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Chalutzim Go to Eretz Yisrael (cont.)
Micha Baron: I think about many Dusiaters who would have come to Eretz Yisrael if they had been given certificates. There was a long queue for aliya and it was impossible to make aliya outside the queue. Although for money it was possible to make arrangements with the Hechalutz Center.

Different options were used to obtain certificates for aliya to Palestine-Eretz Yisrael: either as “a person of means”, or “accepted for studies at [name of institute]”, or “sponsored”, or through fictitious marriage. Such options were also used by the chalutzim of Dusiat.

  1. Page 26. Departed from Kovno on October 29. Traveling to port (in Eretz Yisrael)…
    Comments: Sponsored

  2. Comments: “Worked in an agricultural group in the Memel region for a year and a half” (-) The Secretary
    Stamp: Hechalutz Federation Lita

  3. Page 18. Invoice of the Eretz Yisrael Bureau in Kovno 30.6.35
    Stamp: “The bearer of this certificate has committed himself to work in agriculture.”

  4. Page 19. Invoice of the Aliya Office of the Jewish Agency.
    Stamp: Received a loan on July 9, 1935. Aliya Office, Haifa

  5. List of Aliya Offices of the Jewish Agency in Eretz Yisrael
    Stamp: “Arrived in Eretz Yisrael via Haifa port on July 8, 1935.
    Haifa Aliya Office”
    Comments: Traveled: He to Kibbutz Hashomer Hatzair Masad, Karkur
    She to Kibbutz Hashomer Hatzair Amir, Hadera


From the press about “warm” and “cold” journeys

Comrade Landman - the secretary of the Zionist Histadrut in London, Comrade Berings – director of the Aliya and Rescue Department, and Comrade Peno – head of the Palestine Office in Trieste, consulted with the Lloyd Shipping Company with regard to “warm” journeys for the immigrants to Eretz Yisrael, because the cold winter makes the journey to Eretz Yisrael on the decks of the ships impossible.

a) During the winter the entire passageway of the ship will be given over to the immigrants, and heated kitchens will be installed in it. The passageway will have room for 170-190 people.

b) Installation of 650-700 beds on the ship; five cabins containing 4 beds each, in a second class ship, for wealthy passengers.

c) Direct sailings from Trieste to Jaffa 4-5 days with no stops.
(“Haaretz” [newspaper] – November 29, 1920)


Chalutzim on the deck of the ship “Sinaia”, Jaffa port
Yitzchak Orez
(standing second from the right), Liebke Friedman and Feige-Reize - Zipora Zeif (seated below, on the right).



  1. Example of fictitious marriage where, upon arrival, each went his or her own way. Return

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