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[Page 16]

Chapter 13

Szabó János

From the age of 13, for two years I delivered newspapers. I used to carry about approximately 50-60 pieces: there was AZ EST ( The Night) an evening paper requested by some of the Jewish families, about 16, FRISS ÚJSÁG (Fresh News) a Catholic noon paper, 8 ÓRAI ÚJSÁG ( The 8 O’Clock News) an evening paper bought by mixed population.

My district also included Újgalambos (Szilia) and the Golambus prarie. They paid most of the time by cash, because they bought them also at Goldbergerné ( in the middle of Tót St) and used to pay there. She kept a tobacco shop. I used to rap on the gate,  they either took it there when ordered by elder people I would deliver it in side the house.

I was expected to deliver the papers at exactly the same time that the postman made his deliveries.

Beforenoon, we got the newspaper at the Post Office, in the afternoon at the railway station: winter summer at 4 o’clock. We used to walk 3 km to and from.

Petrovics Sanyi used to carry ÚJ NEMZEDÉK – New Generation. It was meant to be an ecclesiastic paper. The Pintér childre sold FÜGGETLENSÉG – Independent -  that was a Burgher paper.

[Page 17]

Chapter 14

Kánitz family

My mother was their domestic. She loved to be there. They liked her very much as well. As we entered the shop, Madame Ilus kissed me often and used to fill the pocket of my apron with sweets. Lax Jenő, the dentist married their daughter, Lilike.

[Page 18]

Chapter 15

Lax family

I remember that my mother used to work at the home of Lax Jenő 2 hours daily helping with the housework. When the Dr. dentist learned that they would be dragged away he encouraged her to take whatever she desired from the well ordered furnished apartment in bourgoise comfort, because everything would be taken away anyway by those that had no shame. Her mother dared to take, by permission, only one big dish because the house was always watched by a man, named S…. who had the mentality of the Arrowcross.

Chapter 16

Fekete János

When I heard that  they, those whom I spent my school years and were in my scout troup, were being deported, I ran down to the school because they were already being escorted from  Bruck mill toward the end of  Tót st to the station. I remember sadly one of the daughters of Farkas Számi, a grocer, who with her fragile  build tried to carry a huge sack on her shoulders.  It reached her ankle and at the bottom a glass of fruit confiture was broken and its liquid contents  was pouring out.

Perhaps it was Ella who returned.  She became a water carrier for the 26th Building Company.   She lived for a long time amoung us.

Chapter 17

Hingyi Juci (Markovics Györgyné)

Those that I recall from the 30’s

Lusztig  Ákos: He was a director and used to live near the artezi well, on the other side of the Catholic church.  I used to work there as a domestic. They loved, honored, and payed me well.

Fritz Péter: He had a general store and was our neighbor.  I worked there also as a domestic for a short time. Their son  Péter was a bachelor.

Albert Rezsőné: She was a pharmacist

Farkas Számi: He had a general store which stood where the Conditory stands today, near the Pentele club house. One of his 3 daughters came home from the deportation. She died.

Wolmann: He had a general store and his house stood opposite the school.

Szekulesz: He was an innkeeper and had a general store at the beginning of Cemetery st. near the Synagogue.

[Page 19]

Chapter 18

Csupity Simon: Late Visit

We lived near the RAC church opposite the house where Molnár János, a painter, was born in the valley of Táltos.

My mother and I were very surprised when late one night we heard a rapping at the gate. A lady caller appeared. She excused herself and said that she was from America and was on her way to Paks, but wanted to see the place where she had spent her childhood. By way of the church wall  she recognized the way  that she wanted to go. Her father was a leather merchant, his name was  Deutsch.  She, Teri, married in –27- and had emmigrated to the U S A. We told her that her old home had been bombed and destroyed.

Auntie Teri then 86,looked around, said good-bye to her cherished place of origin and traveled on .

Chapter 19

Tóth József

The story of the construction of the Memorial monument for the victims of WWII from Dunapentele, in 1985 in Dunaújváros.

The modest memorial was innaugarted first on December 7th without names. In 1990 on the first of November the 192 names were added  including 56 names of Jewish origin. That was the real innauguration. Taking part were the town principles, directors, Pentele friends circle, the National Prisoners union, and the clerical staff.  The Rabbi, in the name of the National Hungarian Jewish Association gave a prayer in Hebrew (a Jewish ceremony seldom seen by a fellow citizen) after the prayer he threw small stones at the memorial where the names of the deportees were inscribed and in Hungarian he thanked all that had given time, strength, and money in order to include the names of the Jewish Victims on the Memorial.

The Jews resided in the center of town or nearby according to their particular occupation. They were peacefull residents of Dunapentele. Some of them were sent to the front for hard labor being  cannon-fodder , ( for example the Sziklai boys ; Sándor and György) others were put into the ghetto ( first at Bruck mill on Baracsi St, and then to the school) and then they were deported to be finished in the gas chambers. There was no mercy. Men women and also children had the same fate. The residents, that where at home at the time, saw the Jews being chased to the station between the two rows of gendarmes holding bayonets in 1944, cried for them.

From all those that were deported only one returned, Farkas Ella ( their shop was on the spot where the conditory now stands near the club house ) who lived for a long time amoung us.

Those that did not live through the war can hardly feel the horror and the consequences.

[Page 24]

Chapter 21

Schlitterné Nyuli Panni –tells her true stories

Taken from a volume of short stories: The Carnival Winter Nights in Age-old Dunapentele

a. Coming Home from Hoeing

My grandfather Hingyi was still young and with small children. He was walking homeward on the unpaved alley Rác, dusty and tired. From dawn to dusk was quite enough. He wasn’t in a good mood ,he was hungry.

As he neared his house he heard funny rhymmes. He stood still and listened, his tired face turned into a smile. Arriving at his home he peeped through a crack in the fence. He smiled even more as out of his eight children the three youngest were sitting on the kitchen theshold. In unison, like a choir, they were chanting in singing tone, like a studied poem, the leather merchant Deutsch’s ten children’s names.


My grandfather, the youthful Gyuri at the time, started to laugh already behind the fence. He tried to put on a serious face when he entered the gate.

 - Be quite-  Do you hear me? Don’t sing Deutsch’s names but your own! You are also eight.

 - OK  Good  But the Deutsch’s are more, they are ten and we are only eight - argued back  one of the little ones. And again they started singing –


Oh Ho – How well you have learned it. Let’s hear if you could chant together your names. Could you tell how many you are?

The three small ones started to sing their brothers and sisters names , altogether eight:


Their father, laughing, put down his hoe and knapsack in the shed.

( Told by my mother ,Nyuli Istvánné, Hingyi Katalin)

b. The Netike “club”

In the Pentele quarter there is a bus stop called Baracsi road station. One of my elder female cousins doesn’t call it that she says: I got on the bus at the front of Neti.

Nowadays younger residents and “immigrants” don’t know that here at the beginning of the street there was a house ( it was destroyed) that once upon a time, at the beginning of 1900, lived an old maid, Kohn Neti.  She had a little shop and from it she made her living.

The neighbors’ children would quarrel among themselves – with lots of agitation --about who would be the one that would light the fire on Saturday in Neti’s fireplace. Jews that practice their religion were not allowed to light a fire.

Netike was a pious solitary old maid. She liked to read so she had a lot of good books. One of the neighbor’s young boys asked her for a book to read. Neti told him:

– Don’t be angry, I take lots of care of my books, but if you would like to read one you may come in the evening, then I have more time and it doesn’t make any difference whether I sit alone or some one else also.

So be it. At night there were two reading in Netike’s room.  The youngster enjoyed the book very much.

-- Miss Neti, Pali would also like to read it.-

-- Pali can also come, there is plenty of room at the table.

After a while there were ten readers. On winter’s nights they used to bring with them dried pumkin seeds ( with funny names).  They would pour them on the top of the table, as the custom of the local folk. They clicked, smacked the seed and read a lot and enjoyed themselves.

-- Boys, perhaps when you come here so nicely to read, you could bring one or two pieces of wood or dried corn stalks ( after they had been snapped) in your pockets.

They did bring wood and other things – the carnival arrived and they were enjoying themselves so much at Netike’s club that in their pockets they brought doughnuts, corn cakes,and some even brought a zither and a harmonica.

How happy this lonely old maid became! Finally there was a lively activity going on in her apartment too. Something was missing for the boys. It would be nice to have a bit of wine with the doughnuts and the scones. Opposite, on the other side of the road was Mátyá’s Inn, but they were too young to be served.

 - Oh I will go over and bring a pitcher of wine – offered Netike – but there will be no getting drunk! On this I will take care.

So there arrived a little wine, they ate, drank played music, were singing:

  Rajna,my dog is barking,
  Here comes my sweetheart the brown one,
  Even if he is brown, he’s not a gypsy,
  He loves me truly.
 - Miss Neti -  says one of the boys one evening--- Please let two girls come in. They are outside at the gate.

-  Let them come, it’s carnival time!- the house owner gave her consent.

So then there was dancing, eating,and fun among themselves.

It became known in the village that in the evenings at  Netikes’ there is a “gathering”. The parents did not like it. There is the Boy’s Union, and they should go there because there they would have the watchful eye of the priest. But here at Neti………………

 - Why do they go to Neti’s? She is too old for them.

- They don’t go there because of Neti, they go there because Neti doesn’t lend out her books out of the house.

- But they not only read, they also party among themselves. They drink wine and Neti allows the girls to join midst the boys.

- They are not adults, only young boys and the girls are only fourteen.

- There will be trouble “ opportunity gives possibility to lure”

- Oh true! The devil never sleeps. No No !

This was how the parents were talking. Neti’s door remained open along with her heart for the youngsters. From the readings a romance developed. Józsi one day came to his mother.

 - Mother I would like to get married.

- To get married? You are not engaged.

- There is ! Dear mother I do love someone and am engaged.

- But really, who would you take? I don’t know of anyone.

- I am taking Kati, my old sweetheart.

- Kati!! This I could miss! It is true that she is your former girlfriend, sure I know about it, don’t fret. But     what kind of a girl is she that goes regularly to Netike midst the boys.

- Sure she came because dear Mother she loves me also.

- Go away from me. I don’t want to see you any more.

What a pity this rejection. The marriege between Józsi and Kati became quite admirable. So as the custom, after the birth of the first grandchild, perfect peace existed between the old and the young.

( My cousin Fekete Feri told the story)

c. Goose ganders

In the past many Jewish families lived in Dunapentele. Most of them were well to do, with lots of money, or industrialists. They had a service maid , and some even had two, an upper maid and a lower maid. A few Jewish families even had a German nanny for the children.  They had from where and could afford to spend. A poor man’s daughter could use the payment of her small monthly service wage well. Out this she could buy herself a nice dress, nice shoes, and stuff she needed for her dowry.

Goose meat was the best liked Jewish food. In the old world people were religious, and so also were the Jews. As in the Jewish custom poultry was killed at the throat and only the “shakter” was allowed to do this. He had an instrument, razor-sharp, that he could cut the animal’s neck with, in one instant it was killed and didn’t suffer.

Naturally the servant girl  used to take the poultry that was to be slaughtered. They went there very troubled because they were afraid of the shakter. Maybe this was because he had such sharp instruments. In my childhood we used to frighten one another with the shakter.

Farkas Számi ( Samuel) a merchant, once trusted his servant girl Rosi with an especially big-grown goose.

 - Are you able to carry it? – asked Mr. Merchant to the girl. – I can see that you can barely reach the handles of the basket.

-  Yes I can carry it if I must! But please liston to me honored sir!  I would like it better if I could cut the throat of this enourmously heavy goose. I really don’t know why it must be dragged to the shacter?

- Not your mouth should be talking, but your feet should be walking, go already !

The goose was so heavy that Rosi was tottering from one side to the other dragging it in the big basket. Damm, the devil should take care of this thing.  I will win out by wit. The devil can take it to the shacter. Anyway I am afraid of him like fire. This goose will perish without the shakter!

Her girlfriend was serving at Kánitz Móric the merchant, so she went by way of that road. The Kanitz family, even the honorable lady, used to work during the whole day at the shop, only for dinner at noon they went to there apartment. Here is a good opportunity, they both, she and her girlfriend will deal with the goose.

Quickly she smuggled herself through the big arched gate.

 - You, Marie –she whispered into the ear of the other girl –quickly take a big sharp knife.  Hurry! I ‘m not going to take this  heavy as lead goose to the shakter! Come, help me, we will run down to Brettyó stream with it.!

- Oh, you are crazy, how crazy! There will be a lot of trouble from this, you will see. – said Marie- but she quickly snatched out the sharpest biggest knife and hurried with Rozi to the Brettyó valley. ( Today Tolstoj Valley). Beside the bridge they crept under the brushes in the brook.

- Oh, oh Rozi! This knife isn’t as sharp as the shakter’s instument? Oh this huge goose will never die!

- Don’ t you wail any more Marie, I will squeeze it so it won’t splash about, and you will cut its neck quickly.

- Look Rozi, how ugly his neck has become. They will notice it, it isn’t like it should have been.

- You see my dear friend, you see it is already done. I will even out its neck at home. Tell me when you need anything, I will also help, from now on we will not go to the shakter! But not  a word to anybody.

When Farkas Számi met the shakter he asked proudly:

 - Please Irvin, what do you say about that enourmous goose of ours?

- When did you have this enourmous goose?

- Oh, the one sent you last week.

- Don’t be foolish Számi, you did not send a goose last week.

- Are you serious?

- Really, the servant didn’t bring any goose.

- Well then there is big trouble!

The merchant Számi came to the kitchen very angry

- You Rozi! Did you or didn’t you take the enourmous goose to the shakter last week?! Listen, you girl! The shakter said that you didn’t bring a goose to him! Look into my eyes and not at the stones on the kitchen floor, you, you !!

Rozi became red as pepricka (hot red pepper). She just looked down and wasn’t able to look at the master. Farkas the merchant became more enraged , he was guessing as to how it happened. He shouted at the girl:

 - You, you girl! Who cut the throat of that goose?!

- Me!! Honorable sir, you must know that it was me! – shouted Rozi sobbing  - I am also able to cut it, and I am not going to take it there any more. It was so heavy, like the devil! We didn’t have any problems even though I cut its neck nobody choked on it. Correct?

- How dare you shout, you good for nothing. Take your bundle right away and don’t stop till you reach your mother’s house! Dissappear from my sight! I don’t want to see you any more.

Rozi collapsed onto a wooden chair because she didn’t have any strength in her feet. Home? How can I go home? Her mother would chase her back, why, because there is a big need for the money she earns here. She can’t allow herself to go home! She can’t stay here either, she was discharged. What should she do? Does she have to go to the Danube over a goose?

She shrieked and wailed bitterly. She was unable to gather her bundle, only cried and moaned.

 - You are still her? – stamped the merchant master- liston, girl! Your mother takes the Easter food to the church on Easter for blessing because it your religious practice, we have the shacter cut the throat of the goose because this is our religious custom.

- Honorable sir, please forgive me this goose! I can not go home.  I have a good position here, and from now on I will always take the poultry to the shakter. – cried Rozi.

- Go back to your work! But if another time…………….

( Story told  by my older cousin Újbányi  Ilus)

[Page 40]

Chapter 24

Their Cemeteries: Description

In May 1996 I went for a visit to the Jewish cemetery, the 6th  plot on the left side parralel to the Danube, at the Hundred Leg Bridge, after the upper inlet ( the place where the beach is free).The fence is new: made of red brick, in the middle there is a gate with a black painted Star of David with two wings. Locked. Above the entrance there is an arch built of red brick. This was built by the Organization of Beautification of Pentele.

After the rainfall I was wandering in the high grass, looking around, jotting down notes, and drawing. I was exploring the differences between the Big Cemetery and this one. There are and there aren't. I enjoy going there, taking flowers, a candle, and wreaths. There is always someone to be seen, who is taking care of his loved one's grave. Here is an island of peace where the soul can rest.

There is a deathlike-silence. Right now there are no visitors. Approximately 100 burial places (monuments) can be seen in this plot below the uneven clay bed. The upkeep can be very difficult, (last year the Museum took care of cutting the grass, the Society of Friends of Pentele also takes care, students of Szórád school, and the organization of Town Protectors).

Crosses can not be seen, tombs out of limestone and granite with Hebrew and Latin inscriptions are more than in any other cemetery.

There are family tombs, but I have seen couples buried seperately.  Some of the stones are cracked, some where the insrciptions can not be read. Sometimes there is a grave stone that has no name and grave stones that are finished in a curve.

The Hebrew inscriptions were done in Budapest by Bineter, 5 Károly Avenue.
The oldest date of birth I have seen: 1806

I have seen the following inscriptions:

Herczeg Ferencné 
Born Freund Emilia
Born 1851  Died 1911 
In her 43rd year of happy marriege 
May she rest in peace 
(black granite obelisk) 


(Hebrew inscription,Latin below) 
Here lies 
Herczeg Ferenc 
May he rest in peace 
(black granite obelisk) 


(black granite) 
Farkas Sámuelné 
Born Müller Berta 
Blessed be her memory 


Here liesFarkas Samuel 
New plantings: 
Snow bells 


(grey limestone decorated with a Weeping Willow tree) 
Borsodi Sándor 
Died January 7, 1890 
In his 37th year 
Mourning his loving wife 
Only child 
And grieving parents
Peace on his ashes 
Klein Jakabné 
Died 1914 

(inside  a 60cm high black fence) 
Pfeffer Ignácz 
Died November 15,1895 
In his 70th year 
Mourning after him his wailing widow 
And children 
Peace and blessing on his ashes 
Pfeffer Ignáczné 
Born Vibganer Lídia 
Died November 10,1907 
In her 72nd year 
Mourning her wailing children 
(below Hebrew inscription) 
(a nut tree with climbing vine) 

(grey limestone) 
Kánitz József 
Former president of Jewish Community 
Born 1838 
Died November 28, 1916 
Mourning his loving family 
Jewish scholar and warrior of Jewish thought 
He never gave in 
His heart great and heroic 
His nature strong 
His life  an example of work and morality 


Kánitz Rudolf 
Died at the age of 66 
July 28,1906 
Bruck Simon 
Bruck Simonné 
Born Rosenthal Johanna 
Bruck Rezső 
Goldberger Dávid 
Lived for his family 
Died for his country 

Bruck Ernőné 
Born Bruck Adél 
Lived 47 years 
Died January 20,1922 
Peace and blessing on her dear ashes 
Mourning her loving husband 
And two sad daughters 
Juliska and Aranka 
Your memory will live forever in our hearts 
A symbolic monument for those dear ones 
That were dragged away in 1944 
His wife Goldberger Dávidné 
His daughter Janka 
His son-in-law Bruck Imre 

On the right and left side of the cemetery are family dwellings with small plots. There are many on both sides.  Whether they(the residents) are there in winter I do not know. I would suggest that there should be a sign put on the cemetery gate (at least from spring to fall) that the key could be found with the neighbors, so that visiters that come unexpectedly would not have to go to the Town Hall to the The Society for Beautification ( the office is mostly closed because of their other occupations, they are not always there at that time), or to the Szórád School, or to the President of the Pentele Community Center on the the Temető St.

How could those that come from far away know where to find the key?  There are no signs with directions. The fence is high. It is possible to peep from 3 meters, or from the neighbor's side where there is an open iron fence. This is very unsatisfactory.

Long ago the cemetery was an open and unrestricted place with a caretaker. Anyone who wanted could enter.

Many of the residents in town don't even know where the Jewish Cemetery is.


H-né  Ilonka:  When I was a child I saw a Jewish funural in the north of the country. The deceased was wrapped in white linen tied in two places by black ribbons. Like this he was put into the grave.

[Page 43]

Chapter 25


Other inscriptions that where decifered from pictures of the tombstones:
Krámer  Simon     
Goldner Vilmos  1832-1892   
Szabados Lajos  1864-1893  
Salamon Steiner     
Lukács Mór  1851-1923   
Krausz Joachim  1839-1028  son of Yahuda 
Krausz Joachimné  1848-1927  born Bruck Flóra 
Bruck Simonné  1881-1934  born Binet Zsófia *
Bruck Mór     
Dr. Strasser Lipót  1846-1927   
Dr. Strasser Lipótné  1848-1886  born Braun Róza 
Pfeiffer Ignáczné died November 10,1907   
Kohn Jakabné  1846-1903  born Grünwald Fanny 
Goldberger Dávidné 
daughter Janka 
Bruck Imre 
  symbolic grave put up by Goldberger Dávid 
Weisz Mór  1866-1936   
Weisz Mártonné  died October 7 1902   
Weisz Erzsébet  lived 24 years   
Weisz Zsigmond  1877-1941   
Yakov Zvi ben Eliyahu    This is also a symbolic grave for our dear mother who was abducted  in 1944 

* Was the mother of Goldenberg Lajosné born Bruck Manci

[Page 67]

Chapter 27

Closing words

1996 The Jewish year. Israel has been established  from the former British Mandate of Palestine in 1948. They pray to  God differently. They do not intermingle easily,

From Historical Hungary 300 thousand emmigrated, ( about 10% of Israel’s population)

Peace should rein under the olive tree!

I showed a lot of pictures of the Holy Land because Jerusalem is also Holy to them. The wailing wall, they don’t call it like us, the wall of the destroyed temple, they pray and doven and touch the wall with their face and hands. In the stone gaps many put small folded papers with their requests written on them. These stones have “seen” Jesus, as they are 2000 years old.

The pictures of Israel let us get to know better their customs, clothing etc. Let us accept the differences and the church too has dropped their inflexible position of the hundreds. There are more ceremonies in ecumenic(universal) style. Pope János II also endorses this modern view.

The graveyard here is visited by the descendants. Newly planted flowers gives evidence to this.

They come from America, Budapest and Pécs.

We make an effort to keep up this reverent place and when we visit the Big Cemetery we put flowers on the right side of the central entrance below the marker with the names of the martyrs.

We  cherish their memory

Holocaust victims of the deportation

List from Chapter 19

Memorial for Deported Victims

Name  Occupation  Date of birth  Age
Bruck Ernő  Grain   Merchant  1880  64 
Bruck Ernőné  House wife  1885  59 
Deutsch Lajos  Tailor 1900  44 
Deutsch Lajosné  Textiles  1902  42 
Deutsch Anna (Panni)** Young girl  1920  24 
Deutsch Áron  Leather store  1904  40 
Deutsch Mózes  Leather store  1902  42 
Farkas Sámuel  Merchant: textiles/iron  1890  54 
Farkas Sámuelné  House wife  1895  49 
Feith Andor  Merchant  1900  44 
Frankl Zsigmond  Land owner  1872  72 
Frankl Zsigmondné  Land owner  1878  66 
Fritz Móricz  General store  1862  82 
Fritz Oszkár  General store  1897  47 
Fritz Oszkárné  Housewife  1903  41 
Fritz Péter  Student  1926  18 
Goldenberg Aladárné *  Former Cantor's wife  1880?  64 
Goldenberg Lajosné  Housewife  1916  28 
Goldenberg Éva  Pupil  1936 
Hermann Árpád  Salesman  1908  36 
Kánitz Móricz  General store  1880  64 
Kánitz Móriczné  House wife  1885  59 
Kánitz Friderika  Merchant  1904  40 
KhonnéDeutsch Rozália  Fowl Merchant  1901 43 
Khon Márta  House wife  1926  18 
Khon Endre Student  1931  13 
Kiss Miklós  Spice merchant  1885 59 
Kiss Miklósné  Housewife  1892  52 
Kiss Sára  Merchant  1915  29 
Krámmer Márta  House wife  1900  44 
Krámmer Marianna  Housewife  1910  34 
Dr.Lax Jenő  Doctor  1905  39 
Dr Lax Jenőné  Housewife  1907  37 
Lax Péter János  Pupil  1936 
Lusztig Ákos  Clerk  1895  49 
Lusztig Katalin  Clerk  1906  38 
Lusztig Áron  Clerk  1903  41 
Paskus Endre András  Cantor  1915  29 
Parkus Endre Andrásné  Housewife  1917  27 
Paskus Edit  Pupil  1934  10 
Paskus Ella  Pupil  1936 
Paskus Endre  Pupil  1938 
Paskus Mária  Child  1940 
Pechner Dávid  Tailor shop  1887  57 
Szekulesz Mihály  Brewery  1886 58 
Szekulesz László  Public house  1894  50 
Szekulesz Rozália  Housewife  1899  45 
Szekulesz Lászlóné  Housewife  1902  42 
Szekulesz Sarolta  Student  1923  21 
Szekulesz Pál  Student  1930  14 
Sziklai Miklós General store  1890  54 
Sziklai Miklósné  General store  1892  52
Weisz Jakab  Inn: owner  1887  57 
Weisz Rozália  Inn: family  1910  34 
Weisz Katalin  Inn: family  1913  31 
Weisz Irén  Inn: family  1915  29 
Wolmann Béla  General store  1889  55 

*Grandmother of Vera, not in original list.
** Her nickname

Jewish Families in Pentele - 1940

(Those whom I remember)

From chapter 13

Lajos House Today

Family Name  Address  Lajos House Today 
Ihász – auntie  Tót St. ( now Petőfi St.)  Coffee House 
Goldbergerné  " Tobacco 
Rezsina –auntie   
Sziklai family  (general store) 
Goldenberg Lajos Bela  ( Bicycle shop)* 
Goldenberg Aladárné**  Wife of former cantor 
Paskus Endre András  Tot St. ( now Petőfi St.)  Jewish cantor 
Pajzs Miklós  Magyar St.   
Dr Lax Jenő   
Farkas Sámuel   
Erdős family   
Veisz Kóbi   
Wollmann family   
Fritz Móric   
Peckner Dávid   
Kiss Miklós   
Deutsch Lajos  Lengyel Lane  Tailor 
Bruck family  Gőzmalom St. 
(now Baracsi St.) 
Szekulesz family  Temető  Pub- brewery 

*Goldenberg Lajos also worked in contructing the electrical wiring for all the towns in the vicinity together with Erdősi (Surname not known).
** Grandmother of Vera, not in original list.

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Carol Monosson Edan

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Updated 27 Aug 2005 by LA