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[Page 101]

And the war continued on,
And David went out to fight against the Philistines,
And he dealt them a grievous blow, and they fled from him.

(I Samuel, 19)


[Page 102]

Words of Conclusion

by Binyamin Ben-Aryeh Shargil

With emotion and awesome trembling, we present this second booklet, “Our Town of Druzhkopol, Pages of Memory and Eulogy”, to all of those who are tied to our town with all of their bonds, who will never be severed from the Druzhkopol that once was, and from the holy people who are no longer here. This town lived in peace, like hundreds and thousands of towns throughout Poland and all of Europe. It gave up its life silently, and was wiped out in sanctification of the Divine Name along with hundreds and thousands of other towns.

The simple, heartwarming Jews of this town lived modestly. They were of many professions, including: shopkeepers, tradesman, rabbis, teachers, and small scale merchants. They gave up their lives in silence.

The youth of the movements, whose souls were given over to revolution – to knock down the moldy walls of ancient tradition – they attempted to take control of their fate and make aliya to the homeland of the Land of Israel, to actualize their desires. However, their dream melted and passed away.

At the time of the storm and tempest that overtook the entire world, when “the mighty of the world” were involved in a war regarding world hegemony, they did not pay attention to the fact that one third of a pure nation was brought up as a sacrifice in sanctification of the Name. Our dear fathers lived in peace and tranquility with our pure mothers, who more than once sacrificed their own lives to save their own children. They all gave up their lives with a still, silent voice…

The natives of our town silently died as their bodies were still writhing in their death throes, as they were moving in the dust of their graves in which they were buried alive, covered in clods of earth that muffled their cries that ascended heavenward.

This Jewish community lived quietly, supporting their simple souls with dignity, earning bread for the mouths of their children, and studying the Book to quench their thirst of the words of G-d;. They all departed silently.

They, in their silent deaths, commanded us to scream out their final scream to the entire world, for they were lacking in the means to do so. This will rob our rest forever. May this scream of ours serve as a memorial to the destruction and iniquity to this world that mortgaged our blood and gave over six million of our people to the hangmen and murderers. We will never forget their lives and their deaths. May their holy memory ascend and shine as a misty light with the memorial flame that will fill the hearts of those of us that remain.

After much toil, with the assistance of a few people, we succeeded in gathering the material, testimony, memories and photographs that are related to the existence of our town Druzhkopol.

We are not oblivious to the fact that the facts and experiences told in these pages are often repeated in different forms. We know that there are contradictions in dates regarding various facts. In our opinion, these personal stories are worthwhile as they are, in their simplicity and purity. We made an effort to not edit them more than necessary, and we present them as they were written, in their original language. We believe that words that come from the heart will penetrate the hearts of the readers, who will erect a monument in their souls to the martyrs of Druzhkopol. We believe that we are thereby fulfilling a double debt that we owe our martyrs. We cannot forget everything that was perpetrated against us. We will never forget “that which Amalek did to us”.

We will read this work, and, with eyes filled with tears, as we remember and replay in our imaginations the days of our childhood, the streets and pathways of our town that lead to the synagogue and to the river. We will certainly see in our memory the familiar faces of our dear relatives, who will never be forgotten from our hearts.

We hope that all of the Holocaust survivors will take this booklet into their hands, and a bit of the atmosphere of “father's home” will rest upon them.

I say the following to the readers of this anthology of memoirs. Do not look in it for “art”, fine literature, or an engrossing book by a thrilling author. These pagers were written and edited not by professional writers, but by simple friends who desired to describe the tranquil life of the people of our town, that was cut off in an untimely fashion, and thereby to perpetuate their memory among us.

We hope and believe that this booklet, our second publication, will be received willingly, with holy awe, as a precious memorial for what was and is no longer. To all of us, these pages of memories should remind us that we are all orphaned. We should all observe the bitter memorial day, which is

The 25th of Elul
A memorial day to the martyrs
Of our town Druzhkopol.

[Page 104]

List of Druzhkopol Natives in Israel

# Family Name Former Family Address
1 Adiri Pinchas Peltz Haifa, Kiryat Eliezer, block 38/2
2 Eisenberg Sara Boxer Kibbutz Gan Shmuel
3 Eizman Gedalyahu   Kfar Bilu, near Rechovot
4 Appelbaum Tzvi   Tel Aviv, Rechov Harav Kook 27
5 Ben-Aryeh Avraham Boxer Kiryat Chaim, Rechov Lamed Chet, 2
6 Ben-Aryeh Binyamin Shargil Haifa, Kiryat Eliezer, Shikun Mumchim 133/I
7 Burstein Baruch   Petach Tikva, Rechov Even Sapir 33
8 Burstein Moshe   Haifa, Rechov Hillel 47
9 Burstein Shalom   Kiryat Chaim, Rechov Kaf Aleph
10 Burstein Chanan   Kiryat Eliezer Block 48/I, Haifa
11 Binyamini Chana Goz Ramat Hasharon
12 Ben-Tal Herzl Batlan Petach Tikva, Rechov Shipper 16
13 Ber Dova   Hadarga near Petach Tivka
14 Ber Sara Schlein Jerusalem, Rechov Zefania 28
15 Bat-shalom Sara Schneider Meshek Givat, Doar Nehalel
16 Badrik Chaya Deutschman Kibbutz Afek near Akko
17 Geier Tzipora   Tel Aviv, Rechov Sirkin 2
18 Goz Shmuel   Holon, Rechov Mafde Ezrachi 33
19 Dayagi Rivka Kipper Haifa, Rechov Geula 50
20 Hirschfeld Avraham   Kvutzat Degania B.
21 Hirschfeld Michael   Haifa, Rechov Hashalom 20
22 Hochberg Shlomo   Kiryat Chaim, Rechov Kaf Daled 14
23 Wahze Pinchas   Petach Tikva, Rechov Katroni 22
24 Wahze Moshe   Petach Tikva, Meonot Ovdim
25 Wallach Yitzchak   Beit Shean, Rechov Mohilever 14
26 Weinstein Pnina Pechman Kiryat Chaim, Rechov Lamed Tet 9

[Page 105]

# Family Name Former Family Address
27 Wackman Yisrael   Kfar Yehoshua
28 Walshber Rachel Mirocznyk Meshek Ashdot Yaakov
29 Wolokita Tzvi   Kfar Givaton near Rechovot
30 Wolokita Yitzchak   Kfar Achim, Doar Na Tel Ashdod
31 Vardi Rina Wolokita Ramat Gan, Rechov Harav Kook 26
32 Wecksler Tzipora Burstein Meshek Yagur
33 Wackman Yoel   Kfar Chaim
34 Wackman Hinda   Kibbutz Ramat Hakovesh
35 Wallach Malka   Kiryat Chaim, Rechov Gimel 54
36 Zlotolov Miriam Peltz Kiryat Amal, Rechov Hakarmel 42
37 Zylberberg Esther Fishman Tel Aviv, Rechov Nachmani 52
38 Yanai Tzvi Yentis Tel Aviv, Rechov Dizengoff 22
39 Yekutieli Mordechai Klatz Tel Aviv, Rechov Antipolski 9
40 Yekutieli Tzipora Goz Tel Aviv, Rechov Antipolski 9
41 Yaakovi Meir Pasternak Rishon Letzion, Rechov Rothschild
42 Katz Eliezer   Tel Aviv, Rechov Sderot Ben Zion 14
43 Linden Yaakov   Rishon Letzion
44 Linden Shlomo   Ramat Gan B', Rechov Hatichon 13
45 Lerner Leibel   Tel Aviv Café Noga
46 Lebowitz Gisa Fishman Rechovot, Neve Yehuda
47 Linden Pnina   Kibbutz Givat Hashelosha
48 Margalit Aharon Burstein Ein Hatchelet, near Netanya
49 Most Chaya Wahze Meshek Ashdot Yaakov
50 Nachumi Shoshana Gelman Kiryat Chaim, Rechov Mem Zayin 20
51 Selai Tzipora Kipper Haifa, Rechov Sirkin 70
52 Safra Shemaya   Tel Aviv, Yad Eliahu, Rechov La Guardia 23
53 Sapirstein Mina Linden Ramat Gan B', Rechov Haroeh 110

[Page 106]

# Family Name Former Family Address
54 Anavi Bluma Horenstein Haifa, Neve Shaanan, Rechov Hagalil 82
55 Parnas Tzipora Kaftzan Kfar Givaton near Rechovot
56 Pek Dvora Klatz Tivon, Rechov Hachoresh 25
57 Feibisewitz Naomi Fuchs Rishon Letzion, Shchunat Hapoalim
58 Friedman Keila Wolokita Haifa, Rechov Allenby 77
59 Fuchs Avraham   Ramat Gan B', Rechov Hatzor 12
60 Fogel Yehuda   Petach Tivka, Shikun Vatikim
61 Fogel Yitzchak   Petach Tivka, Shikun Vatikim
62 Fishman Bluma Warnitza Jerusalem, Kiryat Moshe, Shikun Chayalim, Block 2
63 Zweig Tova Klatz Holon, Rechov Ovadia 22
64 Kaftzan Yitzchak   Kfar Bilu near Rechovot
65 Kaftzan Tzvi   Kfar Bilu near Rechovot
66 Kaftzan Eliezer   Kfar Bilu near Rechovot
67 Kipper Moshe   Tzfat, Shikun Chadash
68 Kornfeld Tzipora Schlein Hadera, Shikun Vatikin
69 Kantor Nachum   Tel Aviv, Chevrat Hachashmal LeEretz Yisrael (Israel Electric Company)
70 Kom Dina Honig Kibbutz Givat Doar Nehelal
71 Reiter Sara Wahze Kibbutz Afek near Akko
72 Shlaoni Yehoshua Schlein Ramat Gan, Rechov Yoav 10
73 Schreier Menachem   Kfar Bilu Near Rechovot
74 Shulminster Pnina Shargil Kfar Chasidim near Haifa
75 Shachori Henia Shargil Ramat Gan B', Rechov Chatzor 35
76 Schlein Malka   Hadera, Shikun Vatikim
77 Schorr Rivka Teitelbaum Haifa, Kiryat Eliezer, Block I/48
78 Shochet Tova Beker Haifa, Rechov Hahar 50 A'
79 Tanchuma Mordechai Goz Kfar Yehoshua
80 Burstein Yitzchak   Moshav Ometz near Hadera

[Page 107]

{Page Photo: The first meeting of the natives of Druzhkopol in Israel on the Intermediate Days of Passover, April 20, 1946, at which it was decided to register the martyrs of the town in the Golden Book of the Jewish National Fund (Keren Kayemet LeYisrael, to plant a forest in their names, and to publish a memorial booklet.

All of these decisions were actualized completely.}

[Page 108]

With the Presentation of the Book

“Remove the shoes from your feet – for you are standing on holy ground”.

A sublime splendor, a splendor from olden days rises from that which is written on the pages of memory and eulogy in “Our City of Druzhkopol” about our beloved and pleasant parents, brothers and sisters who perished and died the death of the mighty on the alter of our freedom, and upon whose blood is engraved the freedom of the Jewish Nation.

It is expected that this pure booklet will arouse in the hearts of the readers who are from our town or from another town, a bit of the traits and preciousness that were the soul of our city Druzhkopol.

* * *

It is our duty to express thanks for the boundless dedication and energy, physical and spiritual efforts that were dedicated to this booklet until it was published, by our friend Binyamin Ben-Aryeh (Shargil); to our friend Tz. From Kibbutz Metzuva for the cover illustration, To Dr. Malekman of Yad Vashem for his guidance and monetary support for the publication of this booklet, to the writer Z. Kachol for the poems that he dedicated to this booklet, and also to Mrs. Leah Shapira for her dedication to the success of this book.

May all of them be blessed and thanked.

P. A.

* * *

The editorial board expresses its thanks to our friend Buni Adiri for the translation of several articles from Yiddish to Hebrew.

The Editorial Board

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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