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[Page 6]

A picture of the town drawn from memory by Abraham Boxer (Ben Aryeh)

[Page 7]

Names of the Martyrs of Our
Town Druzhkopol of Blessed Memory

[Right Column Page 8]

{Translator's Note – almost all names are followed by “and his/her family of blessed memory” – for readability, I omitted that epitaph}


Eizman Chaya
Eizman Yehoshua
Eizman Leizer
Eizman Peretz
Appelbaum Sara-Lea


Boxer Zalman
Boxer Yosef
Burstein Uri
Burstein Batya
Burstein Chaya-Temi
Burstein Levi
Burstein Pinchas
Burstein Sheindel
Batlan Avraham
Batlan Yosef
Batlan Yechiel
Batlan Mottel
Biber Yona
Biber Leizer
Bikov Shmuel
Belcher Mendel
Bolinder Moshe
Beker Chaim
Beker Lea
Beker Natan
Beker Feivel
Ber Moti
Beter Foigel
Baram the children of Leibish Chaim


Goz Aryeh
Goz BenZion
Goz Mendi
Goz Moshe
Goz Leib

[Left column page 8]

Goz Leib
Guterman David
Guterman Leizer
Goldenberg Izak
Goldenberg David
Goldstein Shmuel
Gornberg Avraham
Gornberg Chaya
Gornberg Yosef-Leib
Gornberg Yitzchak
Gornberg Peretz
Geier Herschel
Geier Shmuel
Gelman Uri
Groiser Leizer
Groiser Shlomo
Gershfeld Monia
Gershfeld Ezra


Doiver Avraham
Doiver Yitzchak-Moshe
Doiver Leibish
Donik Hirsch-David
Donik Yosef
Donik Moshe
Donik Noach
Dokrin Izak
Deutsch Abish
Deutschman Mottel
Deutschman Shlomo


Honik Gershon
Honik Hirsch
Horenstein Shabtai
Hornstein Shalom
Hecht Felik

[Right column page 9]

Hirschfeld Moshe
Hirschfeld Tzvi


Wallach Yosel
Wahze Yankel
Wahze Yankel
Wahze Moshe
Wahze Shaya
Wahze Pinchas
Wolokita Moshe
Wolokita Reiza
Wilicker Rabi
Wingarten Shlomo
Werber Yisrael
Werber Mottel
Warnica Hirsch
Warnica Yekutiel
Warnica Mendel
Warnica Rivka
Warnica Shimon


Zamal Avraham
Zamal Hirsch


Toher Yosef
Torcyn Izak
Torcyn Chaim-Yankel
Torcyn Yosef
Teitelbaum Gershon
Teitelbaum Yosef


Yentis Aharon
Yentis Efraim
Yentis Yosef Binyamin
Yentis Yehuda
Yentis Yehoshua-Herschel
Yentis Menashe

[Left column page 9]


Lindman Yosef
Linden Chaim-Yankel
Linden Moshe
Linden Reuven
Linden Shlomo-Yosef
Lifschitz Leibish


Miller Berel
Mirocznyk Yankel
Mirocznyk Yitzchak
Mirocznyk Shefi


Nodel Gicel
Nodel Yitzchak
Nodler Tovia
Nodler Yosef
Nodler Moshe


Soborowski Yaakov
Stemper Bella
Sister Moshe
Safra Herschel


Fuchs Lea
Fuchman Mordechai
Furman Yechezkel
Furman Yisrael-Mordechai
Furman Yitzchak
Pechman Shmuel
Finkel Wolf
Fishman Ber
Fishman Yankel
Fishman Yisrael
Fishman Fishel
Fishman Shaul
Psuli David
Pasternak Yankel

[Right column page 10]

Pasternak Moshe-Ber


Zawik Moshe
Zukerman Tovia
Zukerman Lipa
Zorelnik Alter
Czap Binyamin
Czap Yankel
Czap Leah


Kotkis Mendel
Kolton Chuna
Kosovar Anshel
Kosover Yitzchak
Kipper Yehuda Hirsch
Kipper Leibish
Kipper Leibish
Kipper Mendel
Kipper Shmuel
Klautz Yekutiel
Kantor Avraham
Kantor Anshel
Kantor Hirsch
Kantor Zalman
Kantor Yankel
Kantor Malka
Kantor Shalom
Kantor Shlomo
Kruchmal Avraham
Krimer Avraham
Krimer Hirsch
Krimer Yisrael-Kehat
Krimer Leib
Krimer Leizer
Kaftzan BenZion

[Left column page 10]


Rubenstein Lipa
Rotenfudim Hirsch
Reiz Avraham
Reiz Gitel-Chana
Recht Shimon


Schwarz Feibish
Stern Yuki
Stern Moshe David
Shifer Mottel
Schlein David
Schlein Donia
Schlein Yosef-David
Schlein Moshe
Schmukler Yehoshua-Moshe
Schneider BenZion
Schneider Yitzchak
Schneider Shalom
Shatz Yisrael
Shatz Mottel-Shochet
Shkulnik Levi
Shriber Avraham
Shargil Avraham-Leib
Shargil Zelda

Jews of nearby villages

Polin, Skrilov, Rozistev,
Buzhany, Brany, Kvasov
Okhlopov, Pechikhvosty,
Strelcha, Selets, Doyov, Briskewicz,
Borochiche, Kosof,
Shpikolosy, Koniuchy

[Page 11]

Natives of the Town Who died Fighting in Israel

Yosef Kaftzan
Pesia Lifschitz
Baruch Wakman
Hinda and Shmuel Wlokita
Moshe Wallach
Mina Horenstein
Avraham Kantor
Zelda Groiser
Yaakov the son of Avraham Ben-Aryeh Boxer
Sara Ber
Yosef and Toti Tennenbaum
David Eisenberg (the son of Sara Boxer)

[Page 12]

Map of Druzhkopol and environs, drawn by Avraham Boxer (Ben Aryeh)

[Page 13]

Upon the Publication of the Second Booklet

As a second step toward the publication of the Memorial Book to the martyrs of our town, we wish to inform the natives of our town of the second booklet

“Pages of Memory and Eulogy”

May it by His will that this booklet shall serve as a candle to the souls of the pure martyrs.

We hope that the contents of these pages will serve an additional support for the perpetuation of the dear, holy memory of Druzhkopol, through the publication of a book that is fitting of its name, that shall be a fine marker to the names and memories of our dear ones.

Let us hope that the knowledge shall increase, and more and more members will participate in the future.

It is possible that these pages – memorials and eulogies – just as the pure deeds of our parents, brothers, and sisters, will awaken in the hearts of the readers, children and parents alike, a little of the dear qualities that were the soul of “Our Town Druzhkopol”.

Our deep thanks is given to all who participates in this booklet, and to all those who assisted in the publication of this booklet, either directly or indirectly.

The Editorial Board

Collector and Editor: Binyamin Ben-Aryeh (Shargil)

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