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[Page 370]

Tint, others

Tenenbaum, Avraham
Tenenbaum, Ethel
Tenenbaum, Moshe
Tenenbaum, Sarah
Tenenbaum, Bracha
Tenenbaum, Yaakov

Tenenbaum, Eliezer Zalman
Tenenbaum, Breina Mirel
Tenenbaum, Avraham Yaakov
Tenenbaum, Rodya
Tenenbaum, Miriam

Tenenbaum, Beila Miriam, husband Shmuel Kotler, children
Tenenbaum, Beila Miriam, husband Yisroel Polig, children Yente, Eidel

Tenenbaum Sheyna Rochel, husband Shmuel Kotler, children Avraham, Hersh, Paya and Yenta

Tenenbaum, Zelig
Tenenbaum, Sarah Chana
Tenenbaum, Ezra
Tenenbaum, Pinya
Tenenbaum, a girl
Tenenbaum, Miriam
Tenenbaum, Rosa

Tchapotshnik, Aharon
Tchapotshnik, Leah
Tchapotshnik, Chaya Ita
Tchapotshnik, Shepsel

Cherniak, David
Cherniak, wife
Cherniak, children

Cherniak, mother
Cherniak, Sarah Leah
Cherniak, son

Yanovsky, Bobtsha and family,
Botsha's mother, Chanele Alberman

Yarenkes, Reizel
Yarenkes, children
Yudelevsky, Orele
Yudelevsky, Sarah
Yudelevsky, Moshe
Yudelevsky, Hillel
Yudelevsky, David
Yudelevsky, Lieba (wife)
Yudelevsky, 2 children

Katislavsky, Leizer
Katislavsky, wife
Katislavsky, 6 children

Katz, Binyamin
Katz, Chana
Katz, a boy

Lampel, D., Doctor

Lazarevitch, Sarah Leah

Lomasky, Esther

London, Aharon
London, Sarah Fruma
London, Avraham Leib
London, Yudel
London, Leizer
London, Rachel, husband and child

London, Bashkas, husband Avraham Fialkov and child, Esther

London, Binyamin
London, Hinda
London, Rachel

London, Hinda, husband Mordechai and children:
Chaim-Yudel, Rachel, Sarah, Reizel, Berl, his wife and child

London, Henoch
London, wife
London, 5 children

London, Toiba
London, Yeshayahu
London, Simcha
London, another 2 children

London, Yisrael
London, Freidel
London, Yoel Moshe
London, Yankel
London, Yudel
London, Sarah Reizel
London, Chaya Gitel
London, Yitzchak
wife and 2 children

London, Chava

Lasovsky, Aharon, country doctor
Lasovsky, Chayka
Lasovsky, Dintsha
Lasovsky, Moshe
Lasovsky, Hershel

Lasinsky, Leizer
Lasinsky, wife
Lasinsky, Leiba
Lasinsky, Yitzchak
Lasinsky, wife
Lasinsky, children
Lasinsky, daughter, husband and children

Lofman, Aharon
Lofman, Itka
Lofman, 3 children: Esther Leah Lev, Mother

Lopatin, Esther-Feigel
Lubatshevsky, Avraham
Lubatshevsky, wife

[Page 371]

Lubatshevsky, a girl
Lubatshevsky, a daughter, son-in-law Schlossberg, child

Lubatshevsky, Leizer
Lubatshevsky, wife
Lubatshevsky, 2 childlren

Lyubashevsky, Khamka
Lyubashevsky, Rivka
Lyubashevsky, Sarah
Lyubashevsky, children

Ludvinsky, Leibel
Ludvinsky, Shifra
Ludvinsky, 5 children
Basha Milner, Mother

Laufer, Berl
Laufer, Bluma
Laufer, 4 children

Laufer, Mordechai
Laufer, wife
Laufer, daughter, husband and children

Liakhovitsky, Avrham Yaakov
Liakhovitsky, wife
Liakhovitsky, children

Liakhovitsky, Falk
Liakhovitsky, wife
Liakhovitsky, children

Liakhovitsky, Shimon
Liakhovitsky, wife
Liakhovitsky, children

Liakhovitsky, Itsha
Liakhovitsky, wife
Liakhovitsky, children

Liakhovitsky, Leizer
Liakhovitsky, wife
Liakhovitsky, children

Lieberman, Meir
Lieberman, Esther
Lieberman, Yossel
Lieberman, Shlomo
Lieberman, Ezra
Lieberman, a daughter

Lieberman, Shaina Chaya
Lieberman, Reuven
Lieberman, Yankel
Lieberman, Golda
Lieberman, a child

Lichtenstein, Bashka
Lichtenstein, son

Linik, Aryeh

Lifshitz, Bobbel
Lifshitz, wife
Lifshitz, children

Lev, Eliezer
Lev, Rivka
Lev, Isaac
Lev, a daughter
Lev, Rachel, her husband and child

Lev, Ephraim
Lev, wife
Lev, children

Lev, Berl Shimon Nachums
Lev, wife
Lev, Dvosha
Lev, Manya
Lev, Sarah
Lev, Zlata and son-in-law

Lev, Velvel (Kirszner)
Lev, Yerachmiel
Lev, Binyamin
Lev, wife
Lev, child
Lev, Leibe
Lev, wife
Lev, 2 children
Lev, daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren

Lev, Velvel Leibetshkas
Lev, Rachel
Lev, Elazar
Lev, wife
Lev, children
Lev, Yerucham Lieb
Lev, wife
Lev, children

Lev, Zeidel Horbacher
Lev, Perl
Lev, Pesha
Lev, Basha
Lev, Hershel
Lev, Rachel
Lev, Yossel
Lev, Chaya Mirel, Mother

Lev, Temtsa Kalmans
Lev, daughter-in-law
Lev, 4 children

Lev, Yozep
Lev, Leah
Lev, Moshe
Lev, Leizer
Lev, another child
Lev, Toiba-Leah, husband Moshe, children

Lev, Yitzchak
Lev, son
Lev, daughter-in-law
Lev, children

Lev, Yeshayahu
Lev, wife
Lev, children
Lev, Yisrael Zelig
Lev, Feigel
Lev, David
Lev, Tsila
Lev, child

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