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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)




Translated by Sara Mages

  Estimated date - Monday, 29 May, 1939

Aunt Bat-Shevah in no longer with us, she left us for her eternal resting place. She passed away on fifth day of the month of Iyar in “Bikur Cholim” [hospital] in Kovna. She lived alone, and died alone. But that's how it is, and it couldn't have been different. What do you think Freida! Does Uncle Morris should know about it or not…

Children, I'm sorry that this time I don't send good tidings. I have no choice, and I do it against my will.

Be healthy. Do not despair. We've already calmed down and we have a great and strong hope for the future. If only Pesele could immigrate, and then, we, mother and I will rise up and fly to our beloved children.

Your father


My beloved loyal children Freida and Avraham,

It's almost five weeks since I've lost my beloved sister Bat-Shevah. She was in Yamova. She didn't feel good in the last period before Passover. I spent a few days with her. She thought that her condition was better. They asked me to come for the last days of Passover, and I traveled immediately. She was already weak and she was taken by “first aid” to the hospital in Kovna. I was in Kovna for Passover but it didn't help, and in this manner her world ended. We hope that God will not let us know more sorrow.

My beloved Freida, write me about my sister Ela, is she alive? How do you like the new happy news from Leah? May God give us good luck for many years. In addition, there was a fire here. As expected, the fear was great and there was a little damage, but it passed. If we can only be healthy.

Maybe you want to send us money, at the moment it's not necessary because the exchange rate is very low and we will not get a lot of money. Others are doing business. They pay 12Lit for a dollar. Anyone who wants to keep the money in America is going to be rich. We'll see what we can do to take advantage of the time. Be calm, everything is fine, our business works the way it was.

The way I see it, you're satisfied with the plans of our Moshe. I've nothing to say. I'm pleased that he likes it. Good luck to them. They probably hope that they will be able to travel. For us this isn't a great joy. Unfortunately, this is the only way, they must go. Let's hope that we will be able to live in the same place together. For now, life must go on, and with patience everything will come. We hope to be healthy. Write how you feel. I hope to hear good news from you.

Wishing you,
your mother.

Warm regards to your parents and to your beloved family members.
I'm sending warm regards to all my friends.


My beloved Freida and Avraham,

Mazel Tov to us, Leahtzke got married. We received three pictures - of her, her husband's, and Shoshanna. Her husband looks like a strong cheerful young man. Freida, he looks like your Avraham. He makes this impression in the picture.

He doesn't write in Hebrew, it seems that he's weak in the holy language. Leah is very happy with him. We know about her marriage for several weeks, but we were busy with the affairs of the fire and we didn't have the time to write you.

All of us are healthy. Moshe was here for the holiday of Shavuot. Yesterday he went back to work in Raseiniai.

We're waiting for your immediate response with good news.

Wishing you well,

Miriam sends her regards.


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