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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)



Translated by Sara Mages

Dotnuva 21 May, 1939  Sunday, 3 Sivan, 5699

My dear children Freida and Avraham,

Thank God all of us are healthy, how are you?

I believe that you already know that our Leah got married to a Bulgarian young man from the Kibbutz. He's very nice, kind-hearted decent man. She's very pleased with her fate. Reizale says that we should be happy that Leah found such a husband. May they have a good and happy life.

Meanwhile, the situation in Israel is very sad, and to all the Jews in Diaspora, God knows what will be the end of us…

My beloved children! This letter of mine is lying here for eight days, I started to write and put it aside. I waited for Moshe, and then write you. It was really hard for me to write you about all the events that occurred here, but Moshe had already written you. Thank God that he poured his wrath on the trees and the rocks. Thank God, we are healthy - we're holding on pretty well.

Five months ago we had two fires. The first time we were a little frightened and had some damage. We recovered immediately and put out the fire with the help of the Fire Brigade. Then they set fire to the building of the Heder. And now, on May 16, they set fire to the barn, so that the whole building was caught at once.

By miracles and wonders, our house and the adjacent houses of the murderers, namely Bankovsky's house and the others, remained intact. If their houses were destroyed it was a mortal danger for us. But thank God - it was arson both times. God knows who, and why. Maybe our competitor, the owner of the second restaurant, but it is impossible, and we aren't allowed to talk…

Now we want to do some restoration to the room where the concrete cellar is located, so we will have a place to put the beer bottles. We have to because we need it for our daily use during the summer. But we need to get a license for this, and it will take a few weeks. Right now we're not planning to build large buildings because we hope to somehow escape from Dotnuva. Currently, the consulate receives applications for travel to America, so Pessie submitted a request. It can take several months to get the visa, but still, we need to be prepared. Write us the approximate amount that you can send her as a guarantee.

I no longer want to worry about Miriam because it doesn't help, meaning, that she doesn't want to give. After all, she has the money that is under your supervision and she can take care of herself. Mother and I will also travel anywhere possible…


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