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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)





Translated by Sara Mages

Tuesday Dotnuva 2 nd May 39

My dear beloved children Freida and Avraham!

We received your letter. Here everything is as it was. How are you?

Our Moshe was in Kovna on Saturday, he inquired at HIAS [Hebrew Immigrants Aid Society] about the possibility of immigrating to America. They said, that he should ask the American HIAS what kind of an affidavit he needs to do in order to get a visa here.

In regards to Moshe personally, as an agronomist, they said that it would be a lot easier to execute. He needs to find a wealthy man in America, meaning, a landowner who needs an agronomist. Probably with a commitment, that he would support him financially (so I think). When you'll be at the HIAS office you will get all the information.

Maybe one of our American relatives knows wealthy men who will agree to do this favor. Yitzchak Kagan is also hoping to travel that way with Rachel Abel to her brother and sister in Africa. Maybe the relatives of the young woman Elkind know such property owners. Apparently, she and Moshe need to inquire and write to her friends there about it, and you should do the same.

We received a letter from Reizale with the same news. Thank God, they are healthy.

Your father

A friendly greeting to Avraham's parents and to the entire family

To Freida and Avraham many blessings!

On Friday I traveled to Kovna and met with Moshe who came on the same day. Moshe went to HIAS and asked in what way he can now travel to the United States. First, if all of his agronomist papers will give him a greater possibility to travel to America than any other person. About my trip, I'll probably have to wait for Kota. I think father wrote you about it.

When I came home I found a letter from you and also from Shoshanna. Everyone is worried about us. Shoshanna is looking for a young man for Miriam, even though it's not a very easy matter. First of all, the economic situation in Israel isn't organized and also the political situation isn't good, and secondly, it should cost a lot of money for two people. If Miriam would have agreed, it was possible to arrange the matter a little different.

Avraham, in your letter to us you ask why I don't write. I don't know that at all, I think that in each letter I'm the one who writes you all the news. Yes, I remember that in the last letter that we received from you was a printed page with songs. We know how to sing most of the songs, and we thank you for this. Now there are newer songs than the songs that you sent us, such as "Shir Hamishmar" by David Shimonovitch, after Hanita and Ramat HaKovesh, songs full of energy, bravery and hope.

Yes Freidale, today I read a letter from Herschel Marcus, he became a “Ghaffir” [watchman] in Ramat HaKovesh, currently one of the most dangerous places in Israel. Moshe Greber brought me the letter to read. Of course, he's happy that his grandson, Hershele, received such a decent job, a "politsynat [policeman]. I think Reiche would have died for the second time if she heard the news (that's my guess).

So now you want to know what I'm doing in Kovna. First, I haven't been to our capital city for a whole year, and secondly, I fixed my teeth. I also pulled a rot. Thirdly, I went to the Jewish theatre and saw "Tuvia the Milkman" by Shalom Aleichem, it was the premiere performance for the centennial of Shalom Aleichem (Rabinowitch). I liked this show very much. Tragedy and comedy merge in all of the writer's plays. I laughed a lot in the theatre and I was also sad,

I think that I wrote you about everything. Be safe and sound.

Yours Pessie

Greetings from Mother and Miriam


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