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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)





Translated by Sara Mages

5 May, 1938 Thursday, 19 days to the counting of the Omer, 5698

My beloved children!

Mother and Pessie already wrote you, I remained the last one. My heart told me that I should wait for a letter from you, and then, I will write you. And indeed, today we received the letter that you wrote us during the intermediate days of Passover. We should thank God that you're healthy. My dear children, we only want to hear good news from you.

My beloved children! You already wrote us in your previous letter that you spoke with Herbert Fishel's wife about the money that we should get from your uncle, but despite that, I think that we need to talk to him, it would be better for him if we settle it peacefully. It costs money to litigate in court, and who knows what the verdict would be. It'll be much more expensive for him. You understand what you need to do.

There's no news here, thank God all of us are healthy. Miriam traveled today to Keidan. She'll write you if she'll get home before the mail. Be healthy and happy.

Your father

A friendly and loving greeting to Avraham's parents, we wish everyone good health.

Freida and Avraham! We thank you for the 5 dollars and for the package that you sent to Shoshanna it will be useful for her. Be healthy.


My beloved daughter Freida and Avraham, May you live in happiness.

We waited impatiently for your letter, we think that we haven't received a letter from you for a month, and it took a long time for this letter to arrive, 20 days. Thank God that you feel good.

We received letters from Reizale and Leah and they were written before Passover. Now we hope to receive the letter that they wrote in Raanana on Passover. They enjoyed the holiday more than the previous year because they were able to be together and talk like sisters. It's unfortunate that the riots haven't ended in the country, and it causes a lot of distress.

Let's hope for better times to come. The girls are waiting for your letters and they wonder why you don't write them.

What's up with you my dear children, how do you feel, you had a visitor, Hieman's wife. What is she telling about the family? She has a son and he's already a big guy, if he's alive. And how is her mother-in-law. I want to know about them. Do you get letters from my sister Elka, how is she? Freida, write letters often and be healthy.

Wishing you,
your mother.

Warm regards to my cousin Chaya and her beloved children.
Greetings to your uncle and to all my friends.


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