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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)





Translated by Sara Mages

Wednesday, 6 April, 1938  

My beloved loyal children Freida and Avraham!

Thank God, all of us are healthy. You don't have to be worried about our political situation, right now Lita and Poland reconciled through peaceful means, and there's peace and tranquility here. We don't know what will happen here and in other countries in the future.

This is a fire, and such strong winds can transfer the fire very far, and nobody knows where it'll happen first. Therefore, we have to be calm and wait patiently until God will have mercy on us, and then, there will be peace upon Israel.

We've no news. Be healthy and calm. We're already getting ready for Passover, the wine and the mead have been prepared successfully, and if God willing, we'd be free and next year in Jerusalem.

Your father


My dear children Freida and Avraham,

We received your letter, we thank God that you feel good and that you're satisfied.

My beloved children, I thank you very much that you're worried about us and that you want to improve the situation of the children. Maybe you could do something for them. Freida, you ask which one of them needs your immediate help, right now we can't tell you.

We sent letters to Reizale and Leah and they'll consult between them on this matter. Reizale is traveling to Leah for Passover. They will discuss the matter, what to do and for whom the situation is more urgent.

Dear Freida, what's Reizale writing you, how is she? They're going through such a difficult time. Moshe sent her 3 Funt, so she made a fuss that he'll not do it anymore. She's the kind of a person who doesn't want to bother anyone.

Leah's situation is the same, she's satisfied. We'll be happy when things calm down in Israel.

We're very pleased that this year you're a housewife and that you'll make good kneidlach for yourself. We wish you a happy kosher Passover and a lot of pleasure. Write us how you spent your Passover. Be healthy and strong.

Your mother who is wishing you happiness.

Warm regards to your beloved parents and family. I'm sending my regards to my beloved cousin Chaya and her dear children. A greeting to all my friends. A warm regard to your uncle.


Shalom my beloved Frieda and Avraham!

We received all your letters, and were very pleased to read your devoted letter to us. You don't need to be concerned about us. The situation here in Lita hasn't changed, except that there's peace with Poland, meaning, that the “administrative line” near Jewje [Vievis] was opened. For now, the transportation is still not organized, but we hope that very soon we will be able to travel to Vilna through the “administrative line.”

We sent your letters to Moshe. We'll discuss the details with Moshe when he gets home for Passover, then, we'll write you a letter.

How are you my dear? Are you getting ready for Passover? The wine is filtered, the mead is prepared and the matza is grounded. All the work has been completed and we only need to sit at the Seder table.

Freida! You probably don't feel the holiday eve, because you can buy everything ready. Freida! You surely remember the mess here, cleaning all the corners and the cracks, so that, God forbid, leavened will not remain at home. And “gam zu le-tovah” [this, too, will be for the best], at least once a year.

Well, be healthy and have a happy holiday. Eat a lot of kneidlach.

Yours, Pessie

My dear!

Everyone has already written to you, and I should also write a few words. I wish you a happy and good holiday. Freidale, make fat kneidlach, enjoy.

Be healthy my dear.
Yours, Miriam


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