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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)





Translated by Sara Mages

Dotnuva 27.5.1937 Beha'alotecha [weekly Torah reading] 5697

My beloved loyal daughter Freida!

It's been several weeks since we wrote you a letter, we were simply not organized. How are you? Have you already sent the request about the package? We're afraid that it'll be ruined, [after] such a long time on the way.

We have no news, we assume that Leah is already in the kibbutz, she wrote that she'll stay with Reizale until after the holiday of Shavuot, and then, she'll travel to the kibbutz in Raanana. For the time being we haven't received a letter from her, we hope to receive it in the coming days.

Pessiele traveled to Rasayn to Moshe for the holiday of Shavuot, she stayed there for several days, and had a pleasant time. He wanted her to stay longer, but still, she came home because we need her at home. Moshe lives quite well, but no more than day to day life. But that's also good, without it, it would be worse.

Right now we received a long letter from Leah, she is staying with Reizale. She's getting ready to travel to the kibbutz. Pessiele will write you more.

Be well,
Your father
Regards to your uncle



Avraham Weiner (the tailor) was just here, and he asked us the following favor: the sister of Etel Toker, who is located in Brooklyn, asked him to send her his picture, but he doesn't have her address (he doesn't want to ask Etel), so, he wants you to send him the address. Please, do this favor. So the Americans will be happy with the picture of Abraham the tailor.

I am sending you a picture that we received today from Shoshana. She was photographed with Hana Goldberg before Leah arrived to Israel.



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