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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)



Translated by Sara Mages

27.2.37 Dotnuva

Hello my beloved Freida!

It seems to me that the family already wrote you that I'm getting ready to leave Lita in the very near future and immigrate to Israel.

Yes, finally I'm also among those who are called immigrants, and I must say that I'm pretty pleased with that although it is not easy to leave home, but what can we do, our destiny is to always wander… I'm sure, that since you left us you didn't have enough time to forget the hard feelings of separation, and I don't want to come and repeat them.

I have to leave Dotnuva on March 4th and Kovna on the 5th so I only have four days to spend at home. Everything was done very quickly, in two weeks I had to prepare all the documents, clothing, etc. and of course, I'm almost done.

I'm not traveling directly to Israel but to Yugoslavia. I'll have to stay there from two weeks to a month because we're going to get our immigration permits (certificates) there.

I feel very good. I bought a non expensive gray coat, a number of dresses and all the necessary items appropriate to life in Israel. I'll write you a letter from Yugoslavia with more detailed, right now I don't have the time and patience.

I came home yesterday and I've very little time to spend here. I found them healthy and satisfied that I can leave Lita since no one wants to stay here.

What about you? Why didn't you write me all this time? How do you feel in our uncle's home? Are you working? I really want to get an answer from you in Yugoslavia. I'll write you right after I get there.

Be well and don't despair. I still hope that we'll meet in Israel.

Yours forever, Leah.

P.S. I'm adding a few pictures that were taken recently in Poliputa.


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