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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)





Translated by Sara Mages

31.1.1937 Dotnuva
Hello Frieda,

A week has passed since we received your letter and we decided to answer you so you wouldn't worry about us. Always, when there is nothing to write (or talk about), we start to tell about the weather, so, I will also start from this topic. Right now we have a fierce cruel winter, and despite the fact that it's not snowing the cold temperature reaches -30 ° Celsius. It rained until January and we thought that we wouldn't have a winter, but we were wrong. Father already said that he wouldn't buy “Boothose” [boot liners], but now he was forced to buy. We use the three heaters and it is really nice to sit at home. Miriam wants me to go for a walk with her, but I'm afraid to stick my nose outside. So, I'm done writing you about the weather.

Now I'll write you about our business. This year we took a restaurant instead of the tavern. Previously it was called Tractor but now they changed the name. The license doesn't cost much money, and in addition, there is nothing to be afraid of. Last year Rotman came and found people drinking, and without thinking much he wrote a report and we had to pay 150 Litas fine. Well, this year we didn't want any trouble and also got a liquor license.

Friedale, what's new in your life, you write us very little so we don't know anything. How do you live with the daughter, and how is our uncle treating you. We want to know if there is a chance that you might be able to get a teaching job in the future. Moshe invited me to visit him but I can't travel right now.

We received a letter from Shoshanna yesterday. She complains that you don't write her. We sent her the letter that we received from you and she was very happy about it. Shoshanna wrote that you probably forgot that she exists in the world. Write her.

Perale is here and she is talking like an adult (really). She knows everything and she's asking me who I'm writing a letter to. When I told her that I'm writing to Frieda, she said, in Amica, she didn't forget you.

Shoshanna sent her two balloons in a letter. She was very happy but she didn't know what to do with them, so she threw one of them on the ground and it exploded immediately. She didn't cry. She said that she'll ask Reizale from Palestina (that's how she says it) to send her another. We laughed a lot. Ete has a lot of pleasure from her and she is very developed for her age. She sings all the songs with the words that she hears from us.

I'm done writing because I want to go to the post office to get a newspaper. We'll read what's happening in the world.

Be well, many kisses, Pessie


My beloved daughter Freida,

It's been a week since we received your letter. Thank God that you feel good. How are your teeth? Do you suffer from pain? Does the treatment cost you a lot of money?

How are you? How do you feel? Is it cold where you live? It was freezing cold here for the past two weeks but it's warmer today. Thank God - we went through this in peace.

The children probably wrote you that we have permission to sell brandy in the house, let's hope that our lives will be a little easier, the daily fears that we'll get a report ... My dear daughter, let's hope that everything will get better and we'll l hear good news from you. Write us long letters and write who are your closest acquaintances and friends.

I go to Fruma Markus often. I've already written to you what happened to them. For sure the disaster is big enough for them. But what can you do, the living must live. Fruma is alone and her health is very weak. Her leg is sickly. But despite everything, she functions quite well. If it's not too difficult for you write Fruma a letter.

What can I write you? I'm waiting for your immediate reply with good news. My heart wish is that you will get married. There's no reason to wait when you're still young and pretty. What is your uncle thinking of giving, write us what you know about it.

Be well and strong.
Wishing you, your mother.

Give my cordial regards to your uncle.
Greetings to all my friends.

Father, L.Z. and Miriam are asking about your wellbeing. Father isn't at home. He's busy with the joint business. Miriam looks pretty good this winter.


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