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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)





Translated by Sara Mages

1 Tishrei 5697 Sunday, 20 Sep 1936

My beloved daughter,

How are you, how do you feel at this time? My heart is hurting a lot for you my love because you were left alone and lonely. How do you spend your Saturdays and holidays? Write me if you were invited to spend the holidays with relatives and friends. Did you travel somewhere on your own?

My beloved, don't complain about your fate. I am quoting you the famous proverb that our rabbi, Rabbi Koshelevski, comforted us with: “God preceded and sent us medicine for this wound”, meaning, that you traveled to your aunt in America at the right time, while she was still alive. If you were here with us in Dotnuva, your fate would be as bad and bitter as our fate. You are there, and I hope that your uncle is taking good care of you. Try everything you can to influence him, and also ask from many good, honest people, to recommend you so he will take care of you. Your mother still doesn't know anything. I think that if she knew she would have written a letter to her relatives about you.

I don't know who to turn to. Write me about it to the address of Rabbi Koshelevski. We don't have any news. Thank God, we are alive and well. For the time Moshe is in Palanga, but he wrote me that he is thinking of traveling to Rasayn [Raseiniai] after the holiday of Sukkoth. He will stay there for a year as a high school teacher. According to the new law, there are going to be two departments in Palanga's High School, but he doesn't want to stay there under these conditions. He already made arrangements with Rasayn. He will come home for Yom Kippur. After the days of the holiday of Sukkot he will travel to Rasayn if the ministry approves his certificate and his request.

Have a peaceful life, your father.

I ask you again to write us the truth about everything that is happening to you and don't hide anything from us. I send my regards to your uncle and bless him with “Gmar Chatima Tova” [May he be inscribed in the Book of Life]. The one above.

My beloved Freidale!

How are you feeling after the great tragedy? The most important thing is that you are well. Freidale, you need to know how to hold on. Can we help with something? Can we do something? Be strong, don't give up. You are still young, good things will come to you. I understand quite well what our aunt was to you, she was everything. But what can we do, this is life, we don't live for eternity. It really hurts a lot when we lose the person that we love the most.

But the question remains, can we help with something? No, nothing? So I beg you Freidale be strong and take it all in the best way. It must be done this way, there is no other way. Look after uncle as much as possible. Do you think that you can study now? You wrote that you are starting to study. I think that you only wrote about it and no more. Write us the truth, what is happening with you?

There is no news at home, everyone is healthy. Mother is feeling good, she sleeps much better. She works a lot less in the kitchen, I do it all. If possible, we don't want mother to know. I'm sure you understand. The longer it will take the easier it will be for her. For sure she will know everything.

Be healthy and strong, yours Miriam.

Give my regard to our uncle.

Pessie went out to the street with Miche Goldin. She sends greetings and asks you to be a human being.


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