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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)





Translated by Sara Mages

Dotnuva, Saturday Evening 12 Sep 1936
Dear beloved Freidale!

How are you? How is your uncle feeling? Have you recovered a little from the great tragedy?

Yesterday, and today, we received your two postcards and also the letter that you wrote about Moshe. It amazes me how someone can be so restrained. It is impossible to tell from your letter that something had happened. There aren't any bad ideas in mother's mind.

Freidale, you write us that you're starting school soon. Who is going to stay at home?

About the job you were supposed to receive, why was it canceled? What is our uncle thinking? I believe that he will do something to make you more comfortable so you won't have to stay alone at home all week. How is our uncle treating you? And how is Sophia?

Freidale, I have a lot more questions to ask you, but I'll leave them for another time (when Moshe arrives from one of his trips, and I ask him a lot of questions, he tells me “ask me all at once, and don't bother me again”), so if I ask you too many questions you wouldn't answer any of them. So write me as much as you can, but only the truth.

Freidale, you ask in today's letter about the cucumbers and the strawberries. You need to know that nothing was left. Here, the warm weather has long gone. Last week we turned the heat on at home. They were very successful, mother and father said that they were very good to eat. Mother said that if today was Shabbat Chazon [the Sabbath before Tish'a B'Av] we also had to turn the heat on. The weather was nice today, the sun was shining, but you can't go out without a coat.

Ete walked to Keiden today to spend time with Itza. I accompanied her a little. She returned by bus. The bus stops near our house. Do you remember how the whole town, young and old, Jews and Christians, gathered before the bus arrived? This is the only place of recreation in Dotnuva.

Mother and Miriam are sending their warm regards. We are in a great hurry to go to the post office. Rosh Hashanah will be here in four days. May we only hear better rumors and news from each other in the new year, and all the troubles will end in Israel.

Be well, wishing you all the best, Pessie

Greetings to uncle. Ask him to write us a few words. Is he going back to work in the factory? Mother doesn't know yet about the tragedy. I kiss you many times


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