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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)


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Translated by Sara Mages

Edited by Yocheved Klausner

  Thursday, March 26 1936
My dear beloved daughter Freida!

How are you? Thank G-d all of us are healthy. We read in the newspapers that there was a flood in America, were the cities in New-York State also damaged? Please write us details about it and whether anyone was hurt, God-forbid. Here there is no news. We receive letters from Reizale frequently, she is happy – you are already familiar with her letters. She also sent us two photos of herself and, may the evil eye have no power, she is shining. May G-d, blessed be he, give all of you great success. May your fortune shine, and then, our fortune will shine too. Moshe and Lea are coming home for Passover, to sit together with us at the Seder and read the Haggadah of our exodus from Egypt. Only you, Freida and Reizale, are going to be far away from us. But still, all of us will read the Haggadah at the same time, to remember and to tell about past generations, and to hope that if we were able to redeem ourselves from the Egyptian exile, we will be able to redeem ourselves from the villains of today. Let's hope to be together in Eretz-Yisrael, so, next year in Jerusalem. Be healthy and happy and have a healthy and happy Passover.

Warm regards to aunt and uncle, I wish you health and all the best, and a happy Passover.

Yours, Shlomo


Shalom my dear Freidale!

We received your letter today. Miriam and I sat in our room sewing a dress for Perale. We sensed that something was happening in the other room – father and mother were whispering. I entered, and to my great amazement they were standing and reading a letter. They probably wanted to surprise us and not let me be the first to read it, but they were not successful. Mother held the letter in her hand and I read it aloud. Also Miriam came running with Ferka and Koba behind her, and the assembly was completed.

When you receive this letter everything will be ready for the holiday, or rather, it will already be Passover. Right now there is a lot of work to do at home. There are many preparations for the holiday. This week we washed the bed-linens, sorted and filtered the sweet wine, and when I finish writing this letter I'm going to grind Matza. You asked me about the price of a pound of Matza. It is 13 Lit, which is not too expensive. Did you buy a lot of Matza? We bought the same as we always do, 1-1/2 pounds. It will also be for the gentiles.

Yesterday I was at the Goldins. They say that we need to beat up the gentiles and not give them Matza, this is also true. Yesterday we received a letter from Lea via Yeshayah Koshilweski. Because of the flood in Kovna, they (the “collectivists”) were forced to leave their apartment and move to private rooms. Right now, Lea is staying in a room together with Miriam and another young woman. After Passover they will move back to the same apartment. I sent her money for shoes and for the fare for her journey home. I'm impatiently waiting to see her. She will probably come home early (not on Passover Eve), so we will leave her a little dusting to do so she won't be angry at us that we cleaned everything. Freidale, I'm sure that you don't get angry about such matters. I am writing you a lot of nonsense, but I know that sometimes we also want to hear all the nonsense too (despite the fact that I'm not sentimental).

You are sending us a package, it's not bad. We will be able to dress up this summer. My black shoes will probably be in this package. I miss them and wait for them and I will receive them with open arms. First of all because you wore them, second they saw the big world and maybe walked around in New-York, and thirdly they are probably worn out. After all, I need them. I'm sure that besides my shoes there will also be a decorated pillowcase for me. Thank you for everything.

Freida, it is news to me that our aunt isn't sending money to our aunt in Yanova, the way she used to do every year. Is she not going to send? It is not pleasant to us and Bat-Sheva will say that it is your fault. We will have to give her from the money that you are sending us. What is the reason that our aunt isn't sending her money? Our aunt will not come for Passover because it is difficult for her to leave Breine.

Greetings to you from Michele Golding. She is here right now and asking that you send her a picture. Be healthy and strong. I wish you a happy and kosher holiday and that we will be able to be together soon. Maybe it is a fantasy, but we can hope that it will happen. When will the dream become true….

Many kisses to you, Pessie


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