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The Schultz Family |
The Zalman-Natan Pollack Family |
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Zeev Zeitlin, Son of Tzvi and Grandson of Velvel from Dokshitz, whose name he bears (Velvel in Yiddish is Ze'ev in Hebrew) The young man grew up in Israel, Learned to be a pilot, yet worked in the ground troups of the Air Force. Musically talented he founded his own band. In the 6 Day War (1967) he served in the communications force as a communication commander. Months after his release from the Israeli Defense Forces, he met his end in a fatal traffic accident en route to Haifa. May His Memory be Blessed. |
Yosef Shloma Levitan, of Blessed Memory. A distingunished citizen of Dokshitz. Died at an old age in Petach-Tikva, Israel on the 27th day of Kislev, 1970. May His Memory be Blessed. |
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Updated 21 Feb 2003 by LA