[Page 125]
Monument to the Unknown Soldier, erected in 1929
next to the Polish State Elementary School in Geranion Street
– the round stones are from a nearby archaeological dig
[Page 130]
A group of girl scouts (1932) from HaShomer HaTsair
[trans. note: Young Guard] who were killed by the German murderers:
Standing, from the right: Khayke Levine, Rebecca Solts,
Minka Rogol, Yehudis Levine, Mashka Shapira.
Seated: their leader Yakov Bloch; he is now in Tel-Aviv
[Page 214]
The “valley of murder” of the Jews of Divenishok,
not far from Voronova, in 1943 – in the background are
Germans and Polish police – the picture was found,
after the liberation, in the possession of a Pole
who had collaborated with the Nazi murderers
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Dieveniškės, Lithuania
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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 25 Sep 2012 by LA