[See the enlarged pictures by clicking on the thumbnails]
Page # | Caption | NYPL Image # |
Image |
479 | Memorial evening for the martyrs of Divenishok, in Vilne House in Tel-Aviv, 1975 | 497 | |
481 | Memorial evening in Tel-Aviv (May 1963) in memory of the martyrs of Divenishok | 499 | |
482 | Praesidium of the memorial evening in Tel-Aviv (1975). From the right: Meir Yosef Itskovitsh, Binyamin Dubinsky, Nathan Kaplan, Tsvi Ahuvi, Shmuel Sharon, Shraga Blyakher, Yakov Bloch | 500 | |
486 | Committee of the Divenishok emigrants organization in the United States, at the time of the visit of Yakov Bloch [ed. note: not in picture] from Israel in 1950 | 504 | |
487 | A gathering of Divenishok emigrants in New York (1949) | 505 | |
489 | Convention of Divenishok emigrants in New York | 507 | |
502 | Mordechai Milton-Kartshmer, his wife Sarah zl, and Rosa Becker-Wiener in New York | 520 | |
502 | Yenta Spivak zl (born Kaganovitsh) , her husband, brother, and his wife, from the U.S, at the time of their visit to Israel | 520 | |
503 | Convention of Divenishok emigrants in New York | 521 | |
506 | Mordechai Milton Kartshmer, president of the organization of Divenishok emigrants in the U.S., with his wife Sarah zl, in the New York office of the appeal for Israel | 524 | |
508 | Mordechai Milton-Kartshmer as an American soldier in the Second World War, with his wile Sarah zl | 526 | |
512 | First memorial for our martyrs, victims of the Nazi murders. The memorial took place in May 1946 in Tel-Aviv, in the home of the family Leshchinski - S. Levine | 530 | |
514 | Divenishok emigrants in Israel at the memorial evening for our martyrs, in Tel-Aviv, May 1949 | 532 | |
514 | Presidium of the Tel-Aviv memorial service, with the participation of guests from America, Solomon Levine and his wife zl | 532 | |
527 | Eliohu Kaganovitsh (the butcher) | 547 | |
527 | Simha Kaganovitsh, wife of Eliohu | 547 | |
527 | Judah Bernstein | 547 | |
527 | Daniel Bernstein | 547 | |
527 | Julius Horvits | 547 | |
527 | Shmuel Horvits | 547 | |
527 | Isaac Horvits | 549 | |
527 | Ida Levine | 549 | |
527 | Frieda Bloch and her children, Malka, Duba, Saul | 549 | |
527 | Shoshana Kubanski | 549 | |
533 | In Memoriam: Yosef Aaron Schneider, fell in the Yom Kippur War | 551 | |
533 | In Memoriam: Avraham Aloni, principal of the Tarbus school in Divenishok, died in Tel-Aviv in 1976 | 551 | |
533 | In Memoriam: Shmuel Dubinsky (cousin of Binyamin Dubinsky), murdered by the Poles | 551 | |
533 | In Memoriam: Khaye Rivka Dubinski (Rogov), murdered by the Poles | 551 | |
533 | In Memoriam: Tsvi Dubinski, partisan, fell in the woods near Divenishok | 551 | |
533 | In Memoriam: Moshe Shklar zl, from Argentina (see p. 472) | 551 | |
534 | In Memoriam: Tsvi Hirshl Krizovski, who fell near Minsk in the war against the Nazis | 552 | |
534 | In Memoriam: His [ed. note: Tsvi Krizovski's] brother Aaron Krizovski, a poet, died in the U.S. | 552 | |
534 | In Memoriam: Hannah Lipkunski and Libka Schneider hid | 552 | |
534 | Slova, Nakhum and Binyumin Lipkunski, hid, Pinkhas and Akhim Levin, ybll | 552 | |
535 | In Memoriam: Gedalye Horvits zl and his son ybl in the U.S. | 553 | |
535 | In Memoriam: Sonia Bernstein zl (daughter of Sarah) from New York | 553 | |
535 | In Memoriam: Ladies Auxiliary in the U.S., at work on behalf of emigrants from Divenishok. Six have since passed away. | 553 | |
536 | Memorial for the martyrs of Divenishok in New York | 554 |
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