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[Pages 505-519]

Martyrs of the town Dej (cont.)

Gender Marital
Name of
of birth
Remarks and number of children Page
SALAMON  return Izsak M Married Giza 1865 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 505
SALAMON Giza F Married Izsak 1865 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 505
SALAMON Hani F Widow 1892 505
SALAMON Miklos M Hani 1925 The family relationships are an estimation. 505
SALAMON Terez F Hani 1931 The family relationships are an estimation. 505
SALAMON Simon M Married Malvin 1866 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 505
SALAMON Malvin F Married Simon 1882 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 505
SALAMON F Ignatz 1910 505
SALAMON Szeren F 1923 505
SALAMON F Widow Lazar 1882 505
SALAMON Szeren F Lazar 1914 The family relationships are an estimation. 505
SALAMON Regina F Lazar 1925 The family relationships are an estimation. 505
SALAMON Malvin F 1896 505
SALAMON Gizella F Malvin 1928 The family relationships are an estimation. 505
SALAMON Ferencz M Malvin 1942 The family relationships are an estimation. 505
SALAMON Tibor M Malvin 1943 The family relationships are an estimation. 505
SALAMON F Widow Lazar 1865 505
SALAMON Helen F 1910 505
SALAMON Rozsi F Helen 1936 The family relationships are an estimation. 505
SALAMON Abraham M Married Roza 1868 505
SALAMON Roza F Married Abraham 1874 The family relationships are an estimation. 505
SALAMON F Bernad 1910 505
SALAMON Fani F Bernad 1932 The family relationships are an estimation. 505
SALAMON Ilona F Bernad 1937 The family relationships are an estimation. 505
SALAMON F Widow Marton 1887 505
SALAMON Szerena F Marton 1926 The family relationships are an estimation. 505
SALAMON F Widow Marton 1909 505
SALAMON Dezso M Marton 1935 The family relationships are an estimation. 505
SALAMON Jeno M Marton 1939 The family relationships are an estimation. 505
SALAMON Pepi F 1863 505
SALAMON Gerson M Married 1867 505
SALAMON F Married Gerson 1874 505
SALAMON F Widow Hirsch 1872 505
SALAMON Moritz M 1902 505
SALAMON Iboly F Moritz 1932 The family relationships are an estimation. 505
SALAMON David M Married Eszter 1865 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 505
SALAMON Eszter F Married David 1884 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 505
SALAMON F Jozsef 1920 505
SALAMON F Widow Jakab 1882 506
SALAMON F Jakab 1908 506
SALAMON Hedi F Jakab 1939 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Erno M Married Ida 1902 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Ida F Married Erno 1907 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Miklos M Erno Ida 1932 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Jozsef M Erno Ida 1931 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Adolf M Married Hani 1886 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 506
SALAMON Hani F Married Adolf 1887 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 506
SALAMON Cheszkel M Married Ilona 1898 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Ilona F Married Cheszkel 1902 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Sari F Cheszkel Ilona 1925 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Pal M Cheszkel Ilona 1932 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Lea F Cheszkel Ilona 1924 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Ibolya F Cheszkel Ilona 1936 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Elias M Married Berta 1890 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Berta F Married Elias 1890 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Andor M Elias Berta 1914 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Fani F Elias Berta 1916 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Ilona F Elias Berta 1918 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Ignatz M Married Hanna 1901 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Hanna F Married Ignatz 1900 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Maria F Ignatz Hanna 1933 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON F Aron 1912 506
SALAMON Klara F Aron 1942 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Herman M Married Maria 1886 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Maria F Married Herman 1882 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Ilonka F Herman Maria 1919 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Bela M Herman Maria 1929 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Henrik M Herman Maria 1930 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Dezso M Herman Maria 1933 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON David M 1870 506
SALAMON Regina F David 1888 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Herman M David 1899 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Ari M David 1904 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON F Widow Mor 1870 506
SALAMON Rozsi F 1926 506
SALAMON Eva F 1934 506
SALAMON Lazar M Married Zseni 1900 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Zseni F Married Lazar 1904 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Jeno M Lazar Zseni 1929 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Nandor M Lazar Zseni 1930 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Margit F Lazar Zseni 1933 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Lenke F Lazar Zseni 1938 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Bernad M Married Vilma 1900 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Vilma F Married Bernad 1906 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Iren F Bernad Vilma 1928 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Klari F Bernad Vilma 1929 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Stefi F Bernad Vilma 1935 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SALAMON Eva F Bernad Vilma 1938 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SAUBER Mozes M Married Etel 1897 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 506
SAUBER Etel F Married Mozes 1891 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 506
SAUBER Marton M Mozes Etel 1919 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 506
SAUBER Bela M Mozes Etel 1926 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 506
SAUBER Edith F Mozes Etel 1934 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SAMUEL Armin M Married Szeren 1882 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 506
SAMUEL Szeren F Married Armin 1887 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 506
SAMUEL Roza F Armin Szeren 1920 The family relationships are an estimation. 506
SAMUEL F Widow Jozsef 1875 507
SAMUEL Cheszkel M Married Regina 1899 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 507
SAMUEL Regina F Married Cheszkel 1902 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 507
SAMUEL Roza F Widow 1898 507
SAMUEL Moritz M Married Fani 1888 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 507
SAMUEL Fani F Married Moritz 1890 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 507
SAMUEL Adolf M Moritz Fani 1908 The family relationships are an estimation. 507
SAMUEL Samu M Married Rozsi 1895 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 507
SAMUEL Rozsi F Married Samu 1902 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 507
SAMUEL Tibor M Samu Rozsi 1929 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 507
SAMUEL Eszter F Samu Rozsi 1926 The family relationships are an estimation. 507
SAMUEL Lili F Samu Rozsi 1933 The family relationships are an estimation. 507
SAMUEL Moritz M Married Roza 1875 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 507
SAMUEL Roza F Married Moritz 1877 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 507
SAMUEL F Herman 1914 507
SAMUEL Szara F Herman 1934 The family relationships are an estimation. 507
SANDOR Samu M 1873 507
SANDOR Izsak M Married Berta 1867 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 507
SANDOR Berta F Married Izsak 1875 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 507
SANDOR Ilona F Izsak Malvin 1906 The family relationships are an estimation. 507
SANDOR Malvin F Izsak Malvin 1915 The family relationships are an estimation. 507
SEIF Salamon M Married Ida 1894 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 507
SEIF Ida F Married Salamon 1906 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 507
SEIF Gizella F Salamon Ida 1927 The family relationships are an estimation. 507
SEIF David M Salamon Ida 1928 The family relationships are an estimation. 507
SEIF Mozes M Salamon Ida 1932 The family relationships are an estimation. 507
SEIF Berta F Salamon Ida 1936 The family relationships are an estimation. 507
SEIF Erzsebet F Salamon Ida 1937 The family relationships are an estimation. 507
SEIF Stefi F Salamon Ida 1943 The family relationships are an estimation. 507
SELINGER Henrik M Married Olga 1897 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 507
SELINGER Olga F Married Henrik 1899 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 507
SELINGER Zsuzsi F Henrik Olga 1926 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 507
SELINGER Gyorgy M Henrik Olga 1931 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 507
SELINGER Aranka F Widow 1878 507
SIMON F Widow Jozsef 1876 507
SIMON Mihaly M Married Terez 1882 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 507
SIMON Terez F Married Mihaly 1891 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 507
SIMON Samuel M Married Rezi 1871 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 507
SIMON Rezi F Married Samuel 1878 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 507
SIMON Terez F Samuel Rezi 1905 The family relationships are an estimation. 507
SIMON F Bernat 1869 507
SIMON Rivka F 1917 507
SIMON Adolf M Rivka 1941 The family relationships are an estimation. 507
SIMON David M Married Margit 1904 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 507
SIMON Margit F Married David 1897 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 507
SIMON Helen F David Margit 1930 The family relationships are an estimation. 507
SIMON Zali F David Margit 1933 The family relationships are an estimation. 507
SIMON Vilma F David Margit 1935 The family relationships are an estimation. 507
SIMON Bela M Married Malvin 1900 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 507
SIMON Malvin F Married Bela 1908 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 507
SIMON Miklos M Bela Malvin 1937 The family relationships are an estimation. 507
SIMON Lia F Bela Malvin 1938 The family relationships are an estimation. 507
SIMON Adolf M Married Gizi 1866 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 507
SIMON Gizi F Married Adolf 1868 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 507
SIMON Eszter F Adolf Gizi 1912 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 507
SLOMOVITS Mordechaj M Married Szara 1882 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 507
SLOMOVITS Szara F Married Mordechaj 1884 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 507
SLOMOVITS Rachel F Mordechaj Szara 1914 The family relationships are an estimation. 507
SIEGELBAOM Bela M 1926 508
SILBERBACH Chajim M 1885 508
SINGER F Widow Samuel 1886 508
SINGER F Widow Emil 1878 508
SINGER Zoltan M 1895 On the list "ID" is written, and the translation is "Senior". 508
SINGER Ferencz M Married Izabella 1903 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 508
SINGER Izabella F Married Ferencz 1909 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 508
SINGER Mirjam F Ferencz Izabella 1937 The family relationships are an estimation. 508
SINGER F Jeno 1903 508
SINGER Robert M Jeno 1935 The family relationships are an estimation. 508
SINGER Bella F 1912 508
SINGER Juval M Bella 1935 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 508
SINGER Itamar M Bella 1937 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 508
SILBERSTEIN F Widow Beni 1893 508
SILBERSTEIN Aranka F Beni 1926 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 508
SILBERSTEIN Mozes M Beni 1931 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 508
SILBERSTEIN Helen F Beni 1926 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 508
SILBERSTEIN Ilona F Beni 1913 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 508
SOBEL Helen F 1876 508
SOMMER Abraham M Married Roza 1890 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 508
SOMMER Roza F Married Abraham 1914 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 508
SOMMER Lajos M Abraham Roza 1930 The family relationships are an estimation. 508
SOMMER Sari F Abraham Roza 1937 The family relationships are an estimation. 508
SOMMER Dezso M Abraham Roza 1939 The family relationships are an estimation. 508
SPETER F Izsak 1902 508
SPITZER F Bernat 1913 508
SPITZER Edith F Bernat 1934 The family relationships are an estimation. 508
SPITZER Ibolya F Bernat 1938 The family relationships are an estimation. 508
SPITZER Hajnal F Bernat 1942 The family relationships are an estimation. 508
SPITZER Jozsef M 1886 508
SPITZER Malvin F 1911 508
SPITZER Salamon M Married Rockel 1864 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 508
SPITZER Rockel F Married Salamon 1865 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 508
SPIELMANN F Mozes 1903 508
SPIELMANN Ibolya F Mozes 1930 The family relationships are an estimation. 508
SPIELMANN Jeno M Mozes 1933 The family relationships are an estimation. 508
SPIELMANN Lenke F Mozes 1934 The family relationships are an estimation. 508
SPIELMANN Gizella F Mozes 1937 The family relationships are an estimation. 508
SPIELMANN Adolf M Mozes 1940 The family relationships are an estimation. 508
SPITZER Salamon M 1864 508
SPITZER Mozes M Married Eszter 1907 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 508
SPITZER Eszter F Married Mozes 1904 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 508
SPITZER Blima F Mozes Eszter 1929 The family relationships are an estimation. 508
SPITZER Ezekiel M Mozes Eszter 1932 The family relationships are an estimation. 508
SPITZER Jakab M Mozes Eszter 1935 The family relationships are an estimation. 508
SPITZER Herman M Married Zelma 1893 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 508
SPITZER Zelma F Married Herman 1908 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 508
SPITZER Eszter F Herman Zelma 1931 The family relationships are an estimation. 508
SPITZER Hermina F Herman Zelma 1933 The family relationships are an estimation. 508
SPITZER Frida F Herman Zelma 1935 The family relationships are an estimation. 508
SPITZER Editz F Herman Zelma 1941 The family relationships are an estimation. 508
STERN Lazar M Married Hani 1896 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 508
STERN Hani F Married Lazar 1895 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 508
STERN Margit F Lazar Hani 1922 The family relationships are an estimation. 508
STERN Jeno M Lazar Hani 1925 The family relationships are an estimation. 508
STEINFELD Salamon M Married Rozsi 1904 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 509
STEINFELD Rozsi F Married Salamon 1904 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 509
STEINFELD Bernad M Salamon Rozsi 1928 The family relationships are an estimation. 509
STEINFELD Izidor M Salamon Rozsi 1936 The family relationships are an estimation. 509
STEINFELD Abraham M Salamon Rozsi 1934 The family relationships are an estimation. 509
STEINFELD Farkas M Salamon Rozsi 1934 The family relationships are an estimation. 509
STEUER Simon M 1892 509
STEUER Viktor M Simon 1924 The family relationships are an estimation. 509
STEUER Erno M Simon 1926 The family relationships are an estimation. 509
STERN Bela M 1888 509
STERN Lujza F 1891 509
STERN Ilona F 1898 509
STERN F Marton 1898 509
STERN Sarolta F Marton 1927 The family relationships are an estimation. 509
STEINBERGER Herman M Married Ilona 1894 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 509
STEINBERGER Ilona F Married Herman 1904 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 509
STEINER F Janos 1908 509
STEINER Miksa M Janos 1942 The family relationships are an estimation. 509
STERN F David 1921 509
STERNBERG Etel F 1899 509
STERNBERG Livia F 1910 509
STERNBERG Baruch M 1928 509
STERNBERG Marcel M 1931 509
STEINER Jakab M Married Berta 1878 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 509
STEINER Berta F Married Jakab 1880 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 509
STERN Geza M Married Gizi 1895 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 509
STERN Gizi F Married Geza 1899 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 509
STERN Relli F Geza Gizi 1934 The family relationships are an estimation. 509
STEIN F Marton 1885 509
STEINBERGER F Izsak 1883 509
STERNBERG Roza F 1907 509
STERNBERG Ilona F Roza 1932 The family relationships are an estimation. 509
STERNBERG Samu M Roza 1929 The family relationships are an estimation. 509
STERNBERG David M Roza 1920 The family relationships are an estimation. 509
STEIN F Miklos 1897 509
STEIN F Widow Izsak 1857 509
STEIMETZ Vilmos M Married Margit 1888 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 509
STEIMETZ Margit F Married Vilmos 1898 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 509
STEIMETZ Lajos M Vilmos Margit 1924 The family relationships are an estimation. 509
STEIMETZ Magda F Vilmos Margit 1928 The family relationships are an estimation. 509
STEINFELD Viola F 1899 509
STEINFELD Tibor M 1907 509
STEINFELD Romeo M 1935 509
STEINBERGER Eszter F 1913 509
STEINBERGER Ibolya F Eszter 1944 The family relationships are an estimation. 509
STOSSZEL STOESZEL F Widow Hermann 1888 On the list the surname is written as STOSSZEL 509
SZANDER Nathan M Married Aranka 1901 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 509
SZANDER Aranka F Married Nathan 1901 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 509
SZANDER Gizella F Nathan Aranka 1927 The family relationships are an estimation. 509
SZANDER F Widow Aron 1900 509
SZANDER Relli F Aron 1926 The family relationships are an estimation. 509
SZANDER Hedvig F Aron 1927 The family relationships are an estimation. 509
SZANDER Jozsef M Aron 1931 The family relationships are an estimation. 509
SZANDER Ritta F Aron 1933 The family relationships are an estimation. 509
SZANDER Abraham M Aron 1934 The family relationships are an estimation. 509
SZANDER Izsak M Married Sarolta 1906 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 509
SZANDER Sarolta F Married Izsak 1906 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 509
SZANDER Jozsef M Izsak Sarolta 1929 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Juda M Izsak Sarolta 1930 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Vilmos M Izsak Sarolta 1930 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Magda F Izsak Sarolta 1933 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Mor M Izsak Sarolta 1934 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Judith F Izsak Sarolta 1942 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SZANDER F Widow Jozsef 1878 510
SZANDER Salamon M Married Etta 1919 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Etta F Married Salamon 1918 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Erno M Salamon Etta 1943 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Noe M Married Frida 1894 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Frida F Married Noe 1898 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Simon M Noe Frida 1924 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Szerena F Noe Frida 1920 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SZANDER F Nathan 1894 510
SZANDER Salamon M Nathan 1917 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Samuel M Nathan 1918 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Margit F Nathan 1920 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Szerena F Nathan 1923 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Sia M Nathan 1925 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Regina F Nathan 1929 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Roza F Nathan 1934 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Istvan M Nathan 1939 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Salamon M Married 1917 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 510
SZANDER F Married Salamon 1921 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Lili F Salamon 1943 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Cheszkel M Married Margit 1894 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Margit F Married Cheszkel 1902 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Anna F Cheszkel Margit 1928 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Rene F Cheszkel Margit 1930 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Lili F Cheszkel Margit 1931 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Lincsi F Cheszkel Margit 1939 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SZANDER Agnes F Cheszkel Margit 1942 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SZABO Roza F 1905 510
SZEKELY F Widow Aron 1873 510
SZABO Malvin F 1914 510
SZOBEL F Miksa 1876 510
SZOBEL Agnes F 1935 510
SZORENYI Dr. Arnold M Married Iren 1881 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 510
SZORENYI Iren F Married Arnold 1892 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 510
SPITZER Henrik M Married Berta 1899 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 510
SPITZER Berta F Married Henrik 1902 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 510
SPITZER Menachem M Henrik Berta 1928 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SPITZER Arje M Henrik Berta 1937 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SPITZER Baruch M Henrik Berta 1939 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SPITZER Edit F Henrik Berta 1941 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SPINDEL Cheszkel M Married Amalia 1907 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 510
SPINDEL Amalia F Married Cheszkel 1910 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 510
SPINDEL Ilona F Cheszkel Amalia 1935 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SPINDEL Jozsef M Cheszkel Amalia 1937 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SPINDEL Sari F Cheszkel Amalia 1938 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SPINDEL Aranka F Cheszkel Amalia 1940 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SPINDEL Aron M Cheszkel Amalia 1942 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SPIELBERG Abraham M Married Eszter 1880 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 510
SPIELBERG Eszter F Married Abraham 1875 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 510
SPIELBERG Rozsi F Abraham Eszter 1911 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SPIELBERG Berta F Abraham Eszter 1925 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SPIELMANN F Married Lipot 1910 510
SPIELMANN Adolf M Lipot 1928 The family relationships are an estimation. 510
SPIELMANN Lazar M Lipot 1930 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
SPIELMANN Herman M Lipot 1932 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
SPIELMANN Lili F Lipot 1935 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
SPIELMANN Zseni F Lipot 1938 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
SPORN Jakab M Married Zseni 1897 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 511
SPORN Zseni F Married Jakab 1897 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 511
SPORN Lajos M Jakab Zseni 1920 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
SPORN Piroska F Jakab Zseni 1927 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
SPORN Moricz M Jakab Zseni 1928 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
SPORN Samu M Jakab Zseni 1937 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
STEINMETZ Natalia F 1908 511
STEINMETZ Eva F Natalia 1942 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
STEINFELD Nathan M Married Nelli 1893 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 511
STEINFELD Nelli F Married Nathan 1896 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 511
STEINFELD Albert M Nathan Nelli 1930 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
STEINMETZ Jozsef M Married Regina 1906 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 511
STEINMETZ Regina F Married Jozsef 1908 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 511
STEINMETZ Gyula M Jozsef Regina 1935 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
STEINMETZ Ervin M Jozsef Regina 1937 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
STEINMETZ Mihaly M Jozsef Regina 1939 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
STEINMETZ Eszter F Jozsef Regina 1943 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
STERN Anna F 1921 511
STERN Gyula M Married Berta 1894 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 511
STERN Berta F Married Gyula 1901 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 511
STERN Nandor M Gyula Berta 1926 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
STERN Edith F Gyula Berta 1928 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
STERN Abraham M Gyula Berta 1930 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
STERN Ignacz M Married Helen 1895 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 511
STERN Helen F Married Ignacz 1907 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 511
STERN Klara F Ignacz Helen 1927 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
STERN Marton M Ignacz Helen 1929 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
STERN Livia F Ignacz Helen 1931 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
STERN Ilona F Ignacz Helen 1934 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
STERN Laura F Ignacz Helen 1936 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
STERN Margit F Ignacz Helen 1940 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
STERN Tibor M Ignacz Helen 1944 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
STRIKBERGER F Samu 1906 511
STRIKBERGER Jozsef M Samu 1932 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
STRIKBERGER Jakab M Samu 1934 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
STRIKBERGER David M Samu 1937 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
STRIKBERGER Margit F Samu 1940 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
STRIKBERGER Rella F Samu 1943 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
STOSSZEL STOESZEL F Adolf 1911 On the list the surname is written as STOSSZEL 511
STOSSZEL STOESZEL Judith F Adolf 1939 The family relationships are an estimation. On the list the surname is written as STOSSZEL 511
STOSSZEL STOESZEL Erno M Adolf 1941 The family relationships are an estimation. On the list the surname is written as STOSSZEL 511
STOSSZEL STOESZEL Erzsebet F Adolf 1943 The family relationships are an estimation. On the list the surname is written as STOSSZEL 511
STOSSZEL STOESZEL Leopold M Married Ilona 1884 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. On the list the surname is written as STOSSZEL 511
STOSSZEL STOESZEL Ilona F Married Leopold 1886 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. On the list the surname is written as STOSSZEL 511
STERNBERGER Sarolta F 1876 511
SURANYI Jeno M Married Szerena 1884 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 511
SURANYI Szerena F Married Jeno 1889 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 511
SURANYI F Kalman 1915 511
SURANYI Robert M Kalman 1940 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
SCHOENBRUNN Pinkasz M 1903 On the list the surname is written as SCHOENBREUN 511
SCHNITZER F David 1916 511
SCHNITZER Izrael M David 1929 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
SCHNITZER Magda F David 1943 The family relationships are an estimation. 511
SCHVARTZ Pinkasz M 1914 511
SCHVARTZ Moritz M Married Szerena 1908 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 512
SCHVARTZ Szerena F Married Moricz 1907 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 512
SCHVARTZ Jozsef M Moricz Szerena 1936 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHVARTZ Ibolya F Moricz Szerena 1937 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHVARTZ Marton M Moricz Szerena 1939 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHVARTZ Gizella F 1891 512
SCHWARTZ Abraham M Married Etel 1895 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 512
SCHWARTZ Etel F Married Abraham 1903 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 512
SCHWARTZ Zseni F Abraham Etel 1924 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHWARTZ Ferencz M Abraham Etel 1926 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHWARTZ Mendel M Abraham Etel 1929 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHWARTZ Lea F Abraham Etel 1931 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHWARTZ Gizella F Abraham Etel 1933 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHWARTZ Baruch M Abraham Etel 1935 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHWARTZ Berta F Abraham Etel 1937 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHWARTZ Elias M Abraham Etel 1943 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHWARTZ Bernat M Married Bella 1899 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 512
SCHWARTZ Bella F Married Bernat 1893 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 512
SCHWARTZ Margit F Bernat Bella 1925 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 512
SCHWARTZ Vilma F Bernat Bella 1927 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 512
SCHWARTZ Klara F Bernat Bella 1930 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 512
SCHWARTZ Agnes F Bernat Bella 1932 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 512
SCHWARTZ Alice F Bernat Bella 1935 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 512
SCHWARTZ Tamas M Bernat Bella 1941 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHWARTZ Mendel M Bernat Bella 1942 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 512
SCHWARTZ Jakab M 1878 512
SCHWARTZ Erzsebet F 1912 512
SCHWARTZ Rozsi F 1907 512
SCHWARTZ Ezekiel M Married Maria 1899 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 512
SCHWARTZ Maria F Married Ezekiel 1901 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 512
SCHWARTZ Erika F Ezekiel Maria 1938 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHWARTZ Salamon M Married Eta 1889 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 512
SCHWARTZ Eta F Married Salamon 1898 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 512
SCHWARTZ Erno M Salamon Eta 1924 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHWARTZ F Widow Bela 1896 512
SCHWARTZ Magda F Bela 1919 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHWARTZ Nechemias M Bela 1921 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHWARTZ Rozsi F 1914 512
SCHWARTZ F Widow Menyhert 1878 512
SCHWARTZ F Moritz 1907 512
SCHWARTZ Miklos M Moritz 1936 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHMIEL F Widow Mozes 1870 512
SCHMIEL Helen F Mozes 1912 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHNABEL F Mor 1913 512
SCHNABEL Magda F Mor 1934 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHNABEL F Widow Bela 1910 512
SCHNABEL Fedor M Bela 1933 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHNABEL Eva F Bela 1937 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHANTZER Berl M Married 1886 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 512
SCHANTZER F Married Berl 1900 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 512
SCHANTZER Majer M Berl 1922 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHANTZER Uri M Berl 1928 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHANTZER Hani F Berl 1932 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHOENBERG Jakab M Married Aranka 1911 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 512
SCHOENBERG Aranka F Married Jakab 1909 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 512
SCHOENBERG Majer M Jakab Aranka 1934 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHOENBERG Rika F Jakab Aranka 1936 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHOENBERG Margit F Jakab Aranka 1943 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHOENBERG Judit F Jakab Aranka 1944 The family relationships are an estimation. 512
SCHOENBERGER Lipot M Married Helen 1901 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 513
SCHOENBERGER Helen F Married Lipot 1902 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 513
SCHOENBERGER Zelma F Lipot Helen 1930 The family relationships are an estimation. 513
SCHOENBERGER F Widow David 1875 513
SCHOEN Abraham M Married Roza 1889 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 513
SCHOEN Roza F Married Abraham 1892 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 513
SCHWEIGER Mendel M Married Roza 1874 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 513
SCHWEIGER Roza F Married Mendel 1885 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 513
SCHOEN Izsak M Married Fani 1885 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 513
SCHOEN Fani F Married Izsak 1888 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 513
SCHOEN Lajos M Izsak Fani 1925 The family relationships are an estimation. 513
SCHOEN F Samu 1912 513
SCHOEN Tibor M Samu 1937 The family relationships are an estimation. 513
SCHOEN Edith F Samu 1938 The family relationships are an estimation. 513
SCHOEN Jozsef M Samu 1940 The family relationships are an estimation. 513
SCHOEN Izsak M 1924 513
SCHOEN Maria F Widow 1889 513
SCHOEN Jozsef M Married Roza 1911 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 513
SCHOEN Roza F Married Jozsef 1911 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 513
SCHOEN F Marton 1909 513
SCHOEN Eva F Marton 1937 513
SCHNITZER Salamon M Married Rozsi 1918 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 513
SCHNITZER Rozsi F Married Salamon 1920 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 513
SCHNITZER Frida F Salamon Rozsi 1943 The family relationships are an estimation. 513
SCHNITZER Jakab M Married Szeren 1879 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 513
SCHNITZER Szeren F Married Jakab 1884 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 513
SCHNITZER Margit F Jakab Szeren 1913 The family relationships are an estimation. 513
SCHOENFELD Beno M Married Paula 1872 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 513
SCHOENFELD Paula F Married Beno 1892 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 513
SCHLESINGER Jozsef M Married Paula 1882 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 513
SCHLESINGER Paula F Married Jozsef 1875 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 513
SCHLESINGER Lajos M Jozsef Paula 1912 The family relationships are an estimation. 513
SCHLESINGER Ilona F Jozsef Paula 1918 The family relationships are an estimation. 513
SCHLESINGER Emanuel M Married Eszter 1911 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 513
SCHLESINGER Eszter F Married Emanuel 1909 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 513
SCHLESINGER Jakab M Emanuel Eszter 1943 The family relationships are an estimation. 513
SCHWIMMER Iren F 1901 513
SCHOENBLUM Jeno M Married Eva 1894 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 513
SCHOENBLUM Eva F Married Jeno 1894 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 513
SCHULSINGER F Jeno 1884 513
SCHWIMMER Ede M Married Fani 1872 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 513
SCHWIMMER Fani F Married Ede 1884 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 513
SCHERMANN Jakab M Married Berta 1883 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 513
SCHERMANN Berta F Married Jakab 1885 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 513
SCHERMANN Ida F Jakab Berta 1908 The family relationships are an estimation. 513
SCHIEBER Emanuel M Married Frida 1905 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 513
SCHIEBER Frida F Married Emanuel 1907 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 513
SCHIEBER Piroska F Emanuel Frida 1930 The family relationships are an estimation. 513
SCHIEBER Nathan M Emanuel Frida 1930 The family relationships are an estimation. 513
SCHIEBER Elias M Emanuel Frida 1931 The family relationships are an estimation. 513
SCHIEBER Margit F Emanuel Frida 1933 The family relationships are an estimation. 513
SCHIEBER Lea F Emanuel Frida 1937 The family relationships are an estimation. 513
SCHNITZER F Herman 1912 513
SCHNITZER Izrael M Herman 1938 The family relationships are an estimation. 513
SCHNITZER Izsak M Herman 1940 The family relationships are an estimation. 514
SCHNITZER Szerena F Herman 1941 The family relationships are an estimation. 514
SCHNITZER Izidor M Herman 1943 The family relationships are an estimation. 514
SCHNITZER F Widow Izrael 1867 514
SCHNABEL Jakab M 1896 514
SCHNABEL Adolf M 1890 514
SCHNABEL F Jozsef 1920 514
SCHNABEL Riza F 1930 514
SCHECHTER Samu M Married Sarolta 1894 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 514
SCHECHTER Sarolta F Married Samu 1903 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 514
SCHECHTER Imre M Samu Sarolta 1931 514
SCHECHTER Livia F Samu Sarolta 1934 The family relationships are an estimation. 514
SCHECHTER Olga F Samu Sarolta 1936 The family relationships are an estimation. 514
SCHWIMMER Dr. Jeno M Married Roza 1885 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 514
SCHWIMMER Roza F Married Jeno 1891 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 514
TABAK  return Salamon M Married Mina 1895 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 514
TABAK Mina F Married Salamon 1908 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 514
TABAK Lazar M Salamon Mina 1935 The family relationships are an estimation. 514
TABAK David M Salamon Mina 1936 The family relationships are an estimation. 514
TABAK Lipot M Salamon Mina 1937 The family relationships are an estimation. 514
TABAK Mozes M Salamon Mina 1939 The family relationships are an estimation. 514
TABAK Zelda F Salamon Mina 1942 The family relationships are an estimation. 514
TEICHENBAUM Nandor M Married Mirjam 1922 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 514
TEICHENBAUM Mirjam F Married Nandor 1922 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 514
TEICHENBAUM Szeren F Nandor Mirjam 1944 The family relationships are an estimation. 514
TISCHLER Vilmos M Married 1898 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 514
TISCHLER F Married Vilmos 1901 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 514
TISCHLER Emil M Vilmos 1930 The family relationships are an estimation. 514
TISCHLER Erno M Vilmos 1933 The family relationships are an estimation. 514
TISCHLER Mihaly M Vilmos 1935 The family relationships are an estimation. 514
TESZLER Henrich M Married Roza 1873 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 515
TESZLER Roza F Married Henrich 1872 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 516
TESZLER Samul M Married Etel 1899 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 517
TESZLER Etel F Married Samul 1901 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 514
TESZLER Hedi F Samul Etel 1924 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 514
TESZLER Regina F Samul Etel 1926 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 514
TESZLER Eva F Samul Etel 1928 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 514
TESZLER Lazar M Samul Etel 1930 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 514
TESZLER Blanka F Samul Etel 1931 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 514
TESZLER Lili F Samul Etel 1934 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 514
TESZLER Majer M Married Helen 1906 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 514
TESZLER Helen F Married Majer 1909 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 514
TESZLER Jeno M Majer Helen 1931 The family relationships are an estimation. 514
TESZLER Marton M Majer Helen 1932 The family relationships are an estimation. 514
TESZLER Nelli F Majer Helen 1934 The family relationships are an estimation. 514
TESZLER Farkas M Married Rozsi 1899 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 514
TESZLER Rozsi F Married Farkas 1895 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 514
TESZLER Lajos M Farkas Rozsi 1927 The family relationships are an estimation. 514
TESZLER Klari F Farkas Rozsi 1925 The family relationships are an estimation. 514
TESZLER Jeno M Farkas Rozsi 1932 The family relationships are an estimation. 514
TESZLER Helen F Farkas Rozsi 1930 The family relationships are an estimation. 514
TESZLER Dezso M Farkas Rozsi 1933 The family relationships are an estimation. 514
TESZLER Samu M Married Vilma 1875 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 514
TESZLER Vilma F Married Samu 1878 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 514
TESZLER Maria F Samu Vilma 1912 The family relationships are an estimation. 514
TESZLER Hermina F Samu Vilma 1914 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 514
TESZLER F Widow Karoly 1880 514
TESZLER Amalia F Karoly 1910 The family relationships are an estimation. 514
TESZLER Samu M Married Aranka 1883 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 515
TESZLER Aranka F Married Samu 1887 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 515
TESZLER Rozsi F 1923 515
TEVJOVITS F Samu 1909 515
TEVJOVITS Julianna F Samu 1935 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 515
TEVJOVITS Akos M Samu 1940 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
TISCHLER Imre M 1915 515
TISCHLER Elisabet F 1920 515
TISCHLER Lajos M 1923 515
TISCHLER Olga F 1930 515
TISCHLER Roza F 1872 515
TISCHLER Izsak M Married 1910 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 515
TISCHLER F Married Izsak 1912 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 515
TISCHLER Aranka F Izsak 1933 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
TISCHLER Mihaly M Izsak 1936 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
TISCHLER Roza F Izsak 1942 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
TRAUB F Widow Majer 1875 515
UNGAR  return Moritz M Married Lenke 1898 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 515
UNGAR Lenke F Married Moritz 1900 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 515
UNGAR Feigi F Moritz Lenke 1927 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
UNGAR Sandor M Moritz Lenke 1931 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
UNGAR Emil M Moritz Lenke 1936 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
VAMOS  return Dr. Jeno M Married Stefi 1882 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 515
VAMOS Stefi F Married Jeno 1918 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 515
VAMOS Mihaly M Jeno Stefi 1940 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
WALDMANN  return F Markus 1914 515
WALDMANN Dora F Markus 1939 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
WALDMANN Mihaly M Markus 1940 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
WALDMANN Jozsef M Markus 1942 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
WALDMANN Edith F Markus 1943 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
WALDMANN Mano M Married Etel 1887 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 515
WALDMANN Etel F Married Mano 1887 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 515
WALDMANN Magda F Mano Etel 1920 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
WALDMANN Salamon M Mano Etel 1926 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 515
WALDMANN Hermina F Mano Etel 1929 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 515
WALDMANN Palma F Mano Etel 1930 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 515
WACKSMANN Izrael M Married Neli 1910 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 515
WACKSMANN Neli F Married Izrael 1913 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 515
WACKSMANN Zseni F Izrael Neli 1935 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
WACKSMANN Eszter F Izrael Neli 1938 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
WACKSMANN Eva F Izrael Neli 1940 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
WACKSMANN Samuel M Izrael Neli 1943 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
WALTER Samuel M Married Berta 1891 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 515
WALTER Berta F Married Samuel 1891 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 515
WALTER Lazar M Samuel Berta 1928 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
WALTER Fani F Samuel Berta 1924 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
WALTER Ilonka F Samuel Berta 1922 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
WALTER Salamon M 1898 515
WEINTRAUB Geza M Married Rozsi 1893 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 515
WEINTRAUB Rozsi F Married Geza 1897 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 515
WEINTRAUB Berta F Geza Rozsi 1926 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 515
WEINTRAUB Margit F Geza Rozsi 1929 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
WEINTRAUB Herman M Geza Rozsi 1931 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
WEINTRAUB Szuri F Geza Rozsi 1935 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
WEINBERGER F Widow Elek 1904 515
WEINBERGER Regina F Elek 1931 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
WEINBERGER Blanka F Elek 1932 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
WEINBERGER Juda M Elek 1934 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
WEINBERGER Judith F Elek 1938 The family relationships are an estimation. 515
WEINSTEIN F Widow Arnold 1865 516
WEINSTEIN Andor M Married Matild 1913 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 516
WEINSTEIN Matild F Married Andor 1915 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 516
WEINSTEIN Aron M Andor Matild 1939 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINSTEIN David M Andor Matild 1941 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINSTEIN Herman M Andor Matild 1943 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINGARTNER Lenke F 1917 516
WEINSTEIN Abraham M 1893 516
WEINSTEIN Chaja F Abraham 1927 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINSTEIN Helen F Abraham 1928 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINSTEIN Elias M Abraham 1930 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINSTEIN Rozsi F Abraham 1932 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINSTEIN Edit F Abraham 1933 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINSTEIN Judit F Abraham 1935 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINGARTNER Bernat M Married Hermina 1910 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 516
WEINGARTNER Hermina F Married Bernat 1909 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 516
WEINGARTNER David M Bernat Hermina 1936 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINGARTNER Erzsebet F Bernat Hermina 1938 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINGARTNER Roza F Bernat Hermina 1939 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINGARTNER Lazar M Bernat Hermina 1941 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINGARTNER Izidor M Bernat Hermina 1943 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEICHSELBAUM David M Married Tilda 1894 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 516
WEICHSELBAUM Tilda F Married David 1895 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 516
WEINSTOCK F Jeno 1894 516
WEINSTOCK Rozsi F Jeno 1922 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINSTOCK David M Jeno 1924 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINSTOCK Paula F Jeno 1929 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINSTOCK Bernat M Jeno 1930 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEICHSELBAUM F Married Kalman 1896 516
WEINBERGER Jakab M Bella 1893 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 516
WEINBERGER Bella F Jakab 1894 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 516
WEINBERGER Szerena F Jakab Bella 1919 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINBERGER Salamon M Jakab Bella 1921 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINBERGER Simon M Jakab Bella 1923 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINBERGER Samu M Jakab Bella 1929 516
WEINBERGER Samu M Married Gizella 1862 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 516
WEINBERGER Gizella F Married Samu 1872 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 516
WEINBERGER F Widow Janos 1881 516
WEINSTEIN Leo M Married 1899 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 516
WEINSTEIN F Married Leo 1901 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 516
WEINSTEIN Erno M Leo 1930 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINSTEIN Szerena F Leo 1933 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINSTEIN Helen F Leo 1935 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINSTEIN Ida F Leo 1937 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINSTEIN Erzsi F Leo 1939 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINGERT F Widow Izidor 1885 516
WEINGERTER Jakab M 1886 516
WEINKSZELBAUM Mozes M Married Sari 1913 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 516
WEINKSZELBAUM Sari F Married Mozes 1918 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 516
WEINKSZELBAUM Erzsi F Mozes Sari 1942 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINGART Adolf M Married 1905 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 516
WEINGART F Married Adolf 1908 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 516
WEINGART Helen F Adolf 1936 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINGART Noga F Adolf 1939 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINGART Mihaly M Adolf 1941 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINBERGER F Widow Farkas 1864 516
WEINBERGER Jozsef M Farkas 1904 The family relationships are an estimation. 516
WEINSTEIN Jeno M Married Ida 1892 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 517
WEINSTEIN Ida F Married Jeno 1895 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 517
WEINSTEIN Magda F Jeno Ida 1921 The family relationships are an estimation. 517
WEINSTEIN Bela M Jeno Ida 1928 The family relationships are an estimation. 517
WEINSTEIN Noemi F Jeno Ida 1924 The family relationships are an estimation. 517
WEINSTEIN Eszter F Jeno Ida 1921 The family relationships are an estimation. 517
WEINBERGER Jozsef M Married Fani 1897 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 517
WEINBERGER Fani F Married Jozsef 1899 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 517
WEINBERGER Hermann M Jozsef Fani 1929 The family relationships are an estimation. 517
WEINBERGER Salamon M Jozsef Fani 1932 The family relationships are an estimation. 517
WEINBERGER Cili F Jozsef Fani 1934 The family relationships are an estimation. 517
WEINBERGER Mano M Jozsef Fani 1938 The family relationships are an estimation. 517
WEINBERGER Aron M Married Zali 1868 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 517
WEINBERGER Zali F Married Aron 1875 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 517
WALDMANN Bela M 1942 517
WEISZ F Widow Marton 1881 517
WEISZ Karola F 1882 517
WEISZ Marton M 1889 517
WEISZ Jeno M 1891 517
WEISZ Jakab M 1877 517
WEISZ Miklos M Married Erzsebet 1902 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. Engineer. 517
WEISZ Erzsebet F Married Miklos 1911 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 517
WEISZ Gyorgy M Miklos Erzsebet 1941 The family relationships are an estimation. 517
WEISZ Herman M Married Viola 1882 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 517
WEISZ Viola F Married Herman 1883 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 517
WEISZ Odon M Herman Viola 1931 The family relationships are an estimation. 517
WEISZ Herman M Married Zali 1867 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 517
WEISZ Zali F Married Herman 1865 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 517
WEISZ Marton M Married Eszter 1867 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 517
WEISZ Eszter F Married Marton 1870 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 517
WEISZ F Widow Mihaly 1870 517
WEISZ Ilona F 1914 517
WEISZ Bella F 1909 517
WEISZ Moritz M Married 1909 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 517
WEISZ F Married Moritz 1913 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 517
WEISZ Veronika F Moritz 1939 The family relationships are an estimation. 517
WEISZ Fabian M Married Etelka 1897 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 517
WEISZ Etelka F Married Fabian 1899 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 517
WEISZ Rozsi F Fabian Etelka 1926 The family relationships are an estimation. 517
WEISZ Ervin M Fabian Etelka 1929 The family relationships are an estimation. 517
WEISZ Maria F Fabian Etelka 1930 The family relationships are an estimation. 517
WEISZ Marianna F Fabian Etelka 1937 The family relationships are an estimation. 517
WEISZ Judith F Fabian Etelka 1941 The family relationships are an estimation. 517
WEISZ Jozsef M Married Hinda 1915 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 517
WEISZ Hinda F Married Jozsef 1919 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 517
WEISZ Farkas Z M 1896 On the list is written "Z." and the meaning could be Zeev. 517
WEISZ Mozes M Married Fani 1901 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 517
WEISZ Fani F Married Mozes 1900 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 517
WEISZ Ilona F Mozes Fani 1929 The family relationships are an estimation. 517
WEISZ Emil M Mozes Fani 1931 The family relationships are an estimation. 517
WEISZ Samu M Mozes Fani 1932 The family relationships are an estimation. 517
WEISZ Rella F Mozes Fani 1935 The family relationships are an estimation. 517
WEITZNER Dr. Adolf M Married Erna 1899 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 518
WEITZNER Erna F Married Adolf 1915 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 518
WIEDER Jeno M Married 1900 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 518
WIEDER F Married Jeno 1902 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 518
WIEDER Zoltan M Jeno 1922 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 518
WIEDER Adolf M Jeno 1931 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 518
WIEDER Regina F Jeno 1932 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 518
WIEDER Aranka F Jeno 1934 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 518
WIEDER Jakab M Jeno 1938 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 518
WIEDER Pepi F 1902 518
WIEDER Sarolta F Pepi 1931 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WIEDER Mendel M Pepi 1932 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WIEDER Fulop M Married Betti 1879 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 518
WIEDER Betti F Married Fulop 1879 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 518
WIEDER Abraham M Fulop Betti 1930 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WIEDER Salamon M 1916 518
WIEDER Judith F Salamon 1941 The family relationships are according to Pages of Testimony 518
WIESEL F Adolf 1904 518
WIESEL Salamon M Adolf 1937 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WIESEL Dezso M Adolf 1942 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WIESEL Lazar M Married Jolan 1890 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 518
WIESEL Jolan F Married Lazar 1899 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 518
WIESEL Klara F Lazar Jolan 1927 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WIEDER Herman M 1872 518
WIEDER Frida F 1914 518
WIEDER Salamon M 1921 518
WIEDER Lipot M 1912 518
WIEGDER Gizella F 1884 518
WIRZBERGER Mozes M Married Leni 1907 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 518
WIRZBERGER Leni F Married Mozes 1902 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 518
WIRZBERGER Bernad M Mozes Leni 1932 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WIRZBERGER Julia F Mozes Leni 1934 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WIRZBERGER Abraham M Mozes Leni 1939 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WERZBERGER Saje M Married Roza 1895 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 518
WERZBERGER Roza F Married Saje 1895 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 518
WERZBERGER Frida F Saje Roza 1926 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WERZBERGER Abraham M Saje Roza 1932 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WERZBERGER Nathan M Saje Roza 1934 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WERZBERGER David M Saje Roza 1935 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WERZBERGER Maria F Saje Roza 1936 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WERZBERGER Bernad M Saje Roza 1927 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WERZBERGER Hersch M Saje Roza 1924 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WERZBERGER Henrik M Saje Roza 1925 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WERZBERGER Rene F Saje Roza 1940 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WERZBERGER Abraham M Married Rachel 1888 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 518
WERZBERGER Rachel F Married Abraham 1890 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 518
WERZBERGER Mendel M Abraham Rachel 1927 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WERZBERGER Ezekiel M Abraham Rachel 1933 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WIGDER Izidor M Married Margit 1911 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 518
WIGDER Margit F Married Izidor 1911 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 518
WIGDER Sandor M Izidor Margit 1936 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WIRZBERGER F Izsak 1860 518
WIRZBERGER Sandor M Married Margit 1883 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 518
WIRZBERGER Margit F Married Sandor 1885 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 518
WIRZBERGER Lea F Sandor Margit 1923 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WIRZBERGER Izsak M Sandor Margit 1925 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WIRZBERGER Herman M Sandor Margit 1926 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WIRZBERGER Lipot M Married Icu 1914 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 518
WIRZBERGER Icu F Married Lipot 1919 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 518
WIRZBERGER Aranka F Lipot Icu 1939 The family relationships are an estimation. 518
WIRZBERGER Baruch M Lipot Icu 1940 The family relationships are an estimation. 519
WIRZBERGER Jozsef M Lipot Icu 1941 The family relationships are an estimation. 519
WIRZBERGER Szeren F Lipot Icu 1943 The family relationships are an estimation. 519
WOLF F Widow David 1900 519
WOLF Aliz F David 1927 The family relationships are an estimation. 519
WOLF Paula F 1892 519
WOLIN F Widow Bence 1869 519
WOLIN Rozsi F Bence 1909 The family relationships are an estimation. 519
WOLIN Berta F Bence 1913 The family relationships are an estimation. 519
ZELIG  return F Izsak 1905 519
ZELIG Mihaly M Izsak 1932 The family relationships are an estimation. 519
ZELIG Zoltan M Izsak 1936 The family relationships are an estimation. 519
ZELMANOVITS F Widow Lajos 1876 519
ZELMANOVITS Regina F Lajos 1915 The family relationships are an estimation. 519
ZICKERMAN Izsak M Married Rozsi 1915 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 519
ZICKERMAN Rozsi F Married Izsak 1911 The family relationships and their status are an estimation. 519
ZUCKERMANDEL Lipot M Married Relli 1893 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 519
ZUCKERMANDEL Relli F Married Lipot 1888 The family relationships and status are according to Pages of Testimony 519
ZOBER F Kalman 1914 519
ZOBER Farkas M Kalman 1936 The family relationships are an estimation. 519
ZOBER Sandor M Kalman 1942 The family relationships are an estimation. 519


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