Memorial Book of David-Horodok
(Davyd-Haradok, Belarus)

52°03' / 27°13'

Translation of
Sefer zikaron Dawidgrodek

Editors: Y. Idan, Tel Aviv, Former Residents of David-Horodok in Israel

Published in Tel Aviv, 1957


Project Coordinator

Gayle Justman


Our grateful thanks go out Ala Gamulka
for her technical assistance and translations.

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem for the submission
of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation of: Sefer zikaron David-Horodok (Memorial book of David-Horodok),
Editors: Y. Idan, Tel Aviv, Former Residents of David-Horodok in Israel, 1957 (H,Y, 487 pages)

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Hebrew TOC translated by Sara Mages

Yiddish TOC translated by Gloria Berkenstat Freund

Introduction #   5
From the Editorial Committee #   6
The History of David-Horodok # Yosef Lifshitz 7
Way of Life
The City of David (David-Horodok) Dr. M. Zagorodski 63
The Progressing Town Yitzchak Ben-Yosef 69
Distant Sights A. Yisraeli 71
Thoughts Yosef Lifshitz 75
Sections of Memories Moshe Meiri (Moravchik) 77
My Parental Home Y. Lifshitz 80
In the Diaspora in Polesye D. Tannenbaum 89
From the Way of Life of the Town A. Lahav Lachovsky 92
About What Was and Is No More Itka Veiner-Zeldin 94
Memories Tzipora Kunda-Ginzburg 97
Refugees - “Bezhentsy” - in David-Horodok Y. Zeldin 99
David-Horodok During the Time of the Balachowiczes Gershon Berman 101
Memories Tzvia and Bracha Fishman 102
Institutions and Organizations
About Our Community That Is No More Sh. Kvetny 105
The Maccabi Organization in David-Horodok Yaakov Kolozny 107
Organizations and Economic Institutions in Our City Shmuel Papish 109
The Firefighters Organization of David-Horodok Yosef Yudovitz 111
The Zionist Movement in David-Horodok
The Beginnings of the Zionist Movement in David-Horodok Yitzchak Idan 115
About Zionist Activities in David-Horodok Shmuel Papish 117
Poalei Zion (Left Leaning) – in David-Horodok Sh. Zezik 119
A Story About a Notebook A. Yisraeli 121
About the Youth That Was and Is No More Moshe Meiri (Moravchik) 125
Youth Clubs Moshe Meiri (Moravchik) 126
The Hechalutz Organization in David-Horodok Yehoshua Begun 127
With the Hachshara Kibbutz in Lisovitz Rivka Aharoni-Ziporin 128
Hechalutz Hamizrachi in David-Horodok G. Gloiberman 129
The League for Workers in the Land of Israel Shmuel Zezik 131
The Revisionist Movement in David-Horodok Ch. Kolozny 132
About the Keren Hayesod Fundraising Campaign in David-Horodok (1922) Aryeh Lachovsky 133
A Son of David-Horodok in the Jewish Legion Chaim Yachnitz 134
How I Obtained My Aliya Permit Leibush Dushnik 135
How We Made Aliya to the Land Dov Dushnik 135
Tarbut School
Tarbut School Sh. Papish 139
The School P. Dobrushin 141
Ten Years Since the Establishment of the School in David-Horodok Litman Gotlieb 143
Tarbut School Moshe Meiri (Moravchik) 143
How the Bnei Yehuda Society Was Established Yaakov Hochman 144
Bnei Yehuda, Pioneers Who Revived Our Language Yerachmiel Morstein 146
About the Teacher Branchuk of Blessed Memory Mendel Kravchik 146
In Memory of My Loved Ones Sara Rimar Olshansky 149
Told by the Elders
My Memories Moshe Yehuda Lifshitz 153
Wonders and Miracles Reb Mordechai Kotzikovitz 155
Told by Reb Kopel Lichtenstein   158
A. The Pure and the Holy, May G-d Avenge Their Blood (Murdered by the Nazis)
Rabbi Yisrael Yehuda Kula of Blessed Memory Y. Ben-Yisrael 163
Avraham Zeev Lutzky A. Ziporin 164
My Father Reb Yosef the Son of Moshe Kolozny of Blessed Memory C. Kolozny 165
Avraham Durchin, May G-d Avenge His Blood Y. Lifshitz 167
Yaakov Olpiner Y. Lifshitz 168
Aharon the Son of Moshe Yehuda Lifshitz Sh. Zezik 169
Sara Gloiberman-Plotnitzky Shoshana Gloiberman 169
Musia (Devora) Geier-Gloiberman Shoshana (Gloiberman) Zilberstein 170
About My Dear Girlfriends A friend 170
B. From the Old Generation (and Also From the New)
Rabbi Yeshayahu Rozenblum Y. Lifshitz 171
Rabbi Yeshaya Aryeh Leib A. Lahav 172
Rabbi David Berkovitz Yitzchak Ben Chana 172
The Rabbi Reb Dovidl A. Lahav (Lachovsky) 174
To the Wonderful Personality of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Koltin Yaakov Kolozny 175
In Memory of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak the Malach [Angel] A. Lachovsky 177
The Magid [Preacher] Rabbi Shaul Dov Yeshayahu Magidovitz 177
Sara Ita Zager Chaim Kolozny 178
Yitzchak Leib Zager # Sh. Zezik and Y. Lifshitz 179
Passed Away in Israel
Rabbi Shneur Zalman Shapira, May the Memory of the Holy Be Blessed Yaakov the son of Yosef Kolozny 179
Reb Shimon the Son of Reb Chaim Leib Ronkin, May the Memory of the Holy Be Blessed Rabbi Techoresh 181
Rafael Shafer of Blessed Memory Ch .B 182
Rafael Shafer of Blessed Memory M. Gurari 183
About the Death of Yehuda Kashtan Tz. Rosenstein 184
Yehuda Kashtan of Blessed Memory Y. Ritov 185
Yehuda Kashtan of Blessed Memory, the Teacher During the Years 1916–1917 Gloiberman 186
The Rabbi Reb Avraham Yitzchak May His Soul Rest in Paradise Yosef Kashtan 187
In Memory of Reb Yosef the Son of Noach Kashtan of Blessed Memory Ch. Kolozny 187
From the Mourning Gathering at “The House of the Teacher” on the Seventh Day After His Passing Dov Yelin 188
A Memorial to the Departed Yaakov Rimon 189
In Memory of a Dear Friend Rivka Ziporin-Aharoni of Blessed Memory Y. Ben-Shachar 190
Reb Natan Nota Gloiberman of Blessed Memory Chaim Kolozny 190
Persons from David-Horodok   191
The Holocaust
Why??? Y. Idan 197
We Will Surely Remember Moshe Moravchik (Meiri) 200
[Who Can Describe ] Chaim Kolozny 201
A Monument Zelda 202
My Visit to David-Horodok # M. Rappaport 202
My Last Days in David-Horodok # M. Shur Ami 203
From 1939 To 1945 Yaakov Kolozny 204
The Last Days and the Last Hours # Bat-Sheva Kushnir and Gronim Pelavin 208
About Two Towns: Stolin, David-Horodok and the Village of Rubiel [Rubel] Michael Nosanchuk 209
Among the Partisans in the Vicinity of David-Horodok # Chaim Hochman 215
Miriam Bregman Tells of Her Partisan Activities # Miriam Bregman 218
Colonel Satanovski # Chaim Hochman 222
After the Holocaust
After the Holocaust Sh. Tchernichovsky 226
My Visit to David-Horodok After the Holocaust M. Kravchik 227
In David-Horodok in 1945 Meir Tzvi Korman 229
My Small Revenge for the Heinous Crime # Aharon Moravchik 231
The Murderer and His Punishment Leibush Dushnik 239
The Small Community (Rubel)
A House in the Village Yitzchak Idan-Zeldin 243
Craftsmen in the village Yitzchak Zigerman 260
Those who engaged in public needs with trust Yakov Kolodni 263
Fragments of memories Zelda Kagan-Stulin 266
The Balachwiczes in Rubel Yisrael Nachum Dortzin 268
David-Horodok Landsmanshaft organization in Israel   270
A Memorial Prayer
A Candle for the Fallen
Lipman Yitzchak son of Leah   277
Aharon Sherman   277
Arye Shostakovski   277
Pesia Lev   277
Shoshanna Lev   278
Zev Lakhovski   278
Zev Virobnik   279
Shulamit Durchin   279
Tzvi Durchin   281
Ori Weisberg   282
Baruch Hochman   282
Zalman Gloiberman   283
Dov Gloiberman   283
Isar Brosky   283
List of the Martyrs From David-Horodok   284
David-Horodok sons and daughters who died in Israel   299
Family pictures   300
El Malei Rachamim   323
Foreword # 327
From the Editorial Committee # 328
The History of David-Horodok # Yosef Lifshitz 329
From Childhood Years
David-Horodok 50 Years Ago # Motel Slutzky 405
Sabbath Evening # Berl Neuman 414
My Grandmother Told Me # Berl Neuman 418
Our Shtetl # Berl Neuman 420
David-Horodok Until the War # Yitzchak Nachmanovitz 424
Rabbis and Community Workers
The Horodoker Dynasty # Dr. Rabinovitz 429
Yitzchak Leib Zager # Y. Lifshitz and Sh. Zezik 430
Eve of the War
My Visit to David-Horodok # M. Rappaport 435
My Last Days in David-Horodok # M. Shur Ami 436
The Last Day and the Last Hour
The Last Days and the Last Hours # Bat-Sheva Kushnir and Gronim Pelavin 441
A Visit to the Shtetl After the Holocaust # Yitzchak Nachmanovitz 443
Impressions # Meir Hershel Korman 447
Partisans Stories
Colonel Satanovski # Chaim Hochman 453
Rosh Hashanah of 1943 in the Partisan Detachment # Chaim Hochman 459
Miriam Bregman Tells of Her Partisan Activities # Miriam Bregman 462
The Horrible Ghetto Slaughter in Rubiel [Rubel], David-Horodok and Stolin # Michael Nosanchuk 468
My Small Revenge for the Heinous Crime # Aharon Moravchik 475
Tzivia Kraus (Ziporin), z”l Reuven Mishalov 487
# Translations from the “David Horodoker Memorial book”, 1981


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