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[Pages 691 - 696]

List of Victims

Transliterated by
Dr. Hannah Berliner Fischthal
and Lance Ackerfeld

A memorial to those murdered, the members of our community who were suffocated by gases at the hands of the evil Nazis. The number of nameless persons that died in this way is extremely large and their names never reached us, to those we request forgiveness and pardon that they were not mentioned – be their names and memories be inscribed for eternal life. The majority of those remembered in this list were killed together with their families.


Adelist <Return> Yisrael
Astricher Avraham
Astricher Chaim
Astricher Mendel
Astricher Yisheyahu
Axelrod Dr.
Belfour <Return> David
Birinbaum Moshe
Birinbaum Ya'akov Leyb
Blatt Avraham
Blatt Naftali
Blumenshtik Leyzer
Blumenshtik Mendel
Blumenshtik Moshe
Bokovski Mendel
Bokovski Yosef
Bolveik Family
Bomecz Shmuel
Bornstein Herschel
Bornstein Zisha
Brandeis Avraham
Brandeis Chaim
Brandeis Moshe
Brandeis Moshe
Brandeis Naftali
Brandeis Shlomke
Brandeis Szlomo
Brandeis Ya'akov Leybish
Brokner Chaim Itche
Brokner Itche
Brokner Szlomo
Brokner Ya'akov
Brokner Yosel
Buchbinder Szlomo
Burnfried M
Caleb <Return> Avraham
Caleb Moshe Peretz
Dafner  <Return> Yisrael Yitzhak
Danzcyger (Birdman) Sara
Danzcyger Itche Zinwel
Dardyk Shalom Natan
Darwinovski Herzke
Darzarvinska Ya'akov
Domb Yechiel
Drexler Chaim
Eisenberg  <Return> Shmuel
Eisenman Benyamin
Eisenman Chaim Moshe
Eisenman Moshe
Eisenman Yisrael
Epstein Chaim
Epstein Kalman
Epstein Shmuel David
Epstein Yosef
Erlich Hendel
Erlich Leyb
Erlich Moshe
Erlich Moshe Yitzhak
Erlich Wolf
Feder  <Return> Avraham Yitzhak
Feiner Wawa
Felbus Gershon
Feldberg David
Ferentka Moshe
Feyerman Shmuel
Finkelstein Benyamin
Finkelstein Szlomo
Fiszel Beryl
Fiszel Ya'akov Shalom
Flechta Asher
Flechta Benyamin
Freeman Natan
Freeman Ya'akov Yitzhak
Freydman Berish
Freydman Beryl
Freydman Mathias
Freydman Szlomo
Freydman Ya'akil
Freydman Ya'akov
Freynd Shmuel
Frizer Yudel
Fuks Avraham Leybish
Fuks Avraham Yitzhak
Fuks Gabriel
Fuks Melech
Fuks Mordechai
Fuks Ya'akov Szlomo
Fuksbrund Wawa
Fuksbrund Yosef
Gadalavicz  <Return>  
Garshtenfeld Baruch
Gelbart Berish Shmuel
Gelbart Levi
Gelbart Yitzhak
Gelbart Yosef
Gerasht Nachman
Gezshmut Yosel
Gitler Chaim
Glosserman Herschel
Glosserman Hillel
Glosserman Itche
Glosserman Meir
Glosserman Meir
Glosserman Mordechai
Glosserman Moshe
Goldberg Chanoch
Goldblum Itche
Goldblum Leyzer
Goldblum Leyzer
Goldblum Moshe
Goldblum Nechamia
Goldblum Wolf
Goldblum Yosel
Goldstein Benyamin
Goldstein Herschel
Gorfinkel Kalman Leyb
Gotfraynd Berish
Grankevicz Aharon
Grantman Zecharia
Greenbaum Avraham
Greenbaum David Yosef
Greenbaum Emil
Greenbaum Pinchas
Greenbeg Yisheyahu
Greenberg Moshe
Greenberg Shmuel
Greenberg Zalman
Groshke Fishel
Groshke Ya'akl
Grynspan Chaim
Grynspan Shmuel
Grynspan Yosel
Guterman Itzhik
Guterman Michael ("Little Michael")
Gutman Mendel
Gutman Nachman Aharon
Gutman Shimon
Gutman Yosef
Gutman Zelig
Halpern  <Return> Baruch
Halpern Szlomo
Hamburger Chanich
Hercziger Moshe
Herczkovicz Hersch Be'er (a "Shoychet")
Herczkovicz Moshe
Herczkovicz Yosele
Herschberg Avraham
Herschberg Shimshon
Herschfeld Chaim David
Honigstein Avraham
Honigstein Menashe
Jarnovski  <Return> Moshe Eliezer
Javner Fiszel
Kaleb  <Return> Eliyahu
Kalman Hesko
Kalman Leah
Kalman Leyba
Kalman Leyzer
Kalman Nisel
Kalomovicz Kalman
Kalomovicz Sindel
Kalpman Aryeh
Karner Bundit
Kashanski Moshe
Kashnovski Beryl
Kashnovski Kopel
Kashnovski Szlomo
Kastenberg Wolf
Kava (the engineer)  
Keyser Chaim
Keyser Herschel
Kirschenbaum Pesach
Kleinman Itchel
Kleinman Mendel
Kleinman Ya'akov Meyer
Kleinplatz David Szlomo
Kleinplatz Kalman
Kleinplatz Ya'akov
Kleinplatz Yehuda Leyb
Klisch Abar
Klisch Itzhik
Knovler David
Knovler Yisrael
Knovler Yosef
Konieg Wolf
Kornblum Alter
Kotlitski Ya'akov
Kozshukh Aharon
Kozshukh Alter
Kozshukh Avraham Melech
Kozshukh David
Kozshukh Wolf
Krakovski Avraham Moshe
Krakovski Mendel
Krampal Yoshua
Krauss Zalman Yosef
Kreytzer Eliezer
Krimolovski Avraham Wolf
Krimolovski Yechiel Leybish
Krimolovski Zelig
Kronenberg Herschel
Kuperberg Moshe Shmuel
Kuperberg Yisrael David
Lamos  <Return> Beryl
Lamos Leyzer
Lamos Yisrael Itche
Lastzina Mendel
Lasztina Itche Meyer
Lechtiger Tuvia
Lechtiger Yakil
Leiberman Berish
Leiberman Chanich
Leiberman Mendel
Leiberman Mordechai (a "Chazan")
Leiberman Motel
Leiberman Reuven
Leiberman Ya'akov Yosef
Levinberg Mordechai
Levinstein Szlomo
Lewkovitch Manis
Lewkowitch Wolf
Lewkowitch Yitzhak
Lewkowitch Zindel
Leytner Avraham
Leytner Barish
Leytner Gabriel
Leytner Paltiel
Lezinger Tuvia
Londner Daniel
Londner Feybil
Londner Herschel
Londner Mendel
Londner Meyer
Londner Wawtcha
Londner Yitzhak
Lubling Efraim
Lubling Yoshua
Luksenberg Itche Meyer
Luksenberg Yisrael
Luksenberg Zoshe
Luksenbug Mordechai
Luria Leyzer
Luria Moshe Aharon
Lusk Avraham Meyer
Lusker Eliezer
Lusker Moshe
Lusker Nachum
Lusker Naftali
Lustig Meyer
Lustman Alter Meyer
Lustman Shimon
Lyda Chaim David
Magar  <Return> David
Magarkavicz Akiva
Magarkavicz Chaim
Malach Rephael
Manele Elkhana
Manele Szlomo Yosef
Mechtinger Mordechai Fiszel
Melnoviczer Itche
Melnoviczer Leybl
Mendelbaum Pavel
Milchlovicz Mordechai
Milchman Elimelech
Milchman Shmuel
Milchman Yudel
Mincz Avraham (a "Shoychet")
Mincz Chaim (a "Shoychet")
Miodovnik Aharon
Miodovnik Avraham
Miodovnik Beryl
Miodovnik Binyamin
Miodovnik Herschel
Miodovnik Mordechai
Miodovnik Mordechai Leyb
Miodovnik Moshe
Miodovnik Naftali
Miodovnik Szlomo
Miodovnik Shmuel
Miodovnik Yizhak
Miodovnik Zelig
Monate Ya'akil
Monsheyn Avraham
Monsheyn Moshe
Moskovicz Hersch Leyb
Nachamya  <Return>  
Najfeld Avraham
Najfeld Ephraim
Najfeld Moshe
Narvad Pinchas Mordechai
Nirenburg Kalman
Nirenburg Leyzer
Nirenburg Shmuel
Nirenburg Ya'akov
Nordon David
Novomeska Alter
Novomicz Shmuel
Novomiski Yisrael
Noysbaum Chanich
Noysbaum David
Noysbaum Ya'akov David
Noysbaum Yosef
Nusenovicz Ya'akov
Osias  <Return> Avraham
Oski Yosef
Ostrovski Mendel
Oviczki Yosel
Panski  <Return>  
Parnes Beryl
Parnes Mordechai Hillel
Parnes Moshe
Parnes Moshe Yitzhak (a "Shoychet")
Parnes Yechiel
Parsol Avraham
Pasko Yodel
Pasko Yosef
Pasternak Mendel
Peschmischel Meyer Grones
Pevenczne Yechiel Mordechai
Pianka Alter
Pianka Machil
Pilicz Aharon
Pilicz Anschel
Pilicz Chaim Yosef
Pilicz Kalman
Pilicz Syndal
Pilicz Ya'akil
Pilicz Ya'akov Wolf
Pilicz Yisrael
Pipkofef Nachum
Pleznstein Leyzer
Pleznstein Tuvia
Pleznstein Yechiel
Pomerantz Yechiel
Futerko Alter
Futerko Lipka
Futerko Yechezkiel
Potreshnit Berish
Preserovicz Itche
Preserovicz Yosef
Prezerovicz Avraham David
Prezerovicz Chaim
Prezerovicz David Yosef
Prezerovicz Fischel
Prezerovicz Wolf
Prezerovicz Yudel
Racht  <Return> Beryl
Rechnicz Adolph
Rechnicz Avraham
Rechnicz Avraham
Rechnicz Eliezer
Rechnicz Herschel
Rajchman Alexander
Rajchman Kopel
Rajchman Moshe David
Riterband Beryl
Rosenberg Yitzhak
Rosenblum Tuvia
Rosenblum Yosef
Rosenblum Yudel
Rosenczweig David
Rosenczweig Hendel
Rosenfeld Leybish
Roter Yitzhak
Rotshtein Shmuel
Rotshtein Yitzhak Hersch
Roza Ya'akov
Rozaneck Abele
Rozenberg Szlomo
Rozenczweig Yosel
Rubin Tavil
Rubinski Moshe
Rushinik Chaim
Rushinik Moshe
Rushinik Szlomo
Rushinik Yakeil
Rushinik Yosef
Sapir  <Return> Eleazer
Shapir Avigdor
Shapir Avraham
Shapir Chaim
Shapir Yea'akil
Shapir Yechiel
Shapir Zelig
Sheyer Nachman Shalom
Shiveck Pinchas
Shiveck Yitzhak
Shiveck Yosef
Sliwka Meyer Natan
Sliwka Yudel
Shwartz Hendel
Shwartzberg Gershon
Slofoveski Max
Solorovicz Yosef
Stark Mordechai
Stebeski Chaim
Stebeski Shmuel
Stern Yitzhak
Sternik Ya'akov
Steschagovski Avraham
Steschagovski Leybl
Steschagovski Yakutiel
Szenhof Alter
Szenhof Leyb Hersch
Szenhof Moshe
Szenhof Yudel
Szlezinger David
Szlezinger Wolf
Szmeltcer Yechezkel
Szmidel Dr.
Szmolvicz Sindel
Szoymer Chaim
Szpeigelman Avraham
Szpeigler Moshe David
Szpeigler Zisha
Szpeiglman Leybish
Szpiegler Chaim Berish
Sztrubel Benyamin
Sztrubel Moshe Abba
Szwartz Alter
Szwartz Yiczhak
Szwartzbaum Avraham
Szwartzberg Yerachmiel
Szwiczarzyk Leybish
Walberg  <Return> Aba'le
Waltfriend Emanuel
Waltfriend Melech
Warschevski Moshe
Wasnicza Beinish
Weingron Lippa
Weinreib David
Weinreich Meyer Avraham
Weinreich Motel Hamelamed
Weinstein Mendel
Weinstrof Ezriel
Weintraub Avraham
Weintraub Ya'akov
Weintraub Yitzhak
Weintraub Yitzhak
Weisbeker Yohnotan
Weisblat Elimelech
Weiselicz Avraham
Weiselicz Leyb
Weiselicz Ya'akov
Weiskopf Shimon
Weistok Szlomo
Welbromovski Leyzer
Welhendler Avigdor Tzvi
Welhendler Berish
Welicz Baruch
Welicz Moshe
Welner Leyzer
Welner Shamshe
Welner Yisrael
Wiatrak Szlomo
Wilkom Yosel
Winter Gronam
Wiseman Szlomo
Zaltzberg  <Return> Zakle
Zaltzer David
Zarikar Yakil
Zauberman Yitzhak
Zaviatch Ya'akov
Zavolaz Yosef
Zaygriech David Be'er
Zeiderbund Itche
Zeiderman Leyb
Zeigel Hela
Zeitman Alter
Zeitman Alter Ben-Zion
Zeitman Chaim
Zeitman Ya'akov
Zilberberg Wolf
Zilberfreynd David
Zilberfreynd Szlomo
Zilbershacz Yosef
Zilberstein Moshe
Zilberstein Wolf
Zimmerman Benyamin
Zlotnik Mordechai
Zukerfeld Berish
Zukerman Berish
Zukerman Fiszel
Zukerovski Shmuel

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