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To my dear parents, brother and sisters whose memories will never leave my heart and their images will accompany me forever

May the Lord revenge their blood

My father, Abram z”l, son of Szlomo Rechnic. Killed at the end of 1942 in Auschwitz

My mother, Sara Chana z”l. Killed at the end of 1942 in Auschwitz

My sister, Hinda Frajda (Frania) Szczegowski and her young son Szlomo – killed in 1942

My brother, Mordechai, son of Abram. Killed in 1944 in Auschwitz

My sister, Ester Luba (Lola), killed in 1945 in Bergen-Belsen

May their memories be forever blessed

Cwi son of Abram, Ramat Gan
Abram Mosze Ruszinek - dab673a.jpg [26 KB]
Chana Fajgel Ruszinek - dab673b.jpg [34 KB]
Their heavenly souls

My dear and beloved parents

My father,
Abram Mosze Ruszinek z”l

My mother,
Chana Fajgl Ruszinek

Who were killed in the Holocaust with all the
Jews of Dabrowa

May their souls be bound up in the bond
of eternal life

Reb Abram Moshe Ruszinek z”l Chana Fajgl Ruszinek z”l Rywka Grosman nee Ruszinek
Instead of a gravestone

May the names of our beloved who were killed by the Nazi thugs
be inscribed and written in eternal memory.

May the Lord revenge their blood

Our father, Zew z”l, son of Szmuel and Chana Rozenblum

Our mother, Liba z”l , daughter of Benjamin and Frumet Ester Plawes

Our sister, Sara and her husband Mosze Prezerowicz z”l

Their memories will never leave us

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Motel Rozenblum – England
Fruma Herc nee Rozenblum
Szymon Rozenblum

In Eternal Memory

My unforgettable mother

and my whole family who were killed by the Nazi murderers

My father
Szlomo Rozmaryn z”l

died before the war

Mourning daughter
Fajgl Zuchter nee Rozmaryn

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