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In eternal memory

We grieve the death of our dear family members, who were killed in the Holocaust

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Kozuch family
My the Lord revenge their blood
1. Kozuch family:

Our father Jakob Towje Kozuch z”l

Our mother Rachel z”l

Our brother Josef, his wife Lea and their son Szalom z”l

Our brother Dawid, his wife Malka, their children Juda and Tamar z”l

Our brother Jecheskel and his wife z”l

Our brother Szlomo z”l

Our sister Cwia z”l

Our brother Gerszon z”l

Our sister-in-law Fryda nee Ajzenman and her two daughters z”l

2. Ajzenman family:

Mosze Ajzenman z”l

His wife Symcha Ajzenman z”l

Benjamin, his wife Dina and their daughter z”l

Israel, his wife and his son z”l

Brajndl, her husband and their children z”l

Chana, her husband and their children z”l

Fajgl and her husband z”l

Bajla, her husband and their children z”l

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Cwi and Miriam Kozuch

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  Lines in memory of

Our sister Ester Rywa Winter-Kozuch z”l

At 36 she was cut down in the prime of her life. In 1935 she realized her dream and went to live in Israel. She kept in continuous contact with her family who had remained in Dabrowa. In 1939 she brought with her son for a short visit in Dabrowa, however, the war that broke out prevented her from returning to her husband and her home in Tel Aviv. As was known, the Gestapo sent citizens from the Allied countries, who had been caught up in Nazi occupied countries, to be exterminated in Auschwitz. However, a miracle occurred in a plan for the exchange of German citizens located in Israel for Palestinian citizens located in Germany, who they hadn't had not yet been exterminate, and our sister z”l was amongst the lucky ones. In 1942 she managed to return to Palestine with her son, however, the troubles and the tortures of the Dabrowian Jews, that she had witnessed, had an effect on her gentle nature and she passed away. Following a malignant disease and great suffering she died on the 7th of Heshvan [14th October] 1945.

In 1945 she still managed to read letters from her brother and sister who survived the Holocaust, and her aspiration was to see them again in Israel.

Rywa Kozuch z”l   Her brother Cwi and sister Miriam

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