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[Page 648]

In memory of my dear parents
My father,
Menachem Magerkewicz z”l

My father,
Pesia Magerkewicz z”l

who died between the two world wars and they did not to see the agony of their people in Hitler's Holocaust.

The brothers:
Akiwa and his family members,
May the Lord revenge their blood

Mosze and his family,
May the Lord revenge his blood

The sisters:
Freda Fajner and her family members,
May the Lord revenge their blood

Rywka Grinbaum and family,
May the Lord revenge their blood

who died in the Holocaust and their burial place is unknown

Szyfra Magerkewicz Szpigler
Instead of a gravestone
The names of our loved ones who died during the Nazi activities will be written for eternal memory,

May the Lord revenge their blood

My father,
son of
Abram Lajb Lederman

My mother,

daughter of
Jakob Josef and Ester Rachel Neuman

My brothers,
Jakob-Josef and Chaim

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Ester Rozenblum
nee Lederman

In eternal memory

Grandfather, Mosze Micenmacher, z”l

Grandmother, Fajgl Micenmacher, z”l

Givers of charity openly and secretly

May the Lord remember

The souls of our dearest who were murdered at the filthy hands of the Nazis
because of their only “crime”: that they were Jewish

Our father, Menachem son of Abram Grajcer z”l

Our mother, Toba, daughter of Mosze z”l

Our sister, Gila, daughter of Toba and Menachem z”l

Our brother, Jechezkiel, son of Toba and Menachem z”l

died in the Holocaust in 1942 and did not receive a proper Jewish burial,

May the Lord revenge their blood

Enveloped in grief:
Chaim, Majer, Szmuel, Josef and Dow Grajcer
(in Israel)

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