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[Page 640]

In eternal memory

In memory of the souls our beloved who were killed in the Holocaust
My father
Chaim Magierkiewicz z”l
an innocent and honest righteous man (died before the Holocaust)

My mother
Chaja Magierkiewicz
May the Lord revenge her blood

Our sisters
Brajndl and Sima
May the Lord revenge their blood

Our brothers
Szmuel and Mosze Magierkiewicz

The Lord will remember them favourably together with all the other of the world's martyrs and will revenge their spilt blood
  Cypora Unterman nee Magierkiewicz
Cwi (Magen) Magierkiewicz, Kvutzat Ginegar
May the Lord remember my dear father, mother, uncles and aunts who were killed in the Holocaust during the years 5702-5703 [1942-1943], may the Lord revenge their blood
My father Dawid-Lajbisz Moszenberg
My mother Judit-Lea nee Liber
My sister Chawa-Ita
Uncle Mosze Aron Grobajzen, his wife Zysla nee Liber, my mother's sister
And their children: Chawa Bluma, Frajdl, Chaim and Genia
My uncle, Jechezkel Liber, my mother's brother; his wife Malka nee Liber
Their children: Josef, Perla, Jakob, Alta, Szmuel and Fajgla
My uncle Juda-Eliezer Liber, my mother's brother, shot in Srodula in 5703 [1943]
His wife, Lea nee Moszenberg, my father's sister
Their twin children, Aba-Hersz and Berl-Szmuel
My uncle Herszl Liber, shot in Srodula in 5703 [1943]
His wife, Mindele, my mother's sister
And their son, Aba Hersz
May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life
Abram Aba Moszenberg
Moneta family - dab640.jpg [23 KB]

Moneta family
May the Lord revenge their blood
In memory

Our father Icchakl Moneta z”l
A working man, a compassionate father to his children, killed in the Holocaust

Our mother Fajgl Mirjam z”l
Passed away when her children were young

All the other family members in the picture were killed in the Holocaust

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Their daughter and sister

Rjwkale Mairowiczi (Paris)
Their daughter-in-law, Shoshana (Israel)


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