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In eternal memory

Aba son of Israel Mosze Zaks z”l

Sara Tova daughter of Eliezer and Chava z”l

Eliezer Jehoszua son of Aba Zaks z”l

Mosze son of Aba Zaks z”l

Golda daughter of Aba Zaks z”l

Rajzl daughter of Aba Zaks z”l

Dawid Jakob son of Israel Mosze Zaks z”l

May their souls be bound up
in the bond of eternal life

Immortalizing in pain and grief
Jakob and Bluma Zaks
In memory of our beloved
who were uprooted from life in their youth

My father Reb Mosze Hersz Weksler z”l
My mother Chaja Weksler z”l
My sister Bacia Weksler z”l
My brothers Szmuel, Berl Motl and Jakob
My uncle Icchak Weksler
My uncle Avremele and Aunt Mindele

Of fond memory

Szymon Weksler
the grandfather
Riwale Weksler the grandmother

Were killed during the liquidation of the ghetto and were taken to the Auschwitz annihilation camp were they were incinerated

The Lord will revenge their blood

Arje Weksler, Tel Aviv
In eternal memory

Akiba the son of Fajwel Zaks z”l
May his soul rest in Heaven
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Akiba Zaks son of Fajwel from Dabrowa
in the Dachau camp, died in Israel
Underwent the Hitlerian period in the Nazi camps. After his liberation from Dachau camp, he came to Israel. He perished in Israel in accident that occurred whilst he was working building up the country.
May their souls be bound up
in the bond of eternal life

In deep sorrow:
Jakob Zaks
The Lord will remember the souls of my toiling righteous parents

Zysl and Mosze Zilbersztajn

My sisters
Edzia and Pola
and my brother Heniek
and also my grandparents:
Mendl Erlich
Mendl and Bluma Zilbersztajn
My uncles:
Majer Zilbersztajn, Bela and their children
Jakob Zilbersztajn, Genia and their children
Nisan Dawid and Esther Apelbaum
and their children
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Zilbersztajn family
Who were killed at the hands of the Nazis and the collaborating neighbours and “friends”, who mercilessly slaughtered the Jews. “Oh G-d full of compassion, who dwells on high may you grant perfect rest beneath the shadow of thy divine presence and let their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life. The Lord is their inheritance and may they rest in peace. Amen.”

Ela Zilbersztajn
Today known as Hadasa Goldrajch (Netanya)

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