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G-d will remember

Michael Gliksman - dab625a.jpg [12 KB]
  The soul of our only son, beloved and dearest

Michael son of Majer Gliksman z”l

Born on the 4th of Elul 5707
[20 August 1947]

Killed in a work accident
on the 10th of Sivan 5730
[14 June 1970]

May his soul be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Some words about his character

Our son Michael came with us to Israel in 1950 from Poland. He learnt in the “Etzion” religious primary school in Tel Aviv. He was a dedicated and conscientious student. He was always willing to come to the aid of his friends, and because of that everyone liked him. Later on he studied electronics in a technical school and later left to further his studies in the USA. When his time came to join the army, he returned home, enlisted in the Israel Defense Force and served in an air-force special unit, in which he also participated in the Six Days War. Here as well, he was well liked by his comrades and officers because of his conscientiousness and pleasant personality.

After his release from the army he met a girl from Kibbutz Be'erot Yitzhak that is affiliated the “Poel Hamizrachi” movement. He was married to her on Lag B'omer 5730 [24 May 1970]. And when we had hoped that his happiness would be our happiness, a sudden disaster fell, and our souls were entwined in his.

When he died a son dedicated and loyal to his people and homeland departed from us.

Woe to this beauty that is buried in the earth!

    His parents: Majer and Ester Gliksman

A memorial to our beloved whose memories will never leave us

Our father:
Majer son of Berl and Mina Mentlik z”l

Our sisters:
Hinda and Rachel,

Pesl Leszczyna
daughter of Majer Mentlik z”l

Chaja and Frajdl Bluma
daughters of Mendl and Pesl Leszczyna z”l

Our brother-in-law:
Mendl Leszczyna z”l

Our brother:
Berl son of Mendl and Pesl Leszczyna z”l

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Majer Mentlik - dab625b.jpg [14 KB]

Majer Mentlik z”l
head of the family
  Sara Honig nee Mentlik
Mina Goldminc nee Mentlik
Rywka Grinwald nee Mentlik

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