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[Page 609]

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Motel Izralewicz (z”l)

The day is Simchat Torah – the 25th of October 1940; and it is recorded as the day in which the first day of forced labor was created in the Zaglembie province. He arrived in the Klein Mangelsdorf / Brande camp. At the end of 1941 he came back home. Mid 1942 he was again taken to camp Graidzlitz. The painful news of his parents' deportation hit him like a bolt of lightning. Shortly thereafter all contacts with him were lost. Perhaps he found his eternal rest in deep reverence.

Polek Izralewicz (z”l)

1941. An ambush in the ghetto of Dabrowa. Polek flees to the Aryan side. The Jewish militia chases him. He faints. The Germans relent and decide to let him go free this time. The Jewish militia disagrees and don't want to give him up and send him to the Sakraun-Birkenheim camp. He was wounded in his leg. In August 1942 he is sent back home. The first stop is in a transit camp in Sosnowiec. There he meets by coincidence his surviving sister Cesia, who is on her way to camp. Polek, instead of actually going home is he merges in the crowd… and joins a transport bound for Auschwitz.

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Awremele Izralewicz (z”l)

He was one and half months short of his tenth birthday and already his life was cut off. Together with his parents he shared the same cruel fate.

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May their souls be bound up in the bond of everlasting life.

They will forever live in my memory.

Gucia Gitler Izralewicz

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