Table of Contents

Index of Names in the Cyzewo Yizkor Book

Prepared by Jerrold Landau


  1. This book was translated by several translators, and different name spelling conventions were used by the translators. In many cases, the spelling of names was not consistent even within a single chapter by a single translator. A spelling normalization effort was then undertaken over the entire book, with the aim of introducing as much consistency as possible. My choice of style for the normalization was not consistent in all cases, and may have introduced some awkwardness. Nevertheless, the normalization was necessary given the wide variety of spellings that were found in the initial translated drafts.
  2. I did not index the TOC, as any names in the TOC will appear on their relevant pages
  3. I did not include names of Biblical figures, or names of generic famous writers such as Sholom Aleichem, Bialik – unless specifically connected to a visit to the town (i.e. the index concentrates on the town itself). I did include article authors who live abroad.
  4. This book is paginated by column, with two columns per page. The index entries generally represent the columns. In cases where text spans both columns, as well as in the pages prior to 75, where the original book had no page numbers (page numbers were inserted during translation), index entries refer to the page by the first column number. Furthermore, in pages where there is an article break mid-page, thereby resulting in the top part and bottom part (two separate articles) each covering both columns, the entire page will either be considered as the first (odd column), or the columns will be reset on the second article.
  5. In cases where the author is either a famous historical character, a Jewish resident of another town (if obvious from the context), or a gentile, I include an asterisk in the surname. This is to ensure that the regular natives of the town can be differentiated from others.
  6. In cases where only a first name is given, I did not include in the index. I do not include even if the first name is identified by the Yiddish possessive (e.g. Shlomo Gedalya's – which means Shlomo, Gedalya's son), or those identified by profession (e.g. Yosel the Melamed). To sum up, only names which include surnames are included. On the other hand, if only a surname is listed, it is included.
  7. In cases where an article appears the same, or almost the same, in Yiddish and Hebrew, and only one version was translated, the index entries will follow the English translation rather than the original text.
  8. In cases where only a surname is mentioned, but it is possible to identify the first name from the context, I indexed in the entry that includes the surname.
  9. World famous historical characters such as Hitler are not included in the index. More minor historical figures, such as Polish leaders, are included.
  10. For the Memorial Candle section, the names were taken from the consolidated list (which includes the scans of individual pages), rather from the actual pages. The page number in this index is the first of the two columns on the page.
  11. In cases where a different surname appears with an entry (i.e. not a spelling variation), the second surname is likely either a maiden name or a married name.


Surname First Name Columns
(there are two columns per page)
Abarbanel Shmuel 245, 248
Abramowicz Dina 107
Abu Szmuel Dov 157
Adamski * 1115
Adgoninski 673 *
Ajdelsztejn Zajnvel (Zawel) 84, 189
Akselrod Chuka 345, 436
Akselrod Chava 442
Akselrod Leibel 428, 435, 441
Aldfang Shlomoh 678
Alter Avraham Mordechai Rabbi 297
Altshuler Yerukhem 832
Amsterdam 401
Andrzejtyk * 984
Angres-Bard Yohanan 434, 435
Arganinski * Albin 671, 688, 689, 690
Arsz * Marian 671
Astranzanski Yaakov 358
Baczan Yosl 472, 473
Badaczker 422
Banikowski * 687
Banucke 925
Baraczker Hershel 424, 434
Baran 488
Baran Alter 103
Baran Shayna 435
Baran Yenta 428
Baran Yisrael 661, 679, 680, 681, 686, 693, 698
Barczik * Kazimierz 1123, 1124, 1125, 1127
Barowski * 671, 687
Bartusz * 622
Beck * Josef 444
Becza * Henryk (Henrykh) 1129, 1135
Belczyk Levi 103
Belfer 385
Belfer Avraham Yitzchak 189
Belfer Azriel 608, 1150
Belfer Chaim 360, 1021
Belfer Hershel 849
Belfer Moshe Ahron 356
Belfer Zalman 386
Ben-Ari Sura 995
Berdan Eli Velvel 416
Berkowicz Avraham 1150
Berkowicz Izidor 1149, 1150
Berkowicz Moshe 237
Berkowicz Nathan 1150
Bernstein Joe 1150
Bialik * Chaim Noachman 43
Bialistocki Mordechai 321
Bialopolski * 378
Bialystocki 212
Bialystocki Chaim 687
Bibow * 926
Bidgadski 675
Binder 1051
Birenbaum 1051
Birenbaum * David Rabbi 325
Birnberg Harry 1150
Bitner Leyzer (Leizer) 230, 278, 712
Blajwajs 103, 207, 406, 408, 445, 717
Blajwajs Bunim 217, 221, 623, 626, 627, 628,
Blajwajs Hershel 717, 718, 719
Blajwajs Moshe (Meshal, Moshel, Moshe Leib) 96, 140, 150, 151, 337, 370, 403, 428, 429, 479, 1049
Blajwajs Naftali Herc 730
Blajwajs Simkha 1050
Blajwajs Shaul Hersh (Szaul Hersh) 144, 222, 389, 390, 589, 729
Blajwajs Yitzchak (Yitzchak Bunem) 623, 625, 626, 627, 628, 734
Blajwajs Alta 589
Blajwajz Brajna 1060
Blausztajn 1051
Blazbard * Binyamin 687
Blumenkranc Moshe’le 229
Blumsztejn Yitzchak 345
Bodla Izak 57
Bolender 385
Bolender Avrohom Shimon 1041
Bolender B. 1039
Bolender Belitshe 424
Bolender Chaim Yitzchok 1047
Bolender Enya 998
Bolender Golda 337, 349, 350, 351, 369, 997, 998
Bolender Lazer 1047
Bolender Motl 472, 1047
Bolender Rochel Leah 1047
Bolender Sender 998
Bolender Shimon 1047
Bolender Sora Feiga 1047
Bolender Yankel (Yakov) 494, 997
Bolender Zelda 998
Bolender Zisl (Ziska) 998
Bolender (Gafni) Sura Dina 340
Boran Esther 424
Borensztejn * Avraham Rabbi 298, 299
Bralinski * 1080
Brand-Stolowicz Nemi 1151
Brisel Hershel 754
Brisel Leizer-Henekh 754
Brisel Meir 754, 756
Brokhauser * 69
Bromberg * Rabbi 324
Bronsztajn Chynka 1047
Bronsztajn Esther-Shayna 670, 686
Bronsztajn Fishel (Fiszel) 356, 524, 1047
Brukarz 488
Brukarz Chaya Hinda 504
Brukarz Dov (Berl) 13, 57, 103, 153, 181, 183, 420, 422, 424, 425, 434, 471, 473, 477, 483, 489, 503, 511, 535, 537, 539, 542, 546, 548, 550, 551, 596, 751, 1149, 1150, 1151
Brukarz Dvora (Dwasza) 424, 542, 545, 1151
Brukarz Mordechai 422, 428, 429, 435, 442, 480, 488, 550
Brukarz Shimon (Szimela) 505, 596
Brukowski Raizel 984
Brunrut 654
Bursztajn Avraham Eli 373
Bursztajn (Dimentman) Leah 376, 379, 382
Bursztajn Shlomo 702
Bursztajn Yitzchak (Yisrael Yitzchak) 241, 243, 372, 699
Calinowicz Dovidl 732
Calinowicz Jeszaja 732
Calkes Shlomo 278
Cegel Mendel 524
Celniker 223, 385
Celniker Yisrael Yitzchak 416
Chedrof Gitl 1149
Chmiel 103
Cikrovich (Prawda) Chaikeh 587, 590
Cikrovich Simcha 590
Cimer * Antony 671, 686
Ciranke Yakob 428
Cohen Max 1150
Cohen * Rabbi Shabtai (Sha’ch) 284
Cohen-Kanet Rivka 1151
Cukerman Etka 967
Cukrowicz Berl 345
Cukrowicz Dina 1169
Cukrowicz Feigel 372
Cukrowicz Jehuda Mendel 1169
Cukrowicz Shlomo Feivel 930
Cukrowicz Simcha 1185
Cukrowicz Szepszl 1169
Cukrowicz Yechiel 1169
Cukrowicz (Cur) Avraham 57, 345, 371, 372, 373, 374, 377, 436, 442, 1149
Cymes Avraham Yitzchak 1185
Cymes Chaim Dawid 1185
Cymes Moshe 1185
Cymes Rivka 1185
Cymes Yosl (Yosef) 428, 1185
Cynamon Josef Mendel 238
Cynamon Malka 238
Cyrelson * Rabbi R. L. 290
Czak Moshel 1001
Czarne Hershel 15
Czechowski * 671
Czeliasniak Yosef Shmerl 472
Czender (Goldberg) Shmuelye 516, 518
Czernko Dawid 1171
Czernko Jehuda 1171
Czernko Josef Cwi 1171
Czernko Lea 1171
Czernko Rivka 1171
Czernko Shmuel 1171
Czernko Towja 1171
Czenko Yaakov 1171
Czimbam (Goldberg) Dovid 471, 472, 473, 474
Czinowicz Moshe Rabbi 294
Cziwice Shlomo 924, 930, 931
Czczupakiewicz 143
Czelianogora Shalom 422
Dagan Rachel 1171
Dancygier Chaim 189, 215, 220, 221
Dancygier Tzwi Hersh 225
Dancygier Yechiel 225
Dawidovicz I Y (Julian) 29, 73, 1122, 1135
Dimentman Eli (Elijahu) 175, 231, 737
Dmochowski * Kazimierz 683
Dmochowski * Pawel 923
Dombrowski * Dr. 162, 165
Drazszrczszuski * Kazimierz 687
Drengowski * 948, 949, 951, 953, 954, 956, 961, 963, 964
Dubja * 1123
Edelsztajn Boruch 1169
Edelsztajn Chana Sura 1110, 1169
Edelsztajn Cwi Hirsz 1169
Edelsztajn Dwora (Dvora, Dworale) 337, 1070, 1169
Edelsztajn Menucha 1169
Edelsztajn Moshe 1169
Edelsztajn Noach 150, 151, 337, 362, 363, 445, 1169
Edelsztajn-Bolender Rasza (Roszka) 159, 1169
Edelsztajn Shimon 1110
Edelsztajn Shmuel Zangwil 1169
Edelsztajn Sura 1169
Edelsztajn Szoszana 1169
Edelsztajn Zanwil (Zawel) 197, 219, 262, 263, 485, 487, 661, 732, 738755, 756, 773, 840
Edelsztajn Zisze 1169
Eibszi 654
Eibeszyc 385
Eibeszyc Ahron 150, 235
Eides Leibel 373, 595
Eides Lou 1149
Eiger * Akiva Rabbi 317, 325
Ejnszic 1022
Eliasz Botsze (Boruch Yakov) (Botsze) 229, 231, 278
Eliasz Esther 340, 847, 847, 848, 850
Eliasz Yechiel 57, 358, 595
Eliasz Yerachmiel 847
Emden * Yakov 659
Epstein * Yechiel Michel Rabbi 300, 301
Epsztajn 226
Epsztajn Faya 653
Epsztajn Chaim Leib Rabbi 294
Epsztajn Jakob 242
Epsztajn Jakob Yitzchak Rabbi 300
Epsztajn Matl Fayga 653
Epsztajn Simcha Rabbi 295
Ewri Yeshaya 222
Fajngold Henya 669
Farber Dina 999
Farbsztejn Jakob 1169
Farbsztejn Pesze 1169
Farbsztejn (Liberman) Nechama 1169
Feigenbaum * Yitzchak Rabbi 297
Feldman Nisen 670
Feldsztajn Fayga 373
Fenster Avrahamtshe 1017
Fenster Peshke 345, 436
Fenster Yisroelke 610, 1017
Fertl Motl 491
Fetman 678
Fiszer Yehoshua 167
Fiszman * 1062
Fribut Yosef 686
Frydman 991, 992, 1145
Frydman Avraham Lajb 1173
Frydman Avraham Pinyas 765
Frydman Berish 133, 187, 189, 207, 219, 220, 276, 279, 389, 472, 478, 840
Frydman Chaja Rivka 1173
Frydman (Gozlani) Chana 1173
Frydman Chana-Etka 998
Frydman Dina 1038
Frydman Fruma-Rochel 998
Frydman Gerszon 1173
Frydman Jakob Lezjor 1173
Frydman Josef 1173
Frydman Lejbusz (Leibush) 138, 143, 144, 145, 161, 222, 389, 966, 996, 1010, 1122
Frydman Menachem 1173
Frydman Miriam 349, 350, 351
Frydman Mirjan 1173
Frydman Mordechai 382, 996
Frydman Pinchas 237, 358, 836, 1173
Frydman Sura-Laya 998
Frydman Szayna-Bayla 998
Frydman Tauba 1173
Frydman Yisrael 1173
Frydman Yitzchak Dawid (Yitzchak) 215, 220, 998
Fydeto Jakob Pinchas 152
Gaczer Shmuelja 101
Gandila 1135, 1136
Garde Alter 188, 189, 233
Garde Bine-Boruch 508
Garde Dovid-Leib 508
Garde (Part-Garde) Rochel 371, 373, 1150, 1151
Gdiche Yehoshua 167
Gelbard 1007, 1011
Gelbard Shmulka 1007, 1010
Gelbojm 93, 101, 103, 207, 427, 489, 589, 646
Gerlich * Dr. 1041
Gershuni 1095
Glina 81
Glina Brayna 428
Glina Chana 435
Glina Mendel-Yisrael Shlomo 485, 825, 826, 827, 828, 1091
Glina Simcha 485, 553
Glina-Ginsberg Hendl 424
Glina-Zysman Nekhka 424, 828, 1091
Godlewski * Marzik 79
Godliwer Malka Rayzl 1115
Godliwer Yankel 1115, 1122, 1145
Goldberg Josef 1181
Goldberg Chaja (Chaja Rachel) 1181
Goldberg Cwi 1181
Goldberg Jakob 334
Goldberg Josef 1181
Goldberg Mendel 510
Goldberg Shimon 669, 686
Goldberg Zalman 687
Goldfaden * Avraham 437
Goldman M. 670
Goldman Morris 1150
Goldsztajn 421, 422
Golombek Shmuel Zelik 232, 233, 234, 235
Gonczar 996, 1126
Gonczar Batja 1181
Gonczar Esther 940
Gonczar Jakob 1181
Gonczar Naomi 1181
Gonczar Sura 587
Gonczar Yisrael 1181
Gonczar Yosl (Yosef) 966, 1181
Gonczar Zawel 1181
Gonczar (Keller) Yaffa 1181
Gora 223, 717
Gora Eliahu 57, 355, 358, 385, 597, 598, 845
Gora Gerszon 215, 223, 285, 293, 303, 713, 776, 789, 795, 798, 804, 809, 812
Gora Yitzchak (Yitzchak Hersh) 374, 399, 406, 408, 409, 428, 442, 1151
Gora (Gur) Gerszon (Gershon) 13, 57, 285, 387, 389, 391, 395, 399, 416 , 695
Gordan Benny 1150
Gorde 144
Gordin * Jacob 427
Gorzalczany 103, 1021
Gorzalczany Arija (Arje, Arjeh, Arya, Arja) 57, 67, 333, 334, 335, 339, 367, 368, 369, 370, 611, 613, 615, 623, 629, 847
Gorzalczany Dov (Berl) 13, 57, 75, 109, 129, 150, 151, 337, 362, 370, 385, 405, 411, 433, 445, 531, 542, 544, 545, 595, 678, 765, 825, 847, 1141, 1150, 1153
Gorzalczany Fayge-Feye 591, 743
Gorzalczany Matel 743
Gorzalczany Mendel 825, 826, 827, 828
Gorzalczany Moshe’ke 151
Gorzalczany Yechielke (Yechiel, Yechiel Mordechai) 143, 145, 356, 1183
Gorzalczany Yeshaya (Yeshayahu) (Jeszaja) (Yeshaya Yaakov) 143, 144, 145, 229, 278, 586, 651, 771, 772
Gorzalczany Yisrael Yitzchakl (Yisrael Yitzchak) 100, 133, 651
Gorzalczany (Malinowicz) Chana 1183
Gorzalczany Frydman Chantshe (Khantshe) 159, 591
Grabski * 169
Grade Berish (Alter Berish) 362, 365
Grade Chaim 385, 457
Gradus Ahron 687
Gradus Gel Grade 165
Graubard * Isuchar Berish Rabbi 298
Graubard * Jehuda Lejb Rabbi 298, 299
Graubard Zebulun 222
Gricer Feywele 225
Gridman Leibush 1115
Grobia N. 688
Grochowski * 732
Grodus Ahron Hirsz 297
Grodzinski * Rabbi Chaim Ozer 290
Gromadzyn 84, 1099, 1145
Gromadzyn Chaim-Ahron 1101
Gromadzyn Chawtsha 428
Gromadzyn Dvora (Dwora) 542, 545, 1163
Gromadzyn Feigel 351
Gromadzyn Fruma 349
Gromadzyn Mendel 101, 596
Gromadzyn Moshe 1163
Gromadzyn Moshele 364
Gromadzyn Moshe-Mendel 594, 656
Gromadzyn Nuska 101, 596, 731
Gromadzyn Perl 116
Gromadzyn Rivka 1115, 1122
Gromadzyn Shayna-Chaya 1101
Gromadzyn Sheina 345
Gromadzyn Yankel 333, 334, 338, 339, 367, 368, 369, 370, 1100
Gromadzyn Zelig (Zeylik, Zelik) 610, 950, 866, 884, 1115, 1126
Gromadzyn (Gordon) Simkha (Simcha, Simkhl) 425, 428, 435, 441, 561, 570, 586, 593
Gromadzyn (Gromadzyn-Gotlib) Khantshe (Chana) 428, 1099
Gromadzyn-Kirszenbojm Chaya-Rivka 424, 435, 1163
Grosbard 385
Grosbard Baruch 359, 360
Grosbard (Grosbart, Grozbard) Zebulun (Zvulun) 138, 140, 143, 144 ,173, 174, 175, 313, 315, 389, 736, 737, 784, 838, 839, 926, 981, 1008
Grosodzin 1038
Grozbard * 671
Grucki * 894
Grynberg 337, 544
Grynberg Avraham’l 150, 151
Grynberg Nisle 484
Grynberg Yoske (Joske) 189, 215, 483, 594, 748
Grynberg (Grynberg, Czelonogora, Czelonogora) Shalom 91, 336, 341, 342, 345, 362, 369, 423, 424, 479, 544
Grzibak Efroim 669
Guterman 211
Gwardiak 675
Hagerman Jacob Shlomo Rabbi 297
Hagerman Moshe Joel Rabbi 297, 298, 299, 300
Hagerman Yitzchak Jehuda 299
Hagerman * Yitzchak Paltiel Rabbi 299
Handelsman Berl 1177
Handelsman Chaim Lajbl 1177
Handelsman Reichl 1177
Handelsman Shlomo 1177
Hebel 144
Held Yocheved 350
Held (Cheld) Josef 57, 67
Heller * Rabbi Yom Tov Lipman 282
Herman 1153
Hersh Yitzchak 101
Hershman Boruch 133, 745, 746
Hershman Boruch, Rabbi 75
Hershman Moshe 836
Heyman * 926
Hirshborn * Yitzchak Yaakov 297
Hitsl Boruch 1064
Hitsl Henryk 1064
Hofman Rochel 373
Hofman Shlomo Zelman 97
Horowicz * Dawid HaLevi Rabbi 297
Horwicz Ahron 1179
Horwicz Reizl 1179
Horwicz Silka 1179
Horwicz Yaakov 1179
Igla Avraham (Avrahaml) 994, 1038, 1126
Igla Hatskl 674
Igla Moshe-Lejb 161
Ikir Shmuel 966
Jabka 441
Jabka Dovid 400, 402, 406, 408, 409
Jabka Welwel (Velvel) 89, 539
Jablkowski Chaim 669, 682, 686
Jablonka 223, 488, 599
Jablonka Berl 223, 416, 1161
Jablonka Bucze 103, 844, 1161
Jablonka Chana 1161
Jablonka Dawid 1171
Jablonka Itsl 222, 723
Jablonka Jakob, (Yakov, Yaakov) 150, 151, 428, 544, 842, 958, 1161
Jablonka Moshe (Moshele) 223, 416, 1161
Jablonka Nechama 1161
Jablonka Shlomo 1161
Jablonka Yisrael 844, 1161
Jablonka (Tapuchi) Ahron 13, 57, 223, 273, 313, 416, 461, 465, 755, 837, 1153, 1161
Jabotinsky * Ze’ev 370, 1052
Jakubowicz Chaja Sima 1171
Jakubowicz Mordechai Litman 1171
Jakubowicz Natan 1171
Jakubowicz Pinchas 1171
Jakubowicz Shmuel (Shmuel Natan) 742, 743, 1171
Jakubowicz Yakov 1007
Jakubowicz (Sapir) Frajda 1171
Janczewski * 874, 875, 876, 877, 878, 889, 890, 911
Jandzewer Mendel 230
Janowski Shmulka 428, 441
Janowski Yisrael Yitzchak 227, 229, 231, 278, 659
Jeczarski * 671
Jeliazny Jehudit 1181
Jeliazny Josefa 1181
Jeliazny Shmuel Majer 1181
Jeliazny (Kozlowsky) Chaja Rachel 1181
Jelin (Yellin) Zelig (Hillel Zelig) 669, 671, 674, 675, 677, 679, 680, 681, 683, 685, 686, 692, 693, 696, 698, 843
Jeruzalimski * Moshe Noachum Rabbi 298
Jursz * Marian 672, 688, 689, 690
Kac Leibush 980
Kacenelson Yitzchak 21
Kachan Rochela (Rochel) 373, 984, 985, 1031
Kackowicz * Moshe Ber Rabbi 302
Kackowicz * Yaakov David 302
Kackowicz Yocheved 302, 348, 351
Kaczanek Shlomo-Ber 817
Kaczimierczak * 923, 1131
Kahan 385
Kahn * Pinkhas 388
Kalan Ruchele 371
Kalinin * Mikhail 1084
Kalinowicz Yeshayahu (Yeshaya) 209, 219, 220, 738
Kaliszyner Chaim Lejb (Rabbi) 99
Kanc Shimon 13, 29, 856
Kandel 1025, 1026
Kandel Avraham 360, 785, 1021
Kandel Chaim Zvulun 785
Kandel Heide 167
Kandel Jacob (Jakob) 57, 785
Kandel Shayna (Shayndl) 373, 382
Kandel Shmuel Velvel (Szmuel Zeev) 356, 357, 445, 785, 786
Kandel Sura Rachel 785
Kandel Yaakov 358, 785
Kandel Yitzchak Noach 785
Kandel (Baron) Lea 785, 786
Kandel (Grinwald) Yafa 785
Kandel (Okon) Yosfe, (Joe) 591, 785, 1149
Kanet 520, 529
Kanet Dwashke 424
Kanet Josef 189, 418, 521, 522, 523
Kanet Mendel 153, 189, 522, 523, 525-529
Kanet Rojza-Leah 526
Kanet Yehoshua 518, 519
Kapka Berl 686
Kapla Eliezer 686
Karan 223
Karesz Meir 471
Karlbach 388
Karniol * 671, 672, 673
Kasower Yosef 669, 686
Kasper Max 1150
Kaszanske Moshe 1163
Kaszanszke (Szajka) Chaja Menucha 1163
Katliarek Yehoshua 389, 391
Katliarek Yossel 486
Kaufman Sonya 1149
Kaufman (Kokowka) Avraham 1161
Kawarla Antshel 1149
Kazlowski Chaim-Leib 389
Keizmacher Brocha 984
Keizmacher Chaim Asher 1159
Keizmacher Dvora (Dwora) 165, 1159
Keizmacher Fruma 1159
Keizmacher Hadas Elka 1159
Keizmacher Izak Dawid 1159
Keizmacher Jakob 1159
Keizmacher Moshe 985
Keizmacher Rivka 1159
Keizmacher Sura Miriam 1159
Kejmowicz 103
Kepak 448
Kerdan Eli Velvel 389
Kimovitz Sluvke 591
Kirczner Kalman 596
Kirszenbojm 442, 446
Kirszenbojm Brocha 824, 984
Kirszenbojm Ch. 821
Kirszenbojm Chaya-Sura 428, 436
Kirszenbojm Itsl 67, 424, 428, 435, 826, 1147, 1149
Kirszenbojm Rayzl 822
Kirszenbojm Shalom 373, 821, 826
Kirszenbojm Sura 826
Kirszenbojm Yakov-Leib 821
Kirszenbojm (Cukert) Gitl 826
Kitaj Avraham (Abraml) 722, 1173
Kitaj Avraham Shimon 722, 1173
Kitaj Dovid (Dawid) 865, 1173
Kitaj Eliezer 1173
Kitaj Lezjor Majer 1173
Kitaj Motke 722, 874, 875, 876, 877, 878, 879, 887, 888, 889, 891, 893, 911, 1173
Kitaj Rishka 363, 364, 1173
Kitaj Shalom 356, 722, 1173
Kitaj Shmulke 867, 868
Kitaj Sura-Maka 722
Kitaj Yankel (Jakob) 363, 364, 722, 873, 876, 981, 1173
Kitaj Yisrael 1173
Kitaj Yitzchak 1173
Kitaj 385, 449, 722
Kitaj ((Bolender) Grincze 1173
Kitaj (Slowczyk) Yentl 722, 863, 1173
Kitajewicz Bluma 981
Kitajewicz Belfer (Ben-Zion) 222, 736
Klar 411, 1082
Kliar 103
Knorpel Dan 143, 144, 145, 150
Kobrin * (Karbin) Leon 427, 437
Kohan Motl 754
Kokowka Doba 1161
Kokowka Josef Lajb 1161
Kokowka Leizer Velvel 1161
Kokowka Moshe Ahron 1161
Kokowka Shmuel Feivel 1161
Kokowka Sura 1161
Kokowka Yachad Miriam 1161
Kokowka Yitzchak Jydel 1161
Kokowka (Kaufman) Avraham 1161
Kon 81
Kook * Rabbi 1152
Kopczyski Simcha Prawda 15
Kopiek Fiszel 57, 223
Kopiek Yehoshua Nisen 154, 155, 520, 521, 523
Kopiek Yerucham HaLevi 833
Kosciuszko * 107, 518
Kosower 938
Koszleon Michal 97
Koszleon Szmuelke 97
Kowadla Chaya 687
Kotliarek Sheina-Gitl 730
Kotliarek Simcha 521
Kotliarek Yehoshua 223, 730, 740
Kotliarek Yitzchak 740
Kotliarek Yosel (Zanwel Lejb’s, Yossel) 521, 524, 544, 730
Kotliarek Zawel-Leib 544
Kowaldo 81
Kowaldo Hyman (Anshel) 259
Kowadlo Mindl 669, 680, 682, 686, 687
Kowalski * 604
Kozlowsky Alta 1181
Kozlowsky Avraham Moshe 1181
Kozlowsky Chaim Lejb 223, 1181
Kozlowsky David 1181
Kozlowsky Fishl 1181
Kozlowsky Gedalia 1181
Kozlowsky Jakob Yitzchak 1181
Kozlowsky Shmuel Majer 1181
Kozlowsky Yehoshua Cwi 1181
Kozlowsky (Smolke) Naomi Elishayva 1181
Krajndl Boruch 75
Krapik Avraham 959
Kraszewski * 867, 868, 873, 893, 958
Kraszewski * Stefan 671, 685, 686, 693
Krater * 687
Krau Dr. 163, 164
Krawiec 394
Krinski * 739
Kronenberg Avraham 1150
Krystal Eliezer 727
Krystal Mirjam 727
Krystal (Kristal-Bedolah) Izak 390, 727, 728, 1149
Krzanski Leibel 1079
Krzanski Shprinca 930
Kszeckower Itshe-Meir 400, 693
Kszinwanogo Shoshana (Royzka) 1151
Kukalka Berl 724
Kurcyusz * 684
Kuszer Mendel 206
Lamport Avraham 356, 1159
Lamport Fajga Rivka 1159
Landau Avraham 1161
Landau Alter (Alter Yitzchak) 849, 1181
Landau Dawid 1181
Landau Dwora 1181
Landau Fajgl 1181
Landau Rachel 1181
Landau Rivka 1181
Landau Yaakov 356
Landau Yona 1181
Landau (Korpik) Chana Jetka 1181
Lande (Landa, Landes) Avrahaml (Avraham) 255, 660, 740, 997
Lapka Berl 670
Lateiner * 427
Lechaim Yudel 586
Lepak 103, 143, 444, 449, 782, 954, 1010
Lepak Avraham-Boruch 552
Lepak Gitl 1189
Lepak Josef (Yosel) Boruch (Baruch) 133, 138, 207, 356, 447, 475, 747, 1189
Lepak Mordechai Max 1189
Lepak Shmuelik 542, 984
Lepak Yehoshua (Yeshaya) 149, 150, 151, 159, 165, 167, 176, 336, 343, 362, 369, 428, 445, 542, 544, 545, 784, 926, 981, 990, 991, 995, 1189
Lepak Yenta 1110
Lepak (Markowski) Pesha (Pnina) 436, 591, 1189
Lepak (Rozenblit) Ziona 1189
Lerman Pinkhus 1108
Levi Yosef 1021
Levin (Kizelsztajn) Chana 1181
Levinson Hershel 285, 1078
Levinson Rabbi Yosef Menachem HaLevi 211, 285, 544, 608, 610, 980
Levinsztejn * Josef Rabbi 298, 299
Levinzon Pinkhus 1023, 1027
Lew Avraham Berl 1165
Lew Roszke 1165
Lew Ruchtshe (Rachcze) 867, 1165
Lew Simcha 358, 595, 1165
Lew Yisrael Yitzchak 358, 385, 1022, 1165
Lew Yossel 1165
Lew Zindel 138, 231, 447, 448, 734, 735 1115, 1165
Lichtensztejn Rochel 984
Lipszic * Comrade 1089
Lipszic * Aleksander Ziskind Rabbi 298, 299
Litman Maurice 1167
Litman Moshel 422
Litman Ralph 1167
Litman Simchah 422
Litman Yenta 1167
Litmanis (Litmans) Rachel 349, 350, 351
Litmans Avraham 1167
Litmans Esther Lea 1167
Litmans Peshke 1167
Litmans Rochel-Lea (Rachel Lea) 591, 1167
Litmans Tauba 1167
Litmans Yosel (Yossel) 150, 1167
Litmans (Litman) Isser (Isser) 428, 1167
Litwak Moshe David 358
Litwak Yakov 923
Lopata 970
Lubelczyk 86, 350, 992
Lubelczyk Abram Chaim 84
Lubelczyk Avraham-Berl (Avrum Berl) 385, 830, 834
Lubelczyk Chaim 829
Lubelczyk Dov (Berele, Berl) 363, 366, 1081, 1084, 1086, 1087
Lubelczyk Dovid 830, 926
Lubelczyk Elka 831, 832
Lubelczyk Fayga-Faya 1084
Lubelczyk Fiszel (Fishel) 143, 175, 231, 356, 733, 829, 830, 832
Lubelczyk Itshe 423
Lubelczyk Itshe 586
Lubelczyk Judel (Yudel) 84, 829
Lubelczyk Leah Gitl 591, 834
Lubelczyk Mordechai 555, 830
Lubelczyk Moshel 422, 423, 424
Lubelczyk Moshele 434
Lubelczyk Rukhl (Rukhela) 1086, 1087
Lubelczyk Shlomo 84, 86, 97, 829
Lubelczyk Shmulik 1088
Lubelczyk Szviva 345
Lubelczyk Yakha 830, 831
Lubelczyk Yerukhem 831
Lubelczyk Yisrael Nakhman 555, 829, 1149
Lubelczyk Yokheved 831
Lubelczyk (Gorzalczany) Bat Sheva (Sheva, Sheva-Ita) 349, 351, 436, 829, 1079, 1088
Lung Arke 492
Lutustarska * 1092
Lyn Chaja 1181
Lyn Marisza 1181
Lyn Simale 1181
Lyn Tajbl 1181
Lyn Yechiel 1181
Makarewicz * 1122, 1123
Makowka Avrahaml 978, 979
Makowka Velvel 979
Malcman 385
Malcman Elihu (Eli) Ruwen (Rubin) 140, 143, 144, 175, 228, 231
Malcman Utshe 992
Malinowicz 634
Malinowicz Etl 1183
Malinowicz Frajda 1183
Malinowicz Hershel 133, 231
Malinowicz Moshe Abba 1183
Malinowicz Nechama 1169
Malinowicz Shmuel Majer 1183
Malinowicz (Lubelczyk) Malka 160 167, 633, 635, 636, 1183
Malinowicz (Wengorz) Chanatshe (Chana) 634, 1183
Mankuta Itshe 488, 1150
Mankuta Yankel 610
Mankuta Yehuda 436
Mankuta Sura 428
Mankuta (Berkowicz) Sura 435
Mant Hershel 966
Marcziniak * 936, 938, 991, 1036
Mark Ber 909, 910
Markus Chaim 687
Markus (Baron) Esther 1167
Maslo Doba 981
Maslo Pesakh 997
Maslo (Masle) Avraham Yosel 980, 981, 996
Maslo (Masle) Fruma 996
Melamed Avraham Yosel 222
Melamed Baruch 837
Melamed Berl 986
Melamed Yitzchak Hersh 278
Melamed Moshe Josef 266, 270
Melcer 233, 385
Melcer Ahron 416, 598
Melcer Chava Yehudis 679
Mendel Jehuda 97
Meyzl * Chana 510
Michalczik * 923
Mieszkowski * 671, 687
Milner Yisroelik 401
Minc Rivka 1169
Minc Sura 373
Minc (Edelsztajn) Rachel 1169
Mlodz Ruwin 927
Mnakusa 373
Moliere * 437
Molotov * Vyacheslav 1084
Mondry Judel Chaim 736
Moncarz 360
Moncarz Chaya Sura 739
Moncarz Doba 988
Moncarz Dovid (David) 365, 371, 382, 437, 446
Moncarz Hershel 428
Moncarz Lezjor 155, 728, 729
Moncarz Malka 340, 343
Moncarz Meir (Majer, Mejer) 138, 141, 428
Moncarz Mordechai 373, 376
Moncarz Perec 742
Moncarz Simcha (Seymour) 979, 1019
Moncarz Yisroelke (Yisrael) 230, 984, 986, 987
Moncarz Yossel (Yosef) 343, 428, 739
Mont Lezjor 521
Montefiore * Moses 296
Morgnsztern * 378
Morozow * 472, 473, 473
Murawicz Pejsach 736
Najmark Chaja Lea 1177
Najmark Chaim Lajb 1177
Najmark Hadasa 1177
Najmark Hershel 1177
Najmark Miriam 1177
Najmark Moshe 356, 357
Najmark Shimon Nusan 227, 232
Nata Hersh 81
Nebach Lezjor 97
Nejman * Henryk 687
Nidbach (Nitabach) 372
Niebudek * 671, 687
Niewad Chaim Pesakh 687
Niewad Feivel 984, 1032
Niewad Mendel 101
Niewad Moshe 101
Nikolai * Czar 696, 724
Nitabach Moshe 345
Nowicki * 867, 868
Nowinsztern I. (Yakosz, Yankel) 913, 955, 962, 964, 965
Nurski 1101
Oestreich (Edelsztajn) Basza 1169
Okon Alter-Mendel 817
Okon Chayatsha 818
Okon Etel 818
Okon Gitel 818
Okon Noachel 818
Okon Shmulka 371, 818
Okon (Kaczanek) Liba (Luba) 817, 818
Okon (Okun) Isachar 57, 67, 817, 1149, 1150
Okun (Okin) 88, 1111
Olszewski (commissar) * 107
Organinski * 93, 1111
Orker Avraham 1177
Orker Hershel 1177
Orker Jente 1177
Orker Lajbl 1177
Orkes (Orkis) Meir 1065
Orlinsky Fajgl 1163
Orlinsky Itche Majer 1163
Orlinsky Jakob (Yaakow) 1163
Orlinsky Judel 101
Orlinsky Lea 1163
Orlinsky Rivka 1163
Orlinsky Szajwa 1164
Orlinsky (Szajka) Esther Rachel 1163
Orner * Jakob Rabbi 298
Ostrorzanski Simcha 524
Ostrorzanski Szmerl 524
Ostrozanski Yankel 595
Ourowicz Pesakh 497
Pakczarski Fayge-Malka 701
Pakczarski Shlomo 701
Paprocki * Alieksander 672, 687
Parisz 638
Parizer Itchke Mejer 520, 521
Paw 81
Pedeto Jakob-Pinchas 222
Perlman 427
Perlman Avraham 686
Perlmuter Bajla Lea 1183
Perlmuter Chana Rachel 1183
Perlmuter Dawid 1183
Perlmuter Gitl-Golda 507
Perlmuter Moshele (Moshe) 507, 1183
Perlmuter Perl 428, 1183
Perlmuter Rachel Lea 1183
Perlsztain Nechemia 442
Plocker 103, 365, 422, 488
Plocker Binyamin 412, 1165
Plocker Feigel 349, 350, 351, 373
Plocker Jakob Der Rav (Yankel, Jacob) 75, 206, 240, 241, 980
Polanski * Prosecutor 684
Pomeranc Jakob 1169
Pomeranc (Edelsztajn) Szprinca 1169
Porat Aryeh 361
Portnoy 446
Pozkowski (Pokoj) Maks 426, 427
Poznanski * 78, 79
Prajs * 1050
Prawda 103
Prawda Leibel 1165
Prawda Matisyahu 383
Prawda Moshe 227, 230, 571, 587, 765
Prawda Sheyne Perl 587, 591
Prawda Shlomka (Shloyme Yishay, Shlomon-Isy, Shlomka, Shlomo Jiszai, Shlomo) 571, 587, 590, 746, 765, 1165
Prawda Sura 1165
Prawda Velvel 590
Prawda Yechiel Asher Chilke) 104, 137, 138 ,139, 150, 343, 344, 356, 358, 383, 445, 446, 447, 590, 765, 766, 767, 768, 836, 1081
Prawda (Cukrowicz) Chaikeh (Chaikeh) 591, 1165
Prawda (Kapczinsky) Simcha (Simkha, Symchla) 428, 433, 559, 567, 570 , 571, 746, 1154, 1165
Prawda (later Plocker) Rivka 165, 406, 408, 410, 412, 587, 1165
Preter Dawid 741
Preter Yankel 741
Preter (Moncarzz) Malka 742
Pszakewicz Zelik Yankel 226, 229, 657
Rabinowicz 96, 385, 497
Rabinowicz Aliza 57
Raczkowski 385
Raczkowski Mordechai 694, 769, 772
Raczkowski Simcha 980, 981
Raczkowski Yisrael Yona 100, 133, 138, 144, 146, 147, 220, 221, 278, 343, 366, 389, 390, 478
Raczkowski (Ber) Dwojra’ke (Dvora) 150, 159, 160
Ragajczyk * 1129
Rajczik Moshel 943, 991, 993, 994, 996, 1000
Rajczik Yankel 992
Ratman (Rimacz) Nisl 400
Raucher-Gromadzyn Yafa 1151
Reznik Chaja 1169
Riba 937
Riba Dovid 436
Riba Esther 948, 950, 992
Riba Mirl 992
Riba Shayna 436, 442, 446, 992
Ribak Meir 428
Ribak Meir Shimshon 356
Richter Meir 227, 764
Richter Yudel 358, 595
Richter * Mojzesz 424
Ringelblum * E. Dr. 107
Ritenberg 394, 395
Ritholc 579
Ritholc Ahron 581
Ritholc Avraham-Josef (Avraham Yosef Itsl) 422, 423, 425, 428, 433, 434, 481, 579
Ritholc Shifra 435
Ritholc Velvel 581
Ritholc Yudel 581
Rithold Itsl 581
Rosman 373
Rosman Luba 373
Rotenberg 717
Rotenberg Itchke Mejer 720
Rotenberg Lejbl 720
Rotenberg (Blajwajz) Szejna-Chai’ke (Szejna Chomka) 83, 719
Rotenberg (Ritenberg) Aba (Avraham-Aba) 83, 215, 218, 717, 718, 719, 720
Rotenberg * Pinchas Eliezer Rabbi 299
Rotenberg * Eli 718
Rotman 371, 446
Rotman Asher 1175
Rotman Elimelech (Melech) 981, 1175
Rotman Hinda 1175
Rotman Luba 371
Rotman Malka 1175
Rotman Mendel 1175
Rotman Mirjam 1175
Rotman Sura Dwora 1175
Rotman Szaul 1175
Rotman Shlomo 1175
Rotman Yehudit 360
Rozen * Rabbi Yosef 284
Rozenbaum 489
Rozenberg Shmuel 414, 415
Rozenberg (Gorzalczany) Yehudis 653, 655
Rozenberg * Shmuel Moshe 653, 654
Rozenblum Yehoshua Mordechai 764
Rozenblum * Baruch Zwi Rabbi 298
Rozenblum * Betsalel (Tsalka) 378
Rubinowicz 529, 1150
Rubinowicz Binyamin-Sender 506
Rubinowicz Elisha (Eliasha) 1149, 1151
Rubinowicz Meitshke Binyamin Sender’s 425
Rubinowicz Yuta-Mindel 506
Rubinowicz (Rabinowicz) Josef 188, 189
Rubinsztajn Chaim Shmuel 218
Rubinsztajn Levi Yitzchak (Lew Yitzchak) 101, 490
Rubinsztajn Tanchum Rabbi 317
Ruskalonker * Shmuel Leib 378
Rydz-Smigly Edward [Marshal] 920
Rziwiec Zelman Shlomo 22
Saba Bela 1108
Saba Dov 1089, 1103
Saba Fayga-Faya 1106
Saba Kwinka 1107
Saba Surala 1106, 1108
Saba Tushka 1108
Saba Yankele (Yankel) 1108
Saba Yehudis 1105
Saba Yeshayahu 1106
Sadovski * 926, 959
Salman Eli Ruwin 893
Salte’s Lezjor 92
Sanoker Simkha 247, 249, 250
Sapir (Levin) Sura 1171
Sapir Hakohen Avraham 1171
Schapiro Max 1150
Schenirer * Surah 391
Schenirer * Sura 104
Schneiderman Dalia 849
Schwartz David 1150
Selcer S. N. 1149
Sendattsh Avraham 1042
Sender 926, 927, 932, 934, 935, 938, 989, 990, 1006
Sendoss Boruch 1042
Serka Lea 1179
Serka Mirjam 1179
Serka Sura 1179
Serka Slowa 1179
Serka Yechiel Ahron 150, 437, 1179
Serka (Horwicz) Czarna 1179
Shalomberg 151
Shimon Fejwel 171
Shuskes Shmuel Rabbi 294
Siedlisker Mendel 85, 87
Siedlisker (Zysman) Mendel 821
Sikorski * Wladyslaw 1085
Skadkowski * Premier 683
Skarczinski * 1132
Slawaczik * 911
Slikes Moshe-Dovid 1003
Slocka Rivka 670
Slucki Avraham 356, 524
Slucki Binyamin (Benjamin) 356, 524
Slucki Chaim 1175
Slucki Zysze (Zisha) 610, 869, 1078, 1115, 1126
Slucki Chaim 373
Slucki (Rotman) Luba 1175
Smolowicz Motl 998
Sofer Moshe Dawid 221
Sokolowski * 79
Solitis Leizer 657
Soloveitchik * Rabbi Chaim 298, 300
Soloveitchik * Rabbi Yosef Dov of Brisk 283
Sorowicz Gedalya 345
Spalanski Avraham 1150
Spolienec 1126
Spolienec Perl 610
Spolieniec Chana Rivka 1179
Spolieniec Josef 1179
Spolieniec Shlomo 1179
Srkowicz Rabbi Zwi 283, 301
Stakowski * Josef 684
Starkovisky Beltshe 1047
Starkovisky Yitzchok 1047
Starkowski 385
Starkowski Zerach 189, 300, 356, 473, 707
Staroki Fishl 424
Stipulkowski * 687
Stoliar Chaim 1010, 1011
Stoliar Yudel 520
Stolowicz Esther Tauba 1183
Stolowicz Gitl 1183
Stolowicz Itshe (Itzik, Yitzchak) 509, 1183
Stolowicz Jehuda Yudel 1183
Stolowicz Kiva 509
Stolowicz Miriam 1183
Stolowicz Moshe Elazar 1183
Stolowicz Motl 873, 875
Stolowicz Naomi 1183
Stolowicz Rachel 1183
Stolowicz Rivka 1183
Stolowicz Zalman 297, 1183
Stubyn Chaim 1179
Stubyn Dwora 1179
Stubyn Fajgl 1179
Stubyn Juta 1179
Stubyn Rivka 1179
Stubyn Szifra 1179
Stubyn Czopokewicz Matl 1179
Stuczynski Akiva 152, 222, 389
Stuczynski Nesanel (Saneh, Sane, Natanal) 222, 276, 277, 363, 389, 390, 743, 930
Stutszinski Sura 1006, 1007
Sukhe Avraham 1108
Sukhe Branka 1108
Supczinski Josef 684
Surka Mordechai-Hersh 232, 233
Surowicz 101, 980
Surowicz Gedalia 57, 374, 436, 442
Surowicz Mendel 494
Surowicz Moshe 494
Surowicz Pesakh 485, 494
Surowicz Shayva 160, 165, 472
Szachnerowicz (dentist) H. 101, 103, 488, 489, 490
Szajes Berl 225
Szajka Bina 1163
Szajka Gittel 1163
Szajka Shlomo 1163
Szapira Gitka 318, 324
Szapira Boruch Rabbi and Admor 99, 225, 317, 318, 320-326, 478, 594, 703, 748
Szapira Natan (Notke Pilcer) 325
Szapira Rasha Mirl 323
Szapira Yaakov Yosef (Yaakov Yosha, Yoske) 317, 318, 320, 478
Szapira Zusha 321
Szapira Chaim 144
Szapira Jakob 215
Szczepanski * 688
Szczigel Sura 472
Szczupakiewicz 207, 438, 444, 1120, 1124, 1125
Szczupakiewicz Chaim 140, 336, 337, 363, 1120, 1121
Szczupakiewicz Motl (Motel, Mottel) 15 ,150, 151, 175, 176, 337, 362, 370, 408, 445, 448, 599, 1029, 1120, 1124
Szczupakiewicz Perl 1121
Szczupakiewicz Surala 1120
Szejman 223
Szejman Ajzsze 742
Szejman Gitka 373
Szejman Laja 742
Szejman Malka 372, 381, 742, 1151
Szejman Shlomo Joel 742
Szejman (Szajnman) Nuska-Natan 223, 373, 375, 416, 639, 640, 742
Szenicki * Dr. 731
Szepke Pinye Josef 492
Szepke Yosef 472
Szerszyn 422, 488
Szerszyn Alter 103, 434, 436, 480, 488
Szerszyn Fejga Bracha 739
Szerszyn Liba 428
Szienka * Bronislaw 1131
Szifman 669
Szifman Avraham 1179
Szifman (Zigelman) Perl 1179
Szimonowski * 675
Szinman 340
Szinman Lea 340, 341
Szklarek Pinkus 1165
Szklarek (Prawda) Perl 1165
Szlaski Alter 770, 772
Szlaski Chaim Leib 642
Szlaski Chana 545
Szlaski Nemi 642, 644, 648
Szlaski Sura 642
Szlaski Yitzchak 13, 57, 329, 334, 335, 339, 345, 349, 351, 367, 449, 545, 637, 641, 644, 769, 847
Szliapak Wolf 673
Szliaski 1151
Szlosli Yitzchak 1149
Szmelkes Alter 219, 220
Szmercak Rubin 731
Szniad Dawid 285
Szopkowicz 782
Szpizman * 378
Szrajer Artur 107
Szulewic 654
Szwarc 360, 1038, 1122, 1145
Szwarc Avraham (Avrahamel, Avrahaml) 222, 276, 389, 465, 850, 1115
Szwarc Dina 1019
Szwarc Paja (Faja) 720
Szwiantkiewicz * Dr. 676, 694
Telces Mendel 169
Tencza Yankel 449
Tencza Yehoshua (Chaim Yehoshua) 236, 738
Tofal Ahron 740
Tojba Professor 104
Tombek Yechiel 524
Tombek Yitzchak 222, 280
Treblinski Khona 704
Tronk * Yehoshua Rabbi 298
Troyba 393, 394
Tsalka Shlomo 390
Tsimes Chaim Dovid 518f, 893
Tulman Chaim 1185
Tulman Dina 1185
Tulman Hershel 1185
Tulman Moshe 1185
Tulman Shmuel 1185
Tulman (Cymes) Matl 1185
Tumkewicz * 653
Turowicz Pesakh 586
Tuszowski * Waclaw 687
Tyktin 472
Tyktin Yisrael 100, 101, 227, 228, 231, 232, 279, 297, 593, 596, 747
Tyktin Sura Misza 747
Ungesbard 422
Visotsky Chaim 980
Vitriol (Kanet) Chawa 525
Wachs * Chaim Elazar Rabbi 298
Wajnbrum Avraham Shmuel 687
Wajnbrum (Wajnbaum) * Litman 670, 682, 686, 687
Wajngold Czarna 864
Wajngold Fawel 861
Wajngold Tsibia 864
Wajngold Yudel 864
Wajntraub Ahron 333, 367, 594
Wajntraub Avraham 764
Wajsbart (Ben Zahavi) Shmuel 989
Walter Alter 927, 937
Wangras 350
Wapniak Yankel 820
Wapniak Yitzchak 88
Wapniak Yudel 617, 618, 619, 622, 725, 740, 827, 828, 839
Wasercug Chaim Yudel 133, 740
Wasercug Fejgel 337, 349, 350, 351, 369
Wasercug Michel 223
Wasercug Yitzchak 363, 740
Wasermacher Yitzchak 222
Wasilewska * Wanda 1090
Watnik Fraydke 1115
Watnik Leibel 1115
Weizmann * Chaim 1052
Welie Fraydke 472
Welje (Welie) Mordechai 189, 472
Wengerka 927
Wengerka Mejer 521, 524
Wengerka Moshe 524
Wengerka Yehoshua 524
Wengorz 1010
Wengorz Berl 189
Wengorz Judel 984
Wengorz Lejzer 188, 231, 636
Wengorz (Gorzalczany) Rachel 852
Wengorz Shmulke (Shmuel) 423, 424, 544, 586, 687, 921, 926, 936, 938, 939, 954, 981, 990, 991
Wengorz Yisrael 150, 151, 446
Weter Ahron 403
Wibitker Jekel (Yankel) 101, 596, 796
Wiewiurka A. 265
Wiferownyk Chaim Berl 1000, 1175
Winder Meir 426
Wingurt Fajga 1169
Wingurt (Edelsztajn) Chawa 1169
Winograd 223
Winograd Yeshaya (Yeshai, Yeshayhu) 223, 389, 416
Wisenrad 391
Wisocki Eliahu 979, 984
Wiszniak Yosef 428
Wizna (Wisznia) 282, 406, 410
Wolfsman Meszel 89
Wolmer 385
Wolmer Alter 138, 143, 144, 207, 229, 231, 447, 448, 781, 782, 783, 784, 981, 990
Wolmer Bashka 783
Wolmer Feigel 1035
Wolmer Yehoshua 15, 360
Wolmer-Biderman Mirl 1029, 1036
Worona 84
Worona Chaim 57
Worona Bezalel-Ber 164
Worona Yitzchak 859
Wyprawnik Yeshaya 977
Yvablkowski * Chaim 687
Yafa Avraham 248
Yelin Zelik Yankel 1111
Yellin Dovka 349, 350, 351
Yitzchaki D. Aba 1149
Yoshi Shlomo 230
Zabludower Chaim 196, 197, 285, 358, 389, 1070, 1078
Zabludower Gitl 197, 1069, 1078
Zabludower Shmuel Dawid Rabbi (Szmuel) (Shmuel Dovid, Shmuel David) 98, 100, 133, 186, 193, 195, 281, 282, 284, 285, 292, 300, 302, 343, 465, 490, 529, 544, 673, 688, 701, 709, 840, 844, 983, 1078, 1110
Zabludower Yocheved 283, 285, 1078
Zabludower (Szniad) Tzvia (Cwia) 196, 285, 1078
Zabludower-Levinson Freidel 67, 193, 211, 285, 337, 370, 609, 1023, 1063, 1078, 1149
Zabuski * Yisrael Yankel 830
Zachrisz M. 1183
Zajfnzider 472
Zajonc Kelman 101
Zajonc Rochel 428
Zak Berish 748
Zaklilowski Arya-Shakhna 253
Zaklilowski Dawid 255
Zaklilowski Gad 253
Zarembski 1101
Zejgermacher Chaim 222
Zelaznik Chai’ke 165
Ziemba Menakhem 511
Zigelman Chana 1179
Zigelman (Jakubowicz) Chaya 1179
Zyglbojm 207
Zyglbojm Avraham 1179
Zyglbojm Chana 1179
Zyglbojm Esther 1179
Zyglbojm Fejwel 141, 414, 1179
Zyglbojm Fedja 1179
Zyglbojm Josef 1179
Zyglbojm Lea 1179
Zyglbojm Moshe Dawid 1179
Zyglbojm Sura Rivka 1179
Zyglbojm Szimon 1179
Zylberman Eliezer 296
Zylberman Hershel 222, 223, 389, 1007
Zylberman Itche 140, 228
Zylberman Sura-Misha 1007
Zylberman Itsze (Itche) 207, 222
Zylbersztajn 223, 678, 1150, 1151
Zylbersztajn Akiva 229
Zylbersztajn Avraham 1150
Zylbersztajn Chaim 665, 666, 1150
Zylbersztajn Chanala 665
Zylbersztajn Eliahu 358, 360385
Zylbersztajn Fayga-Faya 665, 666
Zylbersztajn Leah 89, 432
Zylbersztajn Moshele (Moshel) 416, 936, 945, 984, 986, 988
Zylbersztajn Rochel 1035
Zylbersztajn Simon 1150
Zylbersztajn Tova 360
Zylbersztajn Welwele (Velvel) 228, 234
Zysman 1150, 1151
Zysman Hodes 542
Zysman Meir Leibel 86, 385, 442
Zysman Mendel 84, 87
Zysman Moshel (Meszel) 424, 522, 524
Zysman Peshke 997
Zysman Rivka 373
Zysman Shayna 428, 435
Zysman Shepsl 542
Zysman Shimon 1149
Zysman Yisrael 1175
Zysman Yitzchak 687
Zysman Yoske 538
Zysman (Glina) Nekha (Nekhkama, Khome) 435, 542, 545
Zysman (Sysman) Pinya (Pinchas, Pinye) 147, 150, 522, 524, 542, 544, 545
Zysman Rachel (Rochel) 160, 167, 373
Zysman Najmark Rachel 1177
Zywieca Shlomo 152


Table of Contents

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