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Jewish Martyrs of Ciechanowiec (cont'd)

Family # Surname First Name Maiden Name Relationship Submitter Comments
365NEWMANLiebe  Yosef Mendelsberg of Israel 
365NEWMANZiske Brother of LiebeYosef Mendelsberg of Israeland son
365NEWMAN? Wife of ZiskeYosef Mendelsberg of Israeland son
366SEGALIsaac HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
366SEGALSuraBRYLWife of IsaacCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of IsraelFirst and maiden names not listed in original text. Added by Judy Baston
366SEGALAvraham SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
366SEGALDvora DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
367SOBOLSarah Daughter of UncleChaya Etkes Hagdish of Israel, Yaacov Ben-Zvi (Etkes) of Israel, Chana Etkes Yavkovsky of Israel 
367SOBOLLeib Son of UncleChaya Etkes Hagdish of Israel, Yaacov Ben-Zvi (Etkes) of Israel, Chana Etkes Yavkovsky of Israel 
367SOBOLZvi Son of UncleChaya Etkes Hagdish of Israel, Yaacov Ben-Zvi (Etkes) of Israel, Chana Etkes Yavkovsky of Israel 
368SOFERKalman UncleChana Tsiegal Shlosky of Israel 
368SOFERFrume AuntChana Tsiegal Shlosky of Israel 
368SOFERShosha  DaughterChana Tsiegal Shlosky of Israel 
368SOFERChaim SonChana Tsiegal Shlosky of Israel 
369SOKOLOWSKYBen Zion BrotherHaRav Avraham Sokolowsky of Israel 
369SOKOLOWSKYLeibel BrotherHaRav Avraham Sokolowsky of Israel 
369SOKOLOWSKYMishe  SisterHaRav Avraham Sokolowsky of Israel"Kozeh" listed; no indication that name is married name or maiden name
369SOKOLOWSKYChaya Rivka SisterHaRav Avraham Sokolowsky of Israel 
370SOKOLOWSKYYaacov HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
370SOKOLOWSKY? Wife of YaacovCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
370SOKOLOWSKYMendel SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
370SOKOLOWSKYMalka DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
370SOKOLOWSKYSarah DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
370SOKOLOWSKYAlte DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
370SOKOLOWSKY? SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
371SOKOLOWSKYYesheyahu HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland children
371SOKOLOWSKYRachel WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland children
371?Doba Mother of RachelCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
372SOKOLOWSKYMottel HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family
373SACKNOAlter Yitzhak GrandfatherTamar Lichtenberg Shamir of Israel 
373SACKNOSima Gittel Wife of Alter YitzhakTamar Lichtenberg Shamir of Israel 
373BLOCHMalkaSACKNODaughterTamar Lichtenberg Shamir of Israel 
373SACKNOYoel Son of UncleTamar Lichtenberg Shamir of Israel 
374SURAWITZAvraham FatherToba Surawitz Galant of Israel 
374SURAWITZToiba MotherToba Surawitz Galant of Israel 
374SURAWITZMordecai BrotherToba Surawitz Galant of Israel 
374SURAWITZTsiporah SisterToba Surawitz Galant of Israel 
374SURAWITZDavid BrotherToba Surawitz Galant of Israel 
375STOLOWITZHenoch  HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
375STOLOWITZEnta UdesPERELSTEJNWife of HenochCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of IsraelFirst and maiden names not listed in original text. Added by Judy Baston
375STOLOWITZRoza DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
376STOLERKopel HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeldescribed as "the Sugar Maker"
376STOLER? Wife of KopelCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
376STOLERPeshke DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
376STOLERHershel SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
376STOLERSholom Leibel Brother of KoppelCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
376STOLER? Wife of Sholom LeibelCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
377SER   Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israelentire family; family name spelled Ser,Sir,Syr,Sier,Cear, Serr, Sahr
378SOLOVEITCHIKIssur FatherLeibel Soloveitchik of Israel, Yossel Soloveitchik of Bolivia 
378SOLOVEITCHIKShayntsheHOROWITZMotherLeibel Soloveitchik of Israel, Yossel Soloveitchik of Bolivia 
378SOLOVEITCHIKMendel BrotherLeibel Soloveitchik of Israel, Yossel Soloveitchik of Bolivia 
378SOLOVEITCHIKDavid BrotherLeibel Soloveitchik of Israel, Yossel Soloveitchik of Bolivia 
378SOLOVEITCHIKAsnat SisterLeibel Soloveitchik of Israel, Yossel Soloveitchik of Bolivia 
378SOLOVEITCHIKSarahYARMUSWife of YosefLeibel Soloveitchik of Israel, Yossel Soloveitchik of Bolivia 
379SOLOVEITCHIKMendel BrotherYitzhak Soloveitchik of Israel, David Goldstein (Soloveitchik) of Cuba 
379SOLOVEITCHIKMasheGEVRONYETZSister-in-lawYitzhak Soloveitchik of Israel, David Goldstein (Soloveitchik) of Cuba 
379SOLOVEITCHIKLeah SisterYitzhak Soloveitchik of Israel, David Goldstein (Soloveitchik) of Cuba 
379SOLOVEITCHIKEsther SisterYitzhak Soloveitchik of Israel, David Goldstein (Soloveitchik) of Cubaunclear if married name or maiden name was ZLOTOLOW
379SOLOVEITCHIKSarah Daughter of SisterYitzhak Soloveitchik of Israel, David Goldstein (Soloveitchik) of Cuba 
380SLODOWITZMoshe Shmuel HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of IsraelFirst name not listed in original text. Added by Judy Baston
380SLODOWITZEsther WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
381SEMIATITSKYEliezer HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland children
381SEMIATITSKYAsnat WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland children
382SEMIATITSKYYaacov FatherSarah Semiatitsky Weissman of Israel 
382SEMIATITSKYYehudisZLOTOLOWMotherSarah Semiatitsky Weissman of Israel 
382SEMIATITSKYMoshe BrotherSarah Semiatitsky Weissman of Israel 
382SEMIATITSKYGolda Raizel SisterSarah Semiatitsky Weissman of Israel 
382SEMIATITSKYRivka SisterSarah Semiatitsky Weissman of Israel 
382SEMIATITSKYDavid Nahum BrotherSarah Semiatitsky Weissman of Israel 
383SEMIATITSKYDavid Yitzhak HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
383SEMIATITSKYMenucha WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
383SEMIATITSKYMeir SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
383SEMIATITSKYChaya UdesSERWife of MeirCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of IsraelFirst and maiden names not listed in original text. Added by Judy Baston
384SEMIATITSKYMelech HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family
385SEMIATITSKYLeibel HeadAsher Ben-Yaacov (Ratzimora) of Israeldescribed as "the Writer"
385SEMIATITSKYPesia Wife of LeibelAsher Ben-Yaacov (Ratzimora) of IsraelFirst name not listed in original text. Added by Judy Baston
385SEMIATITSKYRachel DaughterAsher Ben-Yaacov (Ratzimora) of Israel 
385SEMIATITSKYMendel SonAsher Ben-Yaacov (Ratzimora) of Israel 
385SEMIATITSKYYaacov SonAsher Ben-Yaacov (Ratzimora) of Israel 
385SEMIATITSKYEtelFEINSTEINWife of YaacovAsher Ben-Yaacov (Ratzimora) of Israel 
385SEMIATITSKYAharon Son of LeibelAsher Ben-Yaacov (Ratzimora) of Israel 
385SEMIATITSKYShaindelRATZIMORAWife of Aharon, Sister of AsherAsher Ben-Yaacov (Ratzimora) of Israel 
385SEMIATITSKYMiriam Daughter of Aharon and ShaindelAsher Ben-Yaacov (Ratzimora) of Israel 
386SMOLARCZYKPesach FatherGedaliah Smoliar (Smolarczyk) of Israel, Avraham Itzel Greenfield (Smolarczyk) of Cuba, Leibel Greenfield (Smolarczyk) of Cuba, Israel Greenfield (Smolarczyk) of Cuba, Esther Smolarczyk Spiewak of Cuba 
386SMOLARCZYKGoldaARTSHTEYNMotherGedaliah Smoliar (Smolarczyk) of Israel, Avraham Itzel Greenfield (Smolarczyk) of Cuba, Leibel Greenfield (Smolarczyk) of Cuba, Israel Greenfield (Smolarczyk) of Cuba, Esther Smolarczyk Spiewak of Cuba 
386SMOLARCZYKAlte SisterGedaliah Smoliar (Smolarczyk) of Israel, Avraham Itzel Greenfield (Smolarczyk) of Cuba, Leibel Greenfield (Smolarczyk) of Cuba, Israel Greenfield (Smolarczyk) of Cuba, Esther Smolarczyk Spiewak of Cuba 
387SANDLERNentzi MotherChaya Sandler Genyazdowitz 
387SANDLERAlter  BrotherChaya Sandler Genyazdowitz 
387SANDLERBinyamin BrotherChaya Sandler Genyazdowitz 
387SANDLERChaim BrotherChaya Sandler Genyazdowitz 
387GOLDSMIDDoba RachelSANDLERSisterChaya Sandler Genyazdowitz 
387KURLANDERRivkaSANDLERSisterChaya Sandler Genyazdowitz 
388SERYitzhak (Itche) FatherChava Ser Werba of Israel, Batya Ser Gershoni of Israel 
388SERFaigelGOLDBERGMotherChava Ser Werba of Israel, Batya Ser Gershoni of Israel 
388SERShaindel SisterChava Ser Werba of Israel, Batya Ser Gershoni of Israel 
389SAPERSTEINChaikel Son of UncleShifra Steinberg Vishniwitz 
389SAPERSTEINHinde Wife of ChaikelShifra Steinberg Vishniwitz 
389SAPERSTEINYitzhak SonShifra Steinberg Vishniwitz 
389SAPERSTEINFeivel SonShifra Steinberg Vishniwitz 
389SAPERSTEINBlumtshe DaughterShifra Steinberg Vishniwitz 
389SAPERSTEINRachel DaughterShifra Steinberg Vishniwitz 
390SKORNIKBertche  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family
391SKORNIKEliezer  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family
392SKORNIKBen Zion  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family
393SKORNIKHenia  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
394SKRANDAIssachar FatherMina Skranda Stern of Israel, Yitzhak Stern of Israel 
394SKRANDAMatl BOTSHINMotherMina Skranda Stern of Israel, Yitzhak Stern of Israel 
394SKRANDAMordecai BrotherMina Skranda Stern of Israel, Yitzhak Stern of Israel 
394SKRANDAYehuda BrotherMina Skranda Stern of Israel, Yitzhak Stern of Israel 
394SKRANDADavid BrotherMina Skranda Stern of Israel, Yitzhak Stern of Israel 
394SKRANDALeibel BrotherMina Skranda Stern of Israel, Yitzhak Stern of Israel 
394SKRANDANatan BrotherMina Skranda Stern of Israel, Yitzhak Stern of Israel 
394SKRANDARachel SisterMina Skranda Stern of Israel, Yitzhak Stern of Israel 
394SKRANDAChaya SisterMina Skranda Stern of Israel, Yitzhak Stern of Israel 
394SKRANDAShoshana SisterMina Skranda Stern of Israel, Yitzhak Stern of Israel 
395SKRANDALeibel Brother-in-lawMashe Yisraelit London of Israel, Golda Yisraelit Farber of Israel, Moshe Yisraelit of Israel, Zvi Yisraelit of Israel, Yaacov Yisraelit of Israel 
395SKRANDAChaya RachelYISRAELITWife of LeibelMashe Yisraelit London of Israel, Golda Yisraelit Farber of Israel, Moshe Yisraelit of Israel, Zvi Yisraelit of Israel, Yaacov Yisraelit of Israel 
396SREBROWITZChanan HeadMenucha Tzipele Shorf of Israel, Pnina Tsiple Goldstein of Israel 
396SREBROWITZChaya SerelTzipeleWife of ChananMenucha Tzipele Shorf of Israel, Pnina Tsiple Goldstein of Israel 
396SREBROWITZMeir SonMenucha Tzipele Shorf of Israel, Pnina Tzipele Goldstein of Israel 
396SREBROWITZNatan SonMenucha Tzipele Shorf of Israel, Pnina Tzipele Goldstein of Israel 
396SREBROWITZBerl SonMenucha Tzipele Shorf of Israel, Pnina Tzipele Goldstein of Israel 
397SRENYEWITZZe'ev HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel and two daughters, described as "the Rabbi"
397SRENYEWITZ? Wife of Ze'evCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland two daughters
398SRENYEWITZRivka Leah SisterAvraham Avni (Modrykamien) of Israel 
398SRENYEWITZLiebe SisterAvraham Avni (Modrykamien) of Israel 
399POLIAKAbba Brother-in-lawRachel Ptashek Scholzinger of Israel 
399POLIAKRivkaPTASHEKWife of AbbaRachel Ptashek Scholzinger of Israel 
399POLIAKChava DaughterRachel Ptashek Scholzinger of Israel 
399POLIAKDov SonRachel Ptashek Scholzinger of Israel 
400POLIAKMordecai HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland four other children
400POLIAKYitzhak sonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
400POLIAKMendel sonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
401POMERANTZAlter HeadLeah Steinberg Mozeh of Israel 
401POMERANTZRachelRAPAPORTWifeLeah Steinberg Mozeh of Israel 
401POMERANTZAharon SonLeah Steinberg Mozeh of Israel 
401POMERANTZBruriah DaughterLeah Steinberg Mozeh of Israel 
401POMERANTZMiriam DaughterLeah Steinberg Mozeh of Israel 
401POMERANTZYocheved DaughterLeah Steinberg Mozeh of Israel 
401POMERANTZMoshe SonLeah Steinberg Mozeh of Israel 
402PTASHEKMoshe HeadZe'ev Wolf Ptashek of Israel, Sarah Smoklarsh Ptashek of Israel 
402PTASHEKChaya Shayna WifeZe'ev Wolf Ptashek of Israel, Sarah Smoklarsh Ptashek of Israel 
402PTASHEKYitzhak SonZe'ev Wolf Ptashek of Israel, Sarah Smoklarsh Ptashek of Israel 
402PASTERNAKZeldaPTASHEKDaughterZe'ev Wolf Ptashek of Israel, Sarah Smoklarsh Ptashek of Israel 
403PTASHEKElkaLISMotherChana Ptashek Schlecter of Israel 
403PTASHEKYitzhak BrotherChana Ptashek Schlecter of Israel 
404PIANKORachel Leah GrandmotherGittel Pianko Shprecher of Israel 
404PIANKOMoshe FatherGittel Pianko Shprecher of Israel 
404PIANKORaizaGRODNERMotherGittel Pianko Shprecher of Israel 
404PIANKOYonah BrotherGittel Pianko Shprecher of Israel 
404PIANKODvora SisterGittel Pianko Shprecher of Israel 
404PIANKOBinyamin BrotherGittel Pianko Shprecher of Israel 
404PIANKOYehoshua BrotherGittel Pianko Shprecher of Israel 
404PIANKORoza Wife of YehoshuaGittel Pianko Shprecher of Israel 
404PIANKOSara Paia Daughter of Yehoshua and RozaGittel Pianko Shprecher of Israel 
405PIOREHRachelKOPITOWSKYWifeAlter Pioreh of Israel 
405PIOREHMordecai SonAlter Pioreh of Israel 
405PIOREHMina DaughterAlter Pioreh of Israel 
405PIOREHDvora DaughterAlter Pioreh of Israel 
406PIOREHShlomo FatherAlter Pioreh of Israel, Nataniel Pioreh of Israel 
406PIOREHMenucha MotherAlter Pioreh of Israel, Nataniel Pioreh of Israel 
406PIOREHYitzhak Yosef BrotherAlter Pioreh of Israel, Nataniel Pioreh of Israel 
406PIOREHChaim Pesach BrotherAlter Pioreh of Israel, Nataniel Pioreh of Israel 
406PIOREHEphraim Leibel BrotherAlter Pioreh of Israel, Nataniel Pioreh of Israel 
406PIOREHShmuel BrotherAlter Pioreh of Israel, Nataniel Pioreh of Israel 
406PIOREHZlote Sister-in-lawAlter Pioreh of Israel, Nataniel Pioreh of Israel 
407FEINSTEINMatilBURSTEINAuntYoel Velovsky of Israel 
407FEINSTEINGittel Daughter of MatilYoel Velovsky of Israel 
407SEMIATITSKYEtelFEINSTEINDaughter of MatilYoel Velovsky of Israel 
407FEINSTEINRachel Daughter of MatilYoel Velovsky of Israel 
408PIKOTSKYBerl HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland other sons and daughters
408PIKOTSKYChaya Tzileh WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland other sons and daughters
408PIKOTSKYGittel DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
409PLUTShmuel HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
409PLUTRachel Hinde WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
409PLUTYonah SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
409PLUTYehoshua SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
409PLUT? DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
410PLUTZindel HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
410PLUTLiebe Yente  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
411PLUTYaacov Moshe HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland children
411PLUTHenia WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland children
412PLONSKYSender FatherMoshe Barznik (Plonsky) of Israel, Dvora Plonsky Eisenberg of Israel, Chava Plonsky Migdal of Israel, Leah Plonsky Gutman of New Zealand 
412PLONSKYYehudis MotherMoshe Barznik (Plonsky) of Israel, Dvora Plonsky Eisenberg of Israel, Chava Plonsky Migdal of Israel, Leah Plonsky Gutman of New Zealand 
412PLONSKYYoel BrotherMoshe Barznik (Plonsky) of Israel, Dvora Plonsky Eisenberg of Israel, Chava Plonsky Migdal of Israel, Leah Plonsky Gutman of New Zealand 
412PLONSKYFaitzeh Wife of Yoel,Sister-in-lawMoshe Barznik (Plonsky) of Israel, Dvora Plonsky Eisenberg of Israel, Chava Plonsky Migdal of Israel, Leah Plonsky Gutman of New Zealand 
412PLONSKYMoshe Son of YoelMoshe Barznik (Plonsky) of Israel, Dvora Plonsky Eisenberg of Israel, Chava Plonsky Migdal of Israel, Leah Plonsky Gutman of New Zealand 
412PLONSKYAvraham BrotherMoshe Barznik (Plonsky) of Israel, Dvora Plonsky Eisenberg of Israel, Chava Plonsky Migdal of Israel, Leah Plonsky Gutman of New Zealand 
412PLONSKYMirelSTERNWife of Avraham, Sister-in-lawMoshe Barznik (Plonsky) of Israel, Dvora Plonsky Eisenberg of Israel, Chava Plonsky Migdal of Israel, Leah Plonsky Gutman of New Zealand 
412PLONSKYMordecai Son of Avraham Moshe Barznik (Plonsky) of Israel, Dvora Plonsky Eisenberg of Israel, Chava Plonsky Migdal of Israel, Leah Plonsky Gutman of New Zealand 
412PLONSKYLeibel Son of AvrahamMoshe Barznik (Plonsky) of Israel, Dvora Plonsky Eisenberg of Israel, Chava Plonsky Migdal of Israel, Leah Plonsky Gutman of New Zealand 
412PLONSKYEtel SisterMoshe Barznik (Plonsky) of Israel, Dvora Plonsky Eisenberg of Israel, Chava Plonsky Migdal of Israel, Leah Plonsky Gutman of New Zealand 
412PLONSKYLeibel BrotherMoshe Barznik (Plonsky) of Israel, Dvora Plonsky Eisenberg of Israel, Chava Plonsky Migdal of Israel, Leah Plonsky Gutman of New Zealand 
412PLONSKYSonia Wife of LeibelMoshe Barznik (Plonsky) of Israel, Dvora Plonsky Eisenberg of Israel, Chava Plonsky Migdal of Israel, Leah Plonsky Gutman of New Zealand 
412PLONSKY? Son of LeibelMoshe Barznik (Plonsky) of Israel, Dvora Plonsky Eisenberg of Israel, Chava Plonsky Migdal of Israel, Leah Plonsky Gutman of New Zealand 
412SHMEKOWSKYRivkaPLONSKYSisterMoshe Barznik (Plonsky) of Israel, Dvora Plonsky Eisenberg of Israel, Chava Plonsky Migdal of Israel, Leah Plonsky Gutman of New Zealand 
413PLOSKIN /PLISKYBerl Brother-in-lawYosef Zarembsky of Israel 
413PLOSKIN / PLISKYSima ZAREMBSKYWife of BerlYosef Zarembsky of Israel 
414PELCHOWITZAvraham HeadDan Giladi of Israel 
414PELCHOWITZBeinish SonDan Giladi of Israel 
414PELCHOWITZIshai SonDan Giladi of Israel 
414PELCHOWITZPesche DaughterDan Giladi of Israel 
414BLATMANHodelPELCHOWITZDaughterDan Giladi of Israel 
414GONSHAKNechePELCHOWITZDaughterDan Giladi of Israel 
414PELCHOWITZShalom Yitzhak SonDan Giladi of Israeland two children
414PELCHOWITZGolda RaizelYELINWife of ShalomDan Giladi of Israeland two children
415PELCHOWITZYoel HeadZvi Elyashar Kamenkowski of Israel, Chaim Elyashar Kamenkowski of Israel 
415PELCHOWITZMalka Wife, Daughter of UncleZvi Elyashar Kamenkowski of Israel, Chaim Elyashar Kamenkowski of Israel 
415PELCHOWITZHenoch (Zundil) SonZvi Elyashar Kamenkowski of Israel, Chaim Elyashar Kamenkowski of Israel 
415PELCHOWITZYaacov SonZvi Elyashar Kamenkowski of Israel, Chaim Elyashar Kamenkowski of Israel 
415PELCHOWITZChana DaughterZvi Elyashar Kamenkowski of Israel, Chaim Elyashar Kamenkowski of Israel 
415PELCHOWITZItka DaughterZvi Elyashar Kamenkowski of Israel, Chaim Elyashar Kamenkowski of Israel 
416PELCHOWITZNehemiah HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland four children
416PELCHOWITZYospe WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland four children
417PELCHOWITZZelke HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland other children; described as "the Shipping Agent"
417PELCHOWITZTsipe WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland other children
417PELCHOWITZZvi SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
418FLEIGELBaruch HeadToba Surawitz Galant of Israel 
418FLEIGEL? Wife of BaruchToba Surawitz Galant of Israel 
419PLISKYLeibel (Lemkes) HeadYisrael Lew of Israel 
419PLISKYEphraim SonYisrael Lew of Israel 
419PLISKYHerschel SonYisrael Lew of Israel 
419PLISKYMoshe SonYisrael Lew of Israel 
419PLISKYYaacov SonYisrael Lew of Israel 
419PLISKYRachel DaughterYisrael Lew of Israel 
419PLISKYEtel DaughterYisrael Lew of Israel 
419RYDZFaigaPLISKYDaughterYisrael Lew of IsraelSurname not listed in original text. Added by Gary Gelber.
420PLISKYChanaZUCKERMANMotherGary Gelber of United StatesName not listed in original text. Added by Gary Gelber
420PLISKYGenendel DaughterGary Gelber of United StatesName not listed in original text. Added by Gary Gelber; Married name of Genendel unknown
420PLISKYBaila Ruchel DaughterGary Gelber of United StatesName not listed in original text. Added by Gary Gelber; Married name of Baila Ruchel unknown
420PLISKYLeah DaughterGary Gelber of United StatesName not listed in original text. Added by Gary Gelber; Married name of Leah unknown
421PLISKAIssur HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
421PLISKA? Wife of IssurCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
421PLISKABerl SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
421PLISKAMoshe SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
422PASTERNAKAvraham Yaacov HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
422PASTERNAKShayne DveraAPELBAUMWife of Avraham YaacovCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of IsraelFirst and maiden names not listed in original text. Added by Judy Baston
422PASTERNAKYerachmiel SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
422PASTERNAKNehemiah SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
423PASTERNAKZelig HeadZe'ev Wolf Ptashek of Israel, Sarah Smoklarsh Ptashek of Israeland children
423PASTERNAKZeldaPTASHEKWifeZe'ev Wolf Ptashek of Israel, Sarah Smoklarsh Ptashek of Israeland children
424PASTERNAKYosef FatherZvi Pasternak of Israel 
424PASTERNAKSima Gittel MotherZvi Pasternak of Israel 
424PASTERNAKYaacov BrotherZvi Pasternak of Israel 
424PASTERNAKShlomo David  BrotherZvi Pasternak of Israel 
425PENCHARZHenoch HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland son and daughter
425PENCHARZChana WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland son and daughter
426FARBERFaigaLIFSCHITZMotherYaacov Farber of Israel, Ahuva Farber Liptzer of Israel 
426FARBERMoshe BrotherYaacov Farber of Israel, Ahuva Farber Liptzer of Israel 
426FARBERShayna SisterYaacov Farber of Israel, Ahuva Farber Liptzer of Israel 
426FARBERSoltsheFRYDMANSister-in-lawYaacov Farber of Israel, Ahuva Farber Liptzer of Israel 
426FARBERTzlinka Daughter of UncleYaacov Farber of Israel, Ahuva Farber Liptzer of Israel 
427PARCZEWSKIYosef Brother-in-lawSimcha Strossman of Israel 
427PARCZEWSKIChayaSTROSSMANWife of YosefSimcha Strossman of Israel 
427PARCZEWSKIMalka DaughterSimcha Strossman of Israel 
428FRYDMANTuvia UncleEsther Tuchman Shapiro of Israel 
428FRYDMANBreineTUCHMANWife of TuviaEsther Tuchman Shapiro of Israel 
428FRYDMANYosef SonEsther Tuchman Shapiro of Israel 
428FRYDMANRachel DaughterEsther Tuchman Shapiro of Israel 
428FRYDMANRivka DaughterEsther Tuchman Shapiro of Israel 
429FRYDMANNatan Brother-in-lawSimcha Lew of Israel, Gusha Mondri Lew of Israel 
429FRYDMANGoldaLEWSisterSimcha Lew of Israel, Gusha Mondri Lew of Israel 
430FREIMANYitzhak Meir HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
430FREIMANPaia Wife of Yitzhak MeirCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
430FREIMANSarah DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
431PERLOWChaim Brother-in-lawMeir Kleine of Israel, Pesia Ukrainczyk Kleine and children
431PERLOWShaynaKLEINEWife of ChaimMeir Kleine of Israel, Pesia Ukrainczyk Kleine and children

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Updated 3 Sep 2007 by MGH