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Jewish Martyrs of Ciechanowiec (cont'd)

Family # Surname First Name Maiden Name Relationship Submitter Comments
161GOLDSMIDYisrael HeadChaya Sendler Goniazdowitz of Israel 
161GOLDSMIDDoba RachelSENDLERWifeChaya Sendler Goniazdowitz of Israel 
161GOLDSMIDBinyamin SonChaya Sendler Goniazdowitz of Israel 
162GOLDSTEINHerschel HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
162GOLDSTEINSheina GoldaWRONAWife of HerschelCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
162GOLDSTEINFishel SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
162GOLDSTEINEliezer SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
162GOLDSTEINHersh Velvel SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
162GOLDSTEIN? DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
163GOLDSTEINAba HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland children; described as "the Harness Maker"
163GOLDSTEINGolda WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland children
163GOLOMBYaacov HeadTuvia Peretz of Israeldescribed as "the Teacher"
163GOLOMBFaigelWEINBERGWifeTuvia Peretz of Israel 
164GOLOMBMindel MotherCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
164GOLOMBMirtsche DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
164GOLOMBSotshe DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
165GUNSHERShalom HeadToba Zabiela Caspi of Israel 
165GUNSHERTamar WifeToba Zabiela Caspi of Israel 
165GUNSHEREliyahu SonToba Zabiela Caspi of Israel 
165GUNSHERChava DaughterToba Zabiela Caspi of Israel 
165GUNSHERYaffa DaughterToba Zabiela Caspi of Israel 
165GUNSHERShifra DaughterToba Zabiela Caspi of Israel 
166GONSHAKShlomo HeadShoshana Vistroich of Israel 
166GONSHAKFaigel WifeShoshana Vistroich of Israel 
166GONSHAKChaim SonShoshana Vistroich of Israel 
166GONSHAKYosef SonShoshana Vistroich of Israel 
166GONSHAKReuven SonShoshana Vistroich of Israel 
166GONSHAKYitzhak SonShoshana Vistroich of Israel 
166GONSHAKChana DaughterShoshana Vistroich of Israel 
166GONSHAKMenucha DaughterShoshana Vistroich of Israel 
166GONSHAKAvraham SonShoshana Vistroich of Israel 
167GORTZINChono HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
167GORTZINChaya SuraZELNITZWife of ChonoCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of IsraelFirst name not listed in original text. Added by Judy Baston
167GORTZINDavid SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
167GORTZINSarah DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
168GAZYEVIKEphraim HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland other children
168GAZYEVIK? Wife of EphraimCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland other children
168GAZYEVIKYesheyahu SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
168GAZYEVIKYosef SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
169GONIAZDOWITZRachel Leah MotherYaacov Goniazdowitz of Israel 
169YAVKOWSKYBatyaGONIAZDOWITZSisterYaacov Goniazdowitz of Israel 
169BERChana TobaGONIAZDOWITZSisterYaacov Goniazdowitz of Israel 
169GONIAZDOWITZ Sarah Daughter of Chana TobaYaacov Goniazdowitz of Israel 
169STERNShoshanaGONIAZDOWITZSisterYaacov Goniazdowitz of Israel 
169GONIAZDOWITZYaffa SisterYaacov Goniazdowitz of Israel 
170GEBELBaruch Brother-in-lawRoza Lew Grodke of Israel 
170GEBELYitzhak Son of SisterRoza Lew Grodke of Israel 
170GEBELChaim Shlomo Son of SisterRoza Lew Grodke of Israel 
171GRODKEZe-ev (Velvel) HeadMoshe Zlotolow of Israeland children
171GRODKEPeshkeZLOTOLOWWife; SisterMoshe Zlotolow of Israeland children
172GRODKEYosef HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
172GRODKEMalka WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
172GRODKEElka DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
172GRODKEShayna DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
173GRODZINSKYMoshe HeadSender Grodney (Grodzinsky) of Israel 
173GRODZINSKYBeilaFREIMANWife of MosheSender Grodney (Grodzinsky) of IsraelFirst and maiden names not listed in original text. Added by Judy Baston
173GRODZINSKYAvraham SonSender Grodney (Grodzinsky) of Israeland family
173GRODZINSKYIsaac SonSender Grodney (Grodzinsky) of Israeland family
173GRODZINSKYChaim SonSender Grodney (Grodzinsky) of Israel 
173GRODZINSKYChava DaughterSender Grodney (Grodzinsky) of Israeland family
173GRODZINSKY? DaughterSender Grodney (Grodzinsky) of Israeland family
174GREENAharon Hirsch UncleMenucha Tzipleh Shorp of Israel, Pnina Tzipleh Goldstein of Israel 
174GREENSarah Mindel AuntMenucha Tzipleh Shorp of Israel, Pnina Tzipleh Goldstein of Israel 
175GREENBERGAryeh GrandfatherShimon Schlecter of Israel 
175GREENBERGChayaGUTERMANGrandmotherShimon Schlecter of Israel 
175GREENBERGSarah MotherShimon Schlecter of Israel 
175GREENBERGZvi UncleShimon Schlecter of Israel 
175GREENBERGPeretz UncleShimon Schlecter of Israel 
175GREENBERGChayaLEWAuntShimon Schlecter of Israel 
175LEWFaigaYABLONKAGrandmotherShimon Schlecter of Israel 
176GREENSTEINMordecai GrandfatherZvi Pasternak of Israel 
176GREENSTEINRivka GrandmotherZvi Pasternak of Israel 
177GERSHONYach HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
177GERSHONTzivia WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
178DWORKOWITZYitzhak HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland children
178DWORKOWITZDoba WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland children
179DUBNERMichlehLONDONAuntYesheyahu London of Israel 
180DZOVIKYesheyahu Yitzhak UncleRivka Kotik Poremba of Israel, Yaacov Kotik of Israel, Henoch Perlstein of Israel 
180DZOVIKShayntsche DaughterRivka Kotik Poremba of Israel, Yaacov Kotik of Israel, Henoch Perlstein of Israel 
180DZOVIKEtel DaughterRivka Kotik Poremba of Israel, Yaacov Kotik of Israel, Henoch Perlstein of Israel 
180DZOVIKGolda Frieda DaughterRivka Kotik Poremba of Israel, Yaacov Kotik of Israel, Henoch Perlstein of Israel 
180DZOVIKLiebe DaughterRivka Kotik Poremba of Israel, Yaacov Kotik of Israel, Henoch Perlstein of Israel 
180?Leibel Liebe's husbandRivka Kotik Poremba of Israel, Yaacov Kotik of Israel, Henoch Perlstein of Israel 
181DZOVIKLevi HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
181DZOVIKEsther WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
182DISTELMANChaim Reuven Son of SisterYosef Zarembsky of Israel 
183DINENSONYesheyahu Brother of Brother-in-lawToba Zabiela Caspi of Israel 
183DINENSONWeleROGOVSKYWife of YesheyahuToba Zabiela Caspi of Israel 
183KALAMARZBlumeDINENSONDaughter of Yesheyahu and WeleToba Zabiela Caspi of Israel 
184DMOCHMichel HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
184DMOCHTziviaASHWife of MichelCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of IsraelFirst and maiden names not listed in original text. Added by Judy Baston
184DMOCHRafael SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
184DMOCHMottel SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
184DMOCHLiba Daughter of Michel and TziviaCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
185DANOWITZMoshe HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeldescribed as "the Musician"
185DANOWITZZyslaWAJNBERGWife of MosheCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of IsraelFirst and maiden names not listed in original text. Added by Judy Baston
185DANOWITZGutman SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
185DANOWITZDavid SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
185DANOWITZShmulik SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
185DANOWITZRaizel DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
186DANOWITZYaacov Brother-in-lawZvi Blatman of Israel, Yosef Blatman of France 
186DANOWITZPeshke Wife of YaacovZvi Blatman of Israel, Yosef Blatman of France 
186DANOWITZMatl Daughter of Yaacov and PeshkeZvi Blatman of Israel, Yosef Blatman of France 
186DANOWITZFalick Brother-in-lawZvi Blatman of Israel, Yosef Blatman of France 
186DANOWITZMiraleh Wife of FalickZvi Blatman of Israel, Yosef Blatman of France 
186DANOWITZShmuel Son of Falick and MiralehZvi Blatman of Israel, Yosef Blatman of France 
187DANOWITZYesheyahu (Shia) UncleYisrael Lew of Israel 
187DANOWITZLifsheLEWWife of UncleYisrael Lew of Israel 
187DANOWITZShmuel SonYisrael Lew of Israel 
187DANOWITZChava Liebe DaughterYisrael Lew of Israel 
187DANOWITZSarah DaughterYisrael Lew of IsraelName not listed in original text. Added by Arthur Menton.
188DANOWITZMoshe UncleDavid Kukes of Israel 
188DANOWITZMalkaZLOTOLOWAuntDavid Kukes of Israel 
188DANOWITZChaya Etel DaughterDavid Kukes of Israel 
188DANOWITZPesche DaughterDavid Kukes of Israel 
189DANOWITZDavid Berl HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
189DANOWITZPerlLEWINWifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
189DANOWITZFaiga Beyla DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
189DANOWITZFalick SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
189DANOWITZYaacov SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
190DANOWITZShmuel UncleBatya Ser Gershoni of IsraelName not listed in original text. Added by Arthur Menton: Described as "the Shoemaker"
190DANOWITZRivkaSERAuntBatya Ser Gershoni of Israel 
190BERNSTEINShaindelDANOWITZDaughterBatya Ser Gershoni of Israel 
190DANOWITZYosef Brother of Shmuel and David BerlArthur Menton of United StatesName not listed in original text.Added by Arthur Menton
190DANOWITZDvora Wife of YosefArthur Menton of United StatesName not listed in original text.Added by Arthur Menton
190DANOWITZFalick SonArthur Menton of United StatesName not listed in original text.Added by Arthur Menton
191DANTZIGERAvraham HeadMushke (Bolander) Deutsch of Israel, Zvi Leib (Bolander) Rolf of Argentina 
191DANTZIGEREtkaBOLANDERWifeMushke (Bolander) Deutsch of Israel, Zvi Leib (Bolander) Rolf of Argentina 
191DANTZIGERPesach SonMushke (Bolander) Deutsch of Israel, Zvi Leib (Bolander) Rolf of Argentina 
191DANTZIGERZelig SonMushke (Bolander) Deutsch of Israel, Zvi Leib (Bolander) Rolf of Argentina 
192DAPHNEHYehezkiel Brother-in-lawTziporah Schweider Mondri of Israel 
192DAPHNEHRachelSCHWEIDERWife of Yehezkiel, SisterTziporah Schweider Mondri of Israel 
192DAPHNEH? Daughter of Yehezkiel and RachelTziporah Schweider Mondri of Israel 
193DREITzivia  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
194DREISHE?  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family; Described as "the Youngster"
195DREIERYehuda Leib FatherBreine Dreier Tiblum of Israel, Frieda Dreier Laval 
195DREIERHenia MotherBreine Dreier Tiblum of Israel, Frieda Dreier Laval 
195DREIERRaizel SisterBreine Dreier Tiblum of Israel, Frieda Dreier Laval 
195DREIERChaya SisterBreine Dreier Tiblum of Israel, Frieda Dreier Laval 
195DREIERMalka SisterBreine Dreier Tiblum of Israel, Frieda Dreier Laval 
195DREIERAvraham BrotherBreine Dreier Tiblum of Israel, Frieda Dreier Laval 
195DREIERMele BrotherBreine Dreier Tiblum of Israel, Frieda Dreier Laval 
196HOLTZMANHenoch FatherBinyamin Holtzman of Israel 
196HOLTZMANEtka MotherBinyamin Holtzman of Israel 
196HOLTZMANYosef BrotherBinyamin Holtzman of Israel 
196HOLTZMANReuven BrotherBinyamin Holtzman of Israel 
197HOLTZMANMoshe HeadMashe Langeleben Grodner of Israel 
197HOLTZMANYente WifeMashe Langeleben Grodner of Israel 
197HOLTZMANChaim SonMashe Langeleben Grodner of Israel 
197HOLTZMANAvraham SonMashe Langeleben Grodner of Israel 
197HOLTZMANEsther DaughterMashe Langeleben Grodner of Israel 
197HOLTZMANPerl DaughterMashe Langeleben Grodner of Israel 
198HIMMELFARBShmuel Eliezer HeadBen Zion Yablonki of Israel 
198HIMMELFARB? Wife of Shmuel EliezerBen Zion Yablonki of Israel 
198HIMMELFARBDavid SonBen Zion Yablonki of Israel 
199HELLERDavid Son of Uncle of FatherRachel Heller Levine of Israel 
199HELLERRivka Wife of DavidRachel Heller Levine of Israel 
199HELLERMordecai SonRachel Heller Levine of Israel 
199HELLERChana DaughterRachel Heller Levine of Israel 
199HELLERTziporah DaughterRachel Heller Levine of Israel 
199HELLERMoshe SonRachel Heller Levine of Israel 
200?Henoch HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeldescribed as "the Shipping Agent"
200?Chana Wife of HenochCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
200?Shaindel DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
200?Mordechai SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
201HERTZBinyamin Brother-in-lawBen Zion Yablonki of Israel 
201HERTZSarahYABLONKAWife of Binyamin, SisterBen Zion Yablonki of Israel 
202?Herschel  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family; described as "the Shoemaker"
203VINOWITZPesach UncleYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
203VINOWITZSarah Wife of PesachYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
203VINOWITZHodel DaughterYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israeland three other children
203VINOWITZChono Son of UncleYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
203VINOWITZRachel Wife of ChonoYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
203VINOWITZSarah Daughter of Chono and RachelYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
203VINOWITZAvraham Son of Chono and RachelYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
204VINOWITZZlotke AuntYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel, Gittel PIANKO Shprecher of Israel 
204VINOWITZChanon SonYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel, Gittel PIANKO Shprecher of Israel 
204VINOWITZBreine DaughterYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel, Gittel PIANKO Shprecher of Israel 
204VINOWITZShmuel SonYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel, Gittel PIANKO Shprecher of Israel 
204VINOWITZYentel Wife of Shmuel, Daughter of PinchasYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel, Gittel PIANKO Shprecher of Israel 
205VINOWITZPinchas UncleYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
205VINOWITZLiebe Wife of PinchasYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
205VINOWITZBreintshe DaughterYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
205VINOWITZYentel Daughter, Wife of Shmuel VinowitzYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
205VINOWITZMoshe SonYaffa Cheshes Pioreh of Israel 
206WOLBERGMoshe HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeldescribed as "Hassid"
206WOLBERGYehuda  SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
206WOLBERGChaya RozaKACZEWWife of YehudaCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of IsraelFirst and maiden names not listed in original text. Added by Judy Baston
206WOLBERGYechiel SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
206WOLBERGPerl DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
206WOLBERGRoza DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of IsraelFirst name not listed in original text. Added by Judy Baston
206WOLBERGYisrael SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
207VELOVSKYDavid Berl FatherYoel Velovsky of Israel 
207 VELOVSKYDvoraBURSTEINMotherYoel Velovsky of Israel 
207VELOVSKYYosef BrotherYoel Velovsky of Israel 
207VELOVSKYSimcha BrotherYoel Velovsky of Israel 
207VELOVSKYRafael BrotherYoel Velovsky of Israel 
208?Velvel  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family; described as "Velvel Trotsky"
209WIADRO? HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland other sons;described as "the Tailor"
209WIADRO? WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland other sons
209WIADROChaim SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
209WIADROMottel SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
210VIGODSKYYeroham HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
210VIGODSKYChana Rachel WifeCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
210VIGODSKYRaizel DaughterCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
210VIGODSKYMoshe SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
211WEINBERGBubutshke  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
211WEINBERGAharon  SonCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
212WEINBERGShayna Reba MotherHaRav Dr. Yechiel Weinberg of Switzerland 
212BIBLOWITZDobaWEINBERGSisterHaRav Dr. Yechiel Weinberg of Switzerland 
212GOLOMBFaigelWEINBERGSisterHaRav Dr. Yechiel Weinberg of Switzerland 
213WEINSTEINMeir RelativeToba Surawitz Galant of Israel 
213WEINSTEINYospe Wife of MeirToba Surawitz Galant of Israel 
213WEINSTEINDavid SonToba Surawitz Galant of Israel 
214VILTCHIKYoel  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family; described as "the Barber"
214VILKONSKYShaul Yehuda FatherMoshe Vilkonsky of Israel, Dov Vilkonsky of Israel, Miriam Vilkonsky Kotlowitz of Israel 
214VILKONSKYBilhah DinaSHISHKOMotherMoshe Vilkonsky of Israel, Dov Vilkonsky of Israel, Miriam Vilkonsky Kotlowitz of Israel 
214VILKONSKYSarah SisterMoshe Vilkonsky of Israel, Dov Vilkonsky of Israel, Miriam Vilkonsky Kotlowitz of Israel 
215VINKELSTEINYosef Shlomo FatherMoshe Vinkelstein of Israel 
215VINKELSTEINChanaYISRAESKYMotherMoshe Vinkelstein of Israel 
215VINKELSTEINAharon Yaacov BrotherMoshe Vinkelstein of Israel 
215VINKELSTEINChaya SisterMoshe Vinkelstein of Israel 
215VINKELSTEINSarah Rivka SisterMoshe Vinkelstein of Israel 
216VINGROVSKYAvraham David UncleEphraim Konopiaty of Israel, Rachel Konopiaty of Israel 
216VINGROVSKYCharnaSCHWARTZAuntEphraim Konopiaty of Israel, Rachel Konopiaty of Israel 
217WINERAvraham Yaacov FatherChaim Winer of Israel, Ephraim Winer of Bolivia, Yosef Winer of Chile, Toibe Winer (Burstein) of Brazil, Malka Winer Soloveitchik (Migdal) of Bolivia 
217WINERChaya EtelRUDIKMotherChaim Winer of Israel, Ephraim Winer of Bolivia, Yosef Winer of Chile, Toibe Winer (Burstein) of Brazil, Malka Winer Soloveitchik (Migdal) of Bolivia 
217WINERYitzhak Shimon BrotherChaim Winer of Israel, Ephraim Winer of Bolivia, Yosef Winer of Chile, Toibe Winer (Burstein) of Brazil, Malka Winer Soloveitchik (Migdal) of Bolivia 
217WINERChaikeBURSTEINWife of Yitzhak ShimonChaim Winer of Israel, Ephraim Winer of Bolivia, Yosef Winer of Chile, Toibe Winer (Burstein) of Brazil, Malka Winer Soloveitchik (Migdal) of Bolivia 
217WINERYesheyahu Son of Yitzhak Shimon and ChaikeChaim Winer of Israel, Ephraim Winer of Bolivia, Yosef Winer of Chile, Toibe Winer (Burstein) of Brazil, Malka Winer Soloveitchik (Migdal) of Bolivia 
217WINERShaindel Daughter of Yitzhak Shimon and ChaikeChaim Winer of Israel, Ephraim Winer of Bolivia, Yosef Winer of Chile, Toibe Winer (Burstein) of Brazil, Malka Winer Soloveitchik (Migdal) of Bolivia 
217WINERHersch Velvel BrotherChaim Winer of Israel, Ephraim Winer of Bolivia, Yosef Winer of Chile, Toibe Winer (Burstein) of Brazil, Malka Winer Soloveitchik (Migdal) of Bolivia 
217WINERAlte Wife of Hersch VelvelChaim Winer of Israel, Ephraim Winer of Bolivia, Yosef Winer of Chile, Toibe Winer (Burstein) of Brazil, Malka Winer Soloveitchik (Migdal) of Bolivia 
217WINERChaim Son of Hersch Velvel and AlteChaim Winer of Israel, Ephraim Winer of Bolivia, Yosef Winer of Chile, Toibe Winer (Burstein) of Brazil, Malka Winer Soloveitchik (Migdal) of Bolivia 
217WINERMenachem  Son of Hersch Velvel and AlteChaim Winer of Israel, Ephraim Winer of Bolivia, Yosef Winer of Chile, Toibe Winer (Burstein) of Brazil, Malka Winer Soloveitchik (Migdal) of Bolivia 
217WINERChaya Etel Daughter of Hersch Velvel and AlteChaim Winer of Israel, Ephraim Winer of Bolivia, Yosef Winer of Chile, Toibe Winer (Burstein) of Brazil, Malka Winer Soloveitchik (Migdal) of Bolivia 
217WINERMoshe BrotherChaim Winer of Israel, Ephraim Winer of Bolivia, Yosef Winer of Chile, Toibe Winer (Burstein) of Brazil, Malka Winer Soloveitchik (Migdal) of Bolivia 
217WINERSarahYATOMWife of MosheChaim Winer of Israel, Ephraim Winer of Bolivia, Yosef Winer of Chile, Toibe Winer (Burstein) of Brazil, Malka Winer Soloveitchik (Migdal) of Bolivia 
217WINERShayna Faiga  Chaim Winer of Israel, Ephraim Winer of Bolivia, Yosef Winer of Chile, Toibe Winer (Burstein) of Brazil, Malka Winer Soloveitchik (Migdal) of Boliviano relationship listed in original text; she was a sister to submitters and wife of Ezra Alkon
217WINERShlomo BrotherChaim Winer of Israel, Ephraim Winer of Bolivia, Yosef Winer of Chile, Toibe Winer (Burstein) of Brazil, Malka Winer Soloveitchik (Migdal) of Bolivia 
218WINERYitzhak FatherRana Yatom Winer of Israel, Yaacov Winer of Israel, Nachum Yatom of Israel, Zahava Winer Porat of Israel, Henia Winer Cohen of Israel 
218WINERSara Leah MotherRana Yatom Winer of Israel, yaacov Winer of Israel, Nachum Yatom of Israel, Zahava Winer Porat of Israel, Henia Winer Cohen of Israel 
218WINERDoba SisterRana Yatom Winer of Israel, yaacov Winer of Israel, Nachum Yatom of Israel, Zahava Winer Porat of Israel, Henia Winer Cohen of Israel 
219WEISBORDShayna TsirelSHTENDERWifeAryeh Weisbord of Israel, Yisrael Weisbard of Poland 
219WEISBORDFaiga Rachel DaughterAryeh Weisbord of Israel, Yisrael Weisbard of Poland 
219WEISBORDYitzhak Michel SonAryeh Weisbord of Israel, Yisrael Weisbard of Poland 
220WISOTSKYMatityahu FriendYosef Zarembsky of Israelknown as "Mattis"
221VELTZINSKYChaim UncleMina Skranda Stern of Israel, Yitzhak Stern of Israel 
221VELTZINSKYSarah AuntMina Skranda Stern of Israel, Yitzhak Stern of Israel 
221VELTZINSKYShayna CousinMina Skranda Stern of Israel, Yitzhak Stern of Israel 
222WEINGRASSimcha FatherYehudit Weingras Rosenberg of Israel, Rachel Weingras Blumstein of Israel, Leibel Weiner (Weingras) of Mexico  
222WEINGRASRivkaTSIRKESMotherYehudit Weingras Rosenberg of Israel, Rachel Weingras Blumstein of Israel, Leibel Weiner (Weingras) of Mexico  
223?Vevke  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeland family; described as "the Shoemaker"
224?Velvel (Bebik)  Ciechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeldescribed as "the Watchman"
225?Velvel HeadCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israeldescribed as "the Shoemaker"
225?Yecha  Wife of VelvelCiechanowiec Immigrants Association of Israel 
226WROBLINGZindel  Shlomo Wrobling and familyand family; described as "the Teacher"

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