[Page 10]
Legend for Map of Czortkow
drawn from Memory by Zvi Cohen
- The Great Synagogue
- Schul (Bet ha Midrach)
- Building of the Judenrat
- Synagogue "Yad Charutzim"
- Synagogue of the butchers
- Synagogue of Rabbi Shapira
- New synagogue
- Synagogue of Chasid Startin
- Synagogue of Chasid Zijnitz
- Fowl slaughterhouse
- City Hall
- State Gymnasium (High School)
- Public School for Girls
- Slaughter House
- Public Bathhouse
- New Cinema
- Electric Station
- District Offices
- Post Office
- County Building
- County Court
- Jail
- The Sokol Building (Theater-Concert Hall)
- The Bank
- The New Bazaar
- The Old Bazaar and Clock (Place of the first "Action")
- The Old Bet Am Hebrew School
- The New Bet Am Concert, Lecture and Movie House
- The Polish Church (Roman Catholic)
- Loigananka Bridge (to Railway Street)
- The Old Ukrainian Church
- Farmers Cooperative
- The Rabbi's Synagogue
- State Gimnasium for out of towners
- Cheromoski School, Public School for Boys
- Commercial School
- Ruins of the Rabbi's Palace
- Syndicate of Agricultural Machinery
- Mobilization Bureau
- Soccer and ? Fields
- The Old Cemetery
- Hospital
- Old Flour Mill
- The Dam in front of the Mill
- Animal Market
Map surrounding the city
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Chortkov, Ukraine
Yizkor Book Project
JewishGen Home Page
Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Osnat Ramaty
Copyright © 1999-2025 by JewishGen, Inc.
Updated 16 Aug 2020 by OR