50°38' / 20°45'
Translation of
Pinkas Chmielnik.
Yisker bukh noch der Khorev-Gevorener Yidisher Kehile
Edited by: Ephraim Shedletski, former residents of Chmielnik in Israel, 1960
Published in Tel Aviv, 1960
Project Coordinator
Our sincere appreciation to Pinchas Rosen, Chairman, Former residents of Chmielnik in Israel,
Table of Contents and Necrology were originally published in the Kielce-Radom SIG Journal,
Vol. 7, No. 2 (Spring 2003), pages 19-28 & Vol. 8, No. 2 (Spring 2004), pages 12-16
This is a translation from: Pinkas Chmielnik. Yisker bukh noch der Khorev-Gevorener Yidisher Kehile;
Memorial book of Chmielnik; yizkor book of the annihilated Jewish community.
Editor: Ephraim Shedletski, Tel Aviv, former residents of Chmielnik in Israel, 1960 (H,Y)
JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of
the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
[Pages 1305 - 1312]
Translated from the Hebrew and Yiddish by Sharon and Isi Lehrer
(Y = Yiddish; H = Hebrew; P = Polish)
Forward (H) | 9 | |
Introduction (Y) | 11 | |
In Memoriam (H) | 15 | |
List of Martyrs (Y) | 17 | |
The History of the City |
The History of the Jews of Chmielnik (H & Y) | Dr. N. M. Gelber | 57 & 73 |
Sources / Documentation of Chmielnik (P & H) from the geographic lexicon of the Kingdom of Poland, first published in 1883 |
71 | |
The Jewish Community in Chmielnik in the 19th Century (Y) | Yishaya Tronk | 91 |
History of the Chmielnik Chasidic Movement (H) | M. S. Geshori | 97 |
The Dynasty of the Tsadikim of Ozorow and the Rabbis of Chmielnik (H) | M. S. Geshori | 133 |
Portrait of a Rabbi - R' Avraham-Yitschak Sylman (H & Y) | R' Avraham-Aharon Price | |
My Struggle in the Polish Parliament on Behalf of the Jewish Postman (H & Y) | Yitschak Greenboim | 161 & 165 |
The Chmielnik Republic (H & Y) | Ya'acov Zerubavel | 169 & 173 |
Memories from the Past |
My Town Chmielnik (H) | David Sifri-Kshonzer | 179 |
These Do I Remember (H) | Rabbi Avraham-Aharon Price | 181 |
From Chmiel to Chmielnik (Y) | Moshe Domb | 185 |
My Memories (Y) | Moshe Leizer Mintz | 189 |
During the Revolutionary Years (Y) | Mordechai Fuchs | 217 |
Fifty Years Ago (Y) | Penina Weinberg-Cohen | 221 |
Chmielnik Before the First World War (Y) | Yechiel Gotoviezne | 225 |
Streets and Characters (Y) | Yechiel Gotoviezne | 233 |
Chmielnik Surroundings (Y) | Yechiel Gotoviezne | 245 |
The Shtetl I Remember (Y) | Ya'acov Friedman | 253 |
The Outbreak of War (Y) | Leon Kleinplats | 261 |
Memories from World War I (Y) | Motl Rosenblum | 269 |
Life During World War I (Y) | Azriel Sametband | 277 |
Episodes from World War I (Y) | Ya'acov Friedman | 279 |
During the War Years (Y) | Moshe-Abba Kornblum | 287 |
Memories (Y) | Yisrael Greenboim | 289 |
Poland is Liberated (Y) | Mendl Klarman | 291 |
November 1918 (Y) | Kalman Pshevarski | 293 |
The Day of Poland's Liberation (Y) | Ya'acov Friedman | 297 |
On Weekdays and Festivals (Y) | Velvl Hershkop | 305 |
Folklore of the Shtetl (Y) | Leibl Pietrikovski | 307 |
A Wedding in the Shtetl (Y) | Chana Fuchs | 309 |
The Market (Y) | Kalman Pshevarski | 313 |
Memories (Y) | Yosef Kantor | 315 |
On the Outskirts of Kielce(Y) | Leibl Pietrikovski | 321 |
Trade and Manufacturing (Y) | Motl Goldlist | 329 |
Teachers in the Cheders (Y) | Motl Goldlist | 339 |
The Big Market and the Small Market (Y) | Mordechai Zonshein | 343 |
The Bet Yosef Yeshiva (Y) | Avraham Guts | 351 |
The Funeral of Avraham-Yitschak Gorlitski (Y) | Moshe Gurgel | 357 |
In the Eyes of a Sabra (H) | Moshe Ben-Shachar | 361 |
Types and Characters |
Moshe-Yosl Smolarz (Y) | M. Gelbart | 367 |
Moshe-Yosl Smolarz - From his Literary Inheritance (Y) | 369 | |
Portraits (Y) | Moshe Domb | 387 |
Yochanan Tsipaniu (Y) | Leibl Pietrikovski | 401 |
Characters from the Shtetl (Y) | Ya'acov Friedman | 403 |
My Teachers (Y) | Shlomo Neiman | 415 |
Hertske Tarek and his Sons (Y) | Gershon Gorlitski | 419 |
The Struggle Against the Desecration of Shabbat and the Peddlar's Decision (Y) | Motl Goldlist | 423 |
Yendrek (Y) | Yisrael-Yitschak Ridelnik. | 431 |
The Storyteller (Y) | Leibish Kvashnievski | 433 |
The Doctor Yisrael-Itche Kleinert (Y) | Y.K. | 435 |
My Teacher Leibl Viltchik (Y) | Yisraelke Disenhoiz | 437 |
My Father Itchele Neiman (Y) | David Neiman | 439 |
An Event with Kopl Kaminski (Y) | Avraham Tsuker | 441 |
Harav Ya'acov Sylman (Y) | M. S. Geshori | 443 |
Public and Prominent Figures (Y & H) | 455 | |
Political and Social Life |
The Beginning of Social Life (Y) | Eliahu Ben-Shlomo | 475 |
The Chmielnik Zionists (H) | Avraham Pinchevski | 479 |
The Turning Point (H) | Binyamin Simchoni-Friedman | 483 |
The Ivriya (H) | Dvora Abramovits-Simchoni | 485 |
Zionism in Chmielnik and Immigration to Israel (H) | Tsadok Kanertsuker | 489 |
The Accusations of the Professional Sewing Union (Y) | Shlomo Neiman | 497 |
The Library - A Center for Socializing (H) | Ya'acov Friedman | 501 |
The City Council (Y) | Avraham Pinchevski | 507 |
Between Two World Wars (Y) | Yosef Kleinert | 511 |
The Worries of a Yiddish Shtetl (Y) | Moshe Kleinboim | 515 |
The Charity Fund (Y) | Moshe Zonshein | 517 |
Our Drama Club (Y) | Motl Goldlist | 525 |
The Synagogues (H) | M. S. Geshori | 531 |
Study and Prayer (Y) | Mordechai Gutman | 541 |
Rabbinical Disputes (Y) | Mordechai Freidnsan | 545 |
Rabbinical Disputes in the Press (Y) | 551 | |
Educational Facilities (Y) | Moshe Zonshein | 553 |
Yitschak Aspis and his School (Y) | Mordechai Zohar | 565 |
Religious Institutions (Y) | Moshe Zonshein | 567 |
The General Zionist Youth Organization Hatchiya(Y) | Shmuel Unger | 571 |
The Beginning of the Mizrachi Movement (H) | M. S. Geshori | 577 |
The Mizrachi Movement (Y) | Yehoshua Shteinfeld | 581 |
Leftwing Poalei Tsion (Y) | Eliahu Bahiri | 585 |
The Beginning of Hashomer Hatsair (H) | Aryeh Veinberg | 595 |
Hashomer Hatsair in the years 1929-1939 (H) | Ya'acov Roit | 597 |
One Summer Camp (H) | Rachel Mali | 599 |
Ongoing Activity (H) | Meir Mali | 605 |
Poalei Tsion - Tseirei Tsion (The Young Zionists) (H) | H. Nirnberg, M. Goldlist, K. Unger | 609 |
Brit Hatsohar and Betar (H) | Moshe Zohari | 623 |
Controversy Among the Zionist Groups (Y) | Mordechai Ben-Baruch | 631 |
Agudat-Yisrael (Y)Perets Pasternak | 635 | |
Destruction and Holocaust |
The Jews of Chmielnik Under Nazi Rule (Y) | Dr. Yosef Karmish | 653 |
The Official Magistrate's Order Concerning the Destruction of Jewish Chmielnik (Y & P) | 693 | |
Thus Our Town Was Destroyed (H) - a testimony | 697 | |
To My Father (Y) - a poem | V. Hershkop | 700 |
The Years of the Holocaust (H) | Yisrael Feingold | 703 |
I Hear the Cry (Y) - a poem | Yankl Rosenblum | 710 |
Statements from Witnesses (Y) | 1. Yechiel & Kalman Mape | 713 |
2. Tseshe Diamant | 719 | |
The Years of Hitler's Occupation (Y) | Menashe Montsazsh | 725 |
The Arrival of the Germans (Y) | Menachem Mali-Zeira | 733 |
A Quiet Day (Y) | Zelig Friedman | 737 |
The First Casualties (Y) | Yehoshua Shteinfeld | 741 |
Attempted Opposition (Y) | Dr. Z. Lederman | 743 |
The First Deportation (Y) | Alter Shteinfeld | 745 |
The 72 Survivors of the First Deportation (Y) | Arthur & Mary Kleinhendler | 747 |
One Roundup to the Next (Y) | Ya'acov Lemberg | 751 |
From Bunker to Bunker (Y) | Yitschak Goldlist | 755 |
The Struggle for Survival (Y) | Rivka Sametband-Mali | 761 |
On the Aryan side (Y) | Miriam Miodovnik-Reich | 773 |
With the Dead Face to Face (Y) | Motl Zonshein | 791 |
In a Hiding Place in Chmielnik (Y) | Yosef Kleinert | 809 |
The Struggle for my Family's Survival (Y) | Alte Shorr | 823 |
Chmielnikers in the Kielce Hasag Labour Camp (Y) | Kalman Mape | 837 |
Chmielnikers in Skarzshisk Camp (Y) | Freide Mape-Zonshein | 843 |
My Brother Velvl's Death in Skarzshisk (Y) | Zelig Friedman | 849 |
In the Concentration Camp in Germany (Y) | Sarah Zilberberg-Kleinhendler | 851 |
With the Partisans in the Chmielnik Area (Y) | Moshe Kvashnievski | 855 |
With the Polish Army from Ravena until Berlin (Y) | Nachum Mali | 861 |
In the Soviet Camps (Y) | Yisrael Veiman | 873 |
My Wartime Wanderings in Russia (Y) | Bentsion Veitsman | 879 |
From Ander's Army to the Ranks of Etzel (IZL) (Y) | Efraim Goldshtein | 891 |
My Participation in the French Underground (Y) | Moshe Gorgel | 903 |
Three Times I Bid Farewell to Chmielnik (Y) | Hershl Kaminsky | 911 |
Return to Poland After the War (Y) | Yosef Kantor | 921 |
The Chmielnik Victims of the Kielcer Pogrom (Y) | Yisrael Turkeltoib | 925 |
Shmuel Veinberg - A Victim of the Kielcer Pogrom (Y) | Chaya Rozenblum-Frucht | 929 |
Alter Greenboim (Albert) - A Postwar Victim (Y) | 931 | |
The Tragic Death of Ruchama Zaltsman (Y) | Sarah Kerbel | 933 |
Nostalgic Thoughts of Home (Y) | Chana Goldstein-Konichovsky | 937 |
In Chmielnik in 1956 (Y) | Naftali Kanertsuker | 939 |
In Death Did They Bequeath Us Life: Chmielnikers Who Fell in the War of Independence (H & Y) |
945 & 961 | |
Chmielnikers Worldwide |
The First Chmielnikers in Israel (H) | Shmuel Yutshenka | 945 |
The First Aliya from Chmielnik (Y) | Avraham Vigodny | 971 |
Our First Memorial Day (Y) | Moshe Zohari-Zonshein | 975 |
The Chmielnik Association in Israel - Irgun Yotsei Chmielnik (Y) | Moshe Zohari-Zonshein | 979 |
Chmielnikers Serving the State of Israel (Y) | 991 | |
With Chmielnikers in America (Y) | Moshe Leizer Mintz | 997 |
The United Chmielniker Aid Committee in America (Y) | Yosef Rosenberg & Hershl Machtinger | 1011 |
Contact with Chmielnik - letters (Y) | 1021 | |
Father and Son - Yosef and Kalman Freidman (Y) | 1033 | |
Longing for Chmielnik - 2 songs | Moshe Leizer Mintz | 1035 |
Harav Avraham-Aharon Price (H) | 1037 | |
The Chmielniker Organization in Canada (Y) | Ya'acov Friedman | 1039 |
The Chmielniker Charitable Organization in Argentina (Y) | 1053 | |
The Activities of the Chmielnik Organization in Paris (Y) | Charles Deitelboim | 1059 |
Addresses of Chmielnikers Around the World |
Israel | 1073 | |
America | 1081 | |
Brazil | 1089 | |
Canada | 1091 | |
Argentina | 1093 | |
France | 1095 | |
Obituaries to Memorialize the Martyrs by Their Families |
Israel | 1101 | |
America | 1213 | |
Canada | 1257 | |
Argentina | 1273 | |
France | 1289 | |
The End, but not Complete Afterward from the Editor (Y) | Efraim Shedletski | 1301 |
Table of Contents | 1305 |
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