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The First Brzeziner Chalucim [Pioneers] (cont.)


brz204a.jpg -    Presidium of the first assembly of 'landslayt' in Israel
Gathering of the Israel landslayt at the laying of the
cornerstone for Shikkun Brzezin [Brzezin apartment project]

At the main table are seated the landslayt Abraham Fuks
(from America), Lemel Horn, and Har-Jaffe (Szajnberg)


brz204b.jpg -    Presidium of the first assembly of 'landslayt' in Israel
Planting a tree in front of the Bet-Am [house
of the people] in Israel, in the name of Louie
Horn, secretary of the Brzeziner Relief
Committee for many years

From right to left: Morris Frank, Benkel,
Lemel Horn, e”h, and Har-Jaffe (Szajnberg)


In 1925 when there was a great crisis in the land and severe unemployment reigned, several Brzeziner families left the country. But at the same time as the difficult economic situation occurred, the following Brzeziner Jews came to Israel: Szymon Krongold with his family, Lemel Horn and his family, who had survived harsh and bitter times, and Mojsze-Icek Grynberg, who had also sampled the taste of unemployment and harsh conditions. Reb Szymon Krongold had a printing shop in those days. He was a very good and kind person to all and, in particular, to his workers.

In 1929 pogroms broke out in the land. The English mandate authority closed the gates of Eretz Isroel. At that time in Poland, the Hechaluc [pioneer movement] was blossoming. During the time aliyah [immigration] was difficult, when the way to enter the land was restricted, the Brzeziners sent four pioneers: Mojsze Szajnberg, Icek Herszberg, Judel Bialer, and Mendel Rajchman. One should not forget that at that time finding work was unlikely; nevertheless, this did not stop our Brzeziners from leaving. In 1932 at the time of the Maccabi sports events, the following came to the country: Wolf Zagon, Fiszel Benkel, the family Markowicz, Sarah Dzialoszynska, and Israel Kornblum and his family. They were all in danger of being expelled from the country, but they managed to remain. In 1933 the following came into the country: Aron Mendlewicz, Jechiel Erlich, and Melech Michrowski. In 1934 Zebul Poliwoda arrived with his family. Later Reb Szmul Sulkowicz and Mojsze-Icek Frankensztajn came. In 1935 Reb Jozef Erlich, a man in his sixties, came. He lives in Jerusalem today and studies with a congregation of Orthodox Jews in the synagogue Akhava [declaration]. Chuna Waldman, the shoykhet [ritual slaughterer], and Reb David Zicher (Reb Nachman Gutkind's son-in-law) came––all with their families.


brz205a.jpg -    At the opening of the 'Shikkun Brzezin' in Israel
At the opening of the Shikkun Brzezin in Israel
In the picture can be seen the well-known journalist Tsanin who
wrote about Shikkun Brzezin in the New York Forverts [Forward]


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