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Personalities and Officials (cont.)

Yehoshua Ramo

The Director of the Merchant Bank, he was active in the Zionist institutions and Keren Hayesod. He would grant a loan on the condition that a donation was made to Keren Hayesod.

Rachel Rokach

Rachel Rokach

She was born in Brest in 1863, the daughter of Menachem Shostakowski, a learned scholar and benefactor. She married Shimon Rokach from Jerusalem and went to live there with him. In 1884 Rachel and Shimon went from Jerusalem and settled in Jaffa, they were the first Ashekenazi inhabitants there. In the suburb of Neveh Zedek, which Shimon founded, Rachel was involved in various community activities - the hospital, she took part in guard duty, new migrants and visitors were always warmly received in her home.

In the years during W.W.1 she helped with the evacuation of Tel-Aviv –Jaffa. Rachel did a great deal for Birkur Cholim (visiting the sick) in Jerusalem and would also support the sick from her own money. She gave much to charity and helped the Invalid Home in Tel-Aviv.

Shimon, her husband was the leader of the Jewish community in Jaffa. Their son Israel Rokach was a longstanding Mayor of the Tel-Aviv. Their other sons, Yosef and Itzchak, were active members of the Israeli society. Rachel died in Tel-Aviv in 1945.

Yosef Rabinovitch

The owner of a pharmacy, he was one of the learned scholars of Brest. Active in the Mizrachi and charity institutions.

Zev (Velvel) Rabinovitch

An industrialist and a great scholar. All his days were spent in studying the Torah and working. Author of the great book about the Jerusalem Talmud, which was published in Israel. His son Michael served in the Russian army and reached the rank of General, commander of a tank division.

Fishel Rogoshik

He was the son of the renowned entrepeneur Moshe Rogoshik. He was active in the various social causes – TOZ and ORT. He was the Chairman of the Peoples Bank. A social activist and benefactor.

Reb Yitzchal Rodevski

Born in Brest in 1861 and died in Tel-Aviv in 1944. Like his father, Reb Asher, his was one of the prestigious households in the city. He was occupied in Torah study all his life and Chassidic causes.

Shimshon (Shmiel) Rodevski

An active Bundist, he was a member of the Artisan's Union. He worked with dedication and loyalty for the working classes of the city.

Reb. Henoch Rosenbaum

A man of the people. He was a good and likeable man. He was arrested several times for his pro- Zionist activities but was always freed by the authorities. No one could doubt the sincerity of this good-looking man. A passionate Zionist, he was one of the friends of Dr Yosef. Shereshevski, the famous Moscow Zionist. Killed in the Ghetto.

Reb Michael Rosenberg (Reb Michaleleh Roshes)

Leader of the Agudat Israel (Ultra - Orthodox), and their representative in the City Council. He was the Director of the “Shlomi Emunei Israel” Bank.

Tzvi Hirsh Rosenberg

A city coucillor and the Chairman of of the Merchant's Union, he was its' representative in the city 's institutions. Chairman of the Judenrat (Jewish council) in the Brest Ghetto. Made great efforts to relieve the suffering of those dark days of destruction. Killed in the Ghetto.

Zacharia Rosenthal

One of the leading Zionists in the city, together with Ben Zion Neumark and Mordechai Sheinerman. He devoted all his life to voluntary community and Zionist causes.

Reb Leib Rottenberg

A wealthy benefactor, he was one of the most respected men in the city. He was a great scholar and the gabbeh of the synagogue of Rabbi Chaim Soloveitchik. He was a grandson of Rabbi Yakov Meir Padua and the grandfather of Dr.Yakov Gromer.

Tzvi Ribatzki

A veteran Zionist. In his youth he was a Hebrew teacher and renowned as a prayer leader. He was the authorized representative of the Odessa Zionist Committee, and would stand at the entrance to the synagogue on Erev Yom Kippur and collect monies for Israel for many years. The first Zionist library in Brest was named after him. He was one of the pioneers and first employees of the Loans Society Funds.

Eisik Shostakowski

One of the most respected people of the city – a dedicated community worker. A Jew and a son of the Torah.

Helena Shteinberg

One of the city's well known activists.A member of the city council and active in all the institiutions. She was the Chairman of the Property Owners Union. She gave a great deal to charity and the “Brides Fund” (to provide dowries for poor girls). Suicided in the Ghetto.

David Shneider

He was one of the Bundist leaders of the city. A member of the community administration. He was a director of the I.L. Peretz Yiddish School at no.5 Koszciusko St., and active in professional circles. Taken by the Russians and sent into Russia.

David Tzvi Shapiro

An community elder from the time before the First World War. He was one of the founders of Bikur Cholim (visiting the sick). On a trip to St. Petersburg undertaken on behalf of this institution, he was killed in a road accident. His son is Dr Shapiro.

Yerucham Schatz

A leader of the community before W. W.1, he was acknowledged by all the ruling powers of those days. He used his position and influence towards worthwhile charities and institutions. A passionate and energetic fighter for all Jewish causes in the city for an entire generation. He was the Head Gabbeh of the Great Synagogue.

Dr. Yehuda Leib Shereshevski

He was one of the best Zionist leaders and a member of the Zionist Council until 1914. Participated in two Zionist conferences as a delegate. After W.W.1, he returned to Brest and became active as a medical specialist. Whilst attending as a doctor, he witnessed the beating of a Jew named Weisman by the Polish police. Protesting this incident, he suffered a heart attack and died.

Dr. Yosef Shereshevski

A dentist, he was one of the early Zionist activists. All the illegal Zionist activities before W.W.1 were conducted from his home. Chairman of the Zionist Organization. A great orator who spoke with emotion from his heart.

Shmuel Sharon ( Sheinerman)

Shmuel Sharon ( Sheinerman)

He was a son of the well-known Zionist Mordechai Sheinerman. He was an engineer and an agriculturalist. He was active in the Zionist movement in Kavkaz. He came to Israel in 1922 and settled in Kfar Millel. He taught plantation skills and land husbandry at the Mikveh Israel agricultural school at Ben Shemen. He planted orchards in Ness Ziona and Kfar Hayarok. In 1949 he participated in an international argricultural conference at the U.N. in New York. He died in 1956.

Esther Shtrickman

Esther Shtrickman

Born in 1903 in Suwalki. She settled in Brest in 1924, and went to Israel in 1934. In Israel she was active in the parent's committee of the school “Bamerkaz” and the Working Mother's Union. During the War of Liberation (1948) she was in the soldiers aid committee. She was a volunteer worker in the military, and Hadassah hospital, as well as the children's home in Kfar Saba. She died in 1950, wife of Avraham Shtrickman and the sister of Pinchas Sapir.

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