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[Page 371]

Personalities and Officials

Translated by Dr. Samuel Chani and Jenni Buch

*A committee of the Brisker descendants (Yotzei Brisk) were occupied with preparing this list of Brest personalities and community officials from all levels of society. To our regret, many names have been omitted, because this committee did not receive the relevant information from relatives and friends. In the material received by this committee there were also missing details of the community lives of many mentioned in this list. The list is compiled in alphabetical order.

Hersh Archov

A representative of the Jewish community of Brest at the end of the 19th century, he was diligent and virtuous in his efforts with the Russian authorities. Through his efforts the following organizations were founded: The Old Age Home, Visiting the Sick (Birkur Cholim) and the Charity fund which gave loans without interest to many Brest residents and assisted them to recover after the two Great Fires.

His wife Dinah was known for her Philanthropic work and her untiring efforts in appealing to the Russian civil and military authorities for assistance in Jewish community matters.

Yehezkel Archov

Yehezkel Archov

He was one of the most respected merchants and industrialists in Brest. He was a confidante of Chaim Soloveitchik, the Brisker Rav. He was a Gabbeh in the Rabbi's synagogue, a member of the Board of the Jewish hospital, and other philanthropic institutions. He was the elder son of Hersh and Dinah Archov. His sister, Bertha Rassin, now lives in Israel.

Michael Archov

Michael Archov

One of the most active officials in Brest for social welfare matters. Through his initiative the Visitors Hostel was established. After the death of his father Hersh, he managed the Loan Fund. He was a founding member of the new Old Age Home after W.W.1, chairman of the boards of Bikur Cholim, Linat Tzedek, and for a while -chairman of Keren Heyesod.

His sons are now in Israel – Dr. Shmuel Archov and Tzvi Archov.

Chaim Leib Izbitzer

An active member of the Zionist organization, Keren Kayemet and Keren Heyesod. He was secretary of the Tarbut High school. He died in Russia as a prisoner of Zion.

Shimon Izbitzer

Shimon Izbitzer

Was born in Brest in 1902, the son of Chaim Leib. The family went to Yekaterinoslav and Shimon joined the Poale Zion movement there. At the time he was a student of the Burg Academy in Yekaterinoslav. He returned to Brest in 1922 and devoted all his energies to communal work. He was the secretary of ORT and a member of the city council, as well as serving on the committee of Poale Zion, Polessie district, and the national Poale Zion council for all of Poland.

In 1933 he made aliyah to Israel and worked as a construction worker. He worked in the electrical power plant in Tel-Aviv. He found it difficult to adjust to the conditions in Israel at the time. He died in Tel-Aviv.

Rabbi Yehuda Leib Eisen

Born in Mezrich in 1882. He studied in Brest, and received his rabbinical ordination from the Brisker Rav - Chaim Soloveitchik. He settled in Brest and was a member of the Rabbinate until his death. He was well liked and respected by the residents of the Grayever surburb in which he lived.

Shmuel Ashkenazi

Shmuel Ashkenazi

Made aliyah from Brest to Israel in 1907. He was a wealthy, educated and scholarly man. An energetic business entrepeneur, he was one of the pioneers of industry in Israel and one of the first builders of Tel -Aviv. He passed away in 1942 and was buried on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.

Asher Ashkenazi

He was Vice President of the Mizrachi organization, and a director of the “Co-operative Bank” He was very involved in the field of education and was the head of the “Tachkamoni” school. Perished together with his family in the Brest Ghetto.

Zipporah Elbaum – Grushevski

A teacher of Hebrew, she studied in Kharkov and Kiev, and was active in Zionist circles and the Zeirei Zion. Came to Israel where she was a teacher in Ramat Gan. She passed away in 1937.

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