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[Page 603]

Names of residents and their addresses in town

Translated by Judy Petersen

Surname Given name Street name Remarks Page
ADLER Leib The Frint Chava EKES 603
SHTEIMETZ Meir The Frint   603
SHTEIN Yakov The Frint Ite's 603
SHTEIN Hersch The Frint   603
SHTEIN Shlomo The Frint   603
RUBINSHTEIN Yehoshua The Frint   603
EINHORN Yosef The Frint   603
SABOY Shlomo Hersch The Frint GRABER 603
POLLAK Mordechai The Frint son of Zise 603
APTER Moshe Mendil The Frint   603
APTER Zev The Frint sells salt 603
EIDEL Herschtik The Frint   603
SHTEIN Zev The Frint   603
MEIR Devorches The Frint   603
APEL Yisrael The Frint son of Eitzik Fishel 603
GENOD Alter The Frint the shoemaker 603
ADLER Meshulam The Frint   603
  Mendil The Frint the “loksh” (noodle); his wife Nisel 603
SHTEIN Ezra The Frint   603
FRIED Shlomo The Frint   603
FRIED   The Frint in the house of Chana ELIEZER 603
    The Rabbi's Street Synagogue “HaElyon” (the Upper Shul) 603
SHTEIMETZ Yosel Baruch The Rabbi's Street opposite Rabbi's Alley 603
SHTEIMETZ Herschil The Rabbi's Street   603
GENOD Avraham Wolf The Rabbi's Street   603
ROZENBERG Shalom The Rabbi's Street   603
GANZ Freide Moshe The Rabbi's Street   603
SHTEIN Rivka The Rabbi's Street daughter of Wolf 603
TZIG Ezra The Rabbi's Street   603
  Gershon The Rabbi's Alley at left the judge 603
MENDIL Ida–Hersch The Rabbi's Alley at left   603
APTER Elimelech The Rabbi's Alley at left   603
APTER Shimon The Rabbi's Alley at left   603
POLLAK Eliezer The Rabbi's Alley at left son of Chezkel; the shoemaker 603
    The Rabbi's Alley at left the “Old” Mikve 603
SABOY Shlomo Eizik The Rabbi's Alley at left   603
APTER Yisrael The Rabbi's Alley at left the Turk 603
NEILENDER Azriel The Rabbi's Alley at left   603
FOGEL Aryeh The Rabbi's Alley at left   603
GRINSHPAN Naftali The Rabbi's Alley at left   603
ARMON The Rabbi's Alley at left the Rabbi 603
WALDMAN Yoel The Rabbi's Alley at left   603
FRIED Baruch The Rabbi's Alley at left   603
  Chaim Leib The Rabbi's Alley at left the tailor 603
SHTEIMETZ Yisrael The Rabbi's Alley at left son in law of Chuna Leizer 603
OSTOLISCH Aryeh Dov In back of the Upper Synagogue   603
OSTOLISCH Avraham Yitzchak In back of the Upper Synagogue   603
  Yakov Ireh In back of the Upper Synagogue   603
GENOD Avraham Yosef In back of the Upper Synagogue   603
GLICK Meir In back of the Upper Synagogue   603
  Alter Chaim In back of the Upper Synagogue the shoemaker 603
SACHS Yisrael The Risteris bathhouse attendant 603
SHTEIMETZ Wolf The Risteris   603
  Reizel Leah The Risteris flour mill owner 603
  The Risteris the “Old Cemetery” 603
FRIED Zev The Risteris   603
MENDELOWITZ Meir The Risteris   603
FISCHER Yisrael The Risteris the miller 603
YITZCHAK Chaya Reizes The Risteris   603
FRUKHTER Yisrael Elya The Risteris   603
FRUKHTER Moshe The Risteris   603
  Menachem Chaim Cizla Street “Ika” 603
MENDLOVITZ Baruch Cizla Street shoemaker 603
VIDER Alter Cizla Street   603
HERSCHTIK Yitzchak Ber Cizla Street   603
HERSCHTIK Moshe Cizla Street   603
POLLAK Chaim Cizla Street   603
MENDELOWITZ Chaim Yisrael Cizla Street   603
MENDELOWITZ Elya Cizla Street   603
MENDELOWITZ Mordechai David Cizla Street   603
KIND David Hersch Cizla Street   603
KERN Yakov Cizla Street   603
NEILENDER Yoel Cizla Street   603
GRINSHPAN Eliezer Cizla Street   603
APTER Mordechai Cizla Street the watchmaker 603
FELBERBAUM Mordechai David Cizla Street   603
MORDECHAI Shmuel Cizla Street   603
FOGEL David Hersch Cizla Street   603
FOGEL Pinchas Cizla Street   603
SHLOMOVITZ Hersch Cizla Street   603
SHTEIN Azriel Cizla Street   603
ADLER Moshe Hersch Cizla Street   603
VIDER Natanel Cizla St. on the north side of Borsa   604
HOS Aryeh Leib Cizla St. on the north side of Borsa his wife Beila, his son Meir Yosef and his daughters Freyda, Pessil, Chaya Rakhel 604
SHTEINER Moshe Cizla St. on the north side of Borsa   604
SHTEIMETZ Mordechai Cizla St. on the north side of Borsa father in law of the fish seller 604
Leah Cizla St. on the north side of Borsa wife of Avraham HAGER 604
FUCHS Malka Cizla St. on the north side of Borsa   604
SHTEIMETZ Meir Cizla St. on the north side of Borsa   604
SHTEIMETZ Alter Chaim Cizla St. on the north side of Borsa   604
PERIL Yakov Mendil Cizla St. on the north side of Borsa women's tailor 604
POLLAK Feivish Cizla St. on the north side of Borsa a poor porter; owns a donkey 604
Yisrael Cizla St. on the north side of Borsa his brother 604
HERSCHTIK Tzvi Cizla St. on the north side of Borsa brother of Yisrael 604
David Hersch Cizla St. on the north side of Borsa the shoemaker 604
APTER Meir Cizla St. on the north side of Borsa   604
FRUKHTER Alter Cizla St. on the north side of Borsa   604
GRINBERG Elya Menashe Cizla St. on the north side of Borsa the shoemaker; makes the upper part of shoes 604
  Yechezkel Gedalia Cizla St. on the north side of Borsa   604
HERSCHTIK Eliya Hersch Cizla St. on the north side of Borsa   604
FISCH Chaim Shmuel Cizla St. on the north side of Borsa   604
GANTZ Menachem Mendil Yisrael Cizla St. on the north side of Borsa   604
FISCHER Yisrael South of Borsa, residents of the Ditris––that is, Old Borsa   604
YITZCHAK Chaya Reizes South of Borsa, residents of the Ditris––that is, Old Borsa   604
FRUKHTER Yisrael Elya South of Borsa, residents of the Ditris––that is, Old Borsa   604
YITZCHAK Moshe Mendil South of Borsa, residents of the Ditris––that is, Old Borsa teacher/melamed 604
SACHS Yisrael South of Borsa, residents of the Ditris––that is, Old Borsa   604
  Reizel Leah South of Borsa, residents of the Ditris––that is, Old Borsa flour mill owner 604
FRIED Zev South of Borsa, residents of the Ditris––that is, Old Borsa   604
MENDLOVITZ Meir South of Borsa, residents of the Ditris––that is, Old Borsa   604
MALIK Aharon South of Borsa, residents of the Ditris––that is, Old Borsa the butcher; opposite the Rabbi's house 604
COHEN Menachem The residents of the Rabbi's Street South   604
SCHERF Baruch The residents of the Rabbi's Street South   604
SHTEIN Chaim Hersch The residents of the Rabbi's Street South Lane's 604
KAUFMAN Hersch The residents of the Rabbi's Street South   604
ROZENBERG Shlomo Mechel The residents of the Rabbi's Street South teacher 604
ROZENBERG Chaim Eliezer The residents of the Rabbi's Street South furrier, scholar, teacher. His first teacher was Ben–Zion (Pitzi) FARKAS 604
WIEDER Yitzchak Soidnik The residents of the Rabbi's Street South   604
POLLAK Anschil The residents of the Rabbi's Street South   604
  Naftali Mendil The residents of the Rabbi's Street South the Schochet 604
  Amram The residents of the Rabbi's Street South   604
FRUKHTER Herschel The residents of the Rabbi's Street South   604
SHTEIMETZ Chananya The residents of the Rabbi's Street South   604
LAKS Shlomo The residents of the Rabbi's Street South and Shmuel; Nachman's 604
APTER Yisrael Fishel Residents of the sections among the Gentiles had an upholstery 604
SHTEIN Wolf Hertchs Residents of the sections among the Gentiles in Dyertz 604
SHTEIN Fishel Residents of the sections among the Gentiles owned a tavern in Dyertz 604
  Yosel Meir Fīntīna [The Well] and Reizel and their daughters 604
FISCH Aharon Beginning of the “Lower” Street–to the west, north of the bridge   604
VERTZBERGER Yisrael     604
MOSKOVITZ Eliahu Beginning of the “Lower” Street–to the west, north of the bridge teacher and grocer 604
ROZENBERG Yossel Beginning of the “Lower” Street–to the west, north of the bridge postman or shepherd 604
FISCH Shlomo Beginning of the “Lower” Street–to the west, north of the bridge   604
TESSLER Yitzchak Beginning of the “Lower” Street–to the west, north of the bridge   604
FISCH Ben Tzion Beginning of the “Lower” Street–to the west, north of the bridge Ben Tzion FISCH's “mill” 604
FRUKHTER Eliezer Beginning of the “Lower” Street–to the west, north of the bridge   604
FISCH Ben Tzion Beginning of the “Lower” Street–to the west, north of the bridge   604
VERTZBERG Shlomo Beginning of the “Lower” Street–to the west, north of the bridge teacher 604
SHTEIMETZ Moshe Beginning of the “Lower” Street–to the west, north of the bridge and Avraham 604
SABOY David Residents of the Cemetery Alley the tailor 604
RUBINSHTEIN Alter Residents of the Cemetery Alley   604
AVRAHAM Natan Residents of the Cemetery Alley teacher and scribe 604
APTEIKER Residents of the Cemetery Alley   604
SABOY Chaim Residents of the Cemetery Alley   604
POLLAK Ezra Residents of the Cemetery Alley owner of property 604
VERTZBERGER Moshe Residents of the Cemetery Alley merchant 604
SABOY Chaim Eliezer Residents of the Cemetery Alley   604
FRUKHTER Moshe Leib Residents of the Cemetery Alley   604
HOZ Moshe Chaim Residents of the Cemetery Alley father in law of Eliezer Meir 604
VIDER Yitzchak Residents of the Cemetery Alley   604
FRIED Alter Residents of the Cemetery Alley   604
SHTERN Chaim Eliezer Residents of the Cemetery Alley   604
SHTERN Mendil Shmuel Residents of the Cemetery Alley   604
SOLOMON Meshulam Residents of the Cemetery Alley Doctor 604
RUBINSHTEIN Tuviya Residents of the Cemetery Alley   604
SHTEIMETZ Chaya Rivka Residents of the Cemetery Alley Feivel's 604
WEISBERG Pinchas Residents of the Cemetery Alley   604
    Residents of the Cemetery Alley offices 604
GANTZ Pinchas Residents of the Cemetery Alley tinsmith 604
  Freide Residents of the Cemetery Alley Baruch's 604
SHTEIMETZ Yisrael Residents of the Cemetery Alley Chernovitz 604
FRIED Yisrael Residents of the Cemetery Alley   604
FRIED Eliezer Residents of the Cemetery Alley   604
MENDELOWITZ Shlomo Baruch Residents of the Cemetery Alley   604
SHTEIMETZ Yakov Residents of the Cemetery Alley   604
SHTEIMETZ Ezra Residents of the Cemetery Alley dentist 604
SHTEIMETZ Mordechai Hersch Residents of the Cemetery Alley   604
ZACHS Shmuel Residents of the Cemetery Alley (Poikele) 604
POLLAK Yosef Residents of the Cemetery Alley shoemaker, his wife Feige 604
FRUKHTER Hertz Residents of the Cemetery Alley   605
FRUKHTER Alter Residents of the Cemetery Alley   605
FRUKHTER Mordechai Residents of the Cemetery Alley son of Mendil the teacher 605
MALIK Elia Residents of the Cemetery Alley grocer 605
KREINTZER Anschil Residents of the Cemetery Alley   605
LAIFER Leibush Residents of the Cemetery Alley of the family of Reb Mordechali NADWERNER 605
    Residents of the Cemetery Alley the Great Synagogue (the Lower) 605
    Residents of the Cemetery Alley the Old Synagogue(with “the amulet”) 605
VERTZBERGER Chaim Hertz Residents of the Cemetery Alley   605
MENDELOWITZ Mordechai David Residents of the Cemetery Alley butcher 605
SHTEIMETZ Baruch Residents of the Cemetery Alley butcher 605
MENDELOWITZ Elia Residents of the Cemetery Alley butcher 605
WIEZEL Shlomo Yakov Residents of the Cemetery Alley   605
  Binyamin Residents of the Cemetery Alley the furrier 605
FRUKHTER Yitzchak Residents of the Cemetery Alley (Moshe Leib) 605
FEYKES Meshulam Residents of the Cemetery Alley   605
POLLAK Yisrael Residents of the Cemetery Alley   605
WIEZEL Alter Residents of the Cemetery Alley   605
WIEDER Alter Residents of the Cemetery Alley   605
POLLAK Abrashka Residents of the Cemetery Alley   605
LERNER Elia Hersch Residents of the Cemetery Alley   605
SHTEIN Hersh Residents of the Cemetery Alley Makeshes; leather merchant, his son Yontil 605
VERTZBERGER Baruch Residents of the Cemetery Alley grocer 605
APEL Binyamin Residents of the Cemetery Alley   605
HERSCHTIK Yehuda Hersch Residents of the Cemetery Alley   605
GANTZ Ben Tzion Residents of the Cemetery Alley son in law of Ide MEIR 605
SHTERN Yitzchak Residents of the Cemetery Alley   605
SHTEIMETZ Moshe Residents of the Cemetery Alley   605
SHTEIMETZ Meir Residents of the Cemetery Alley   605
YAKUBOVITZ Moshe Mendil Residents of the Cemetery Alley bookbinder 605
House GABOR Residents of the Cemetery Alley Marzenian the Murderer of the White Death 605
SHIMONOWITZ Yosef Chaim Residents of the Cemetery Alley   605
FRUKHTER Moshe Leib Residents of the Cemetery Alley   605
SHLOMOVITZ Yankel Dodes Residents of the Cemetery Alley   605
FRUKHTER Yitzchak From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
    From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side the Zidichoiwer Kloiz (synagogue) 605
FLEISCHBANK   From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side the butcher shops 605
HALPERT Miriam From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side mother of Leibush Ber 605
MEIZLER Elazar From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
MENDELOWITZ Shlomo From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
MENDELOWITZ Shmuel From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
SABOY Moshe From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
SABOY Herschel From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
FRUKHTER Mendil From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
FRIED Chaim From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side Ne'eman 605
LEIBOWITZ Natan Elia From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
GANTZ Meir From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
GLICK Hersch From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
GANTZ Mechil From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side watchmaker 605
TABAK Yitzchak From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
FISCHER Shmuel From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
ROT Tzvi From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
SHOLOMON Mendil Chaim From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side Dr. 605
  Barcuch From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side the shoemaker 605
SHTEINFELD Eliezer From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
SHTEIMETZ Yosef Eizik From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
VERTZBERGER Moshe Eliezer From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
SHTERN Eliahu From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
SHTEIMETZ Nachum Leib From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
POLLAK Yehuda Meir From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
ALTER Chaim From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
    From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side “The Old Mikve” 605
    From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side the Old Synagogue 605
  Alter From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side the shoemaker 605
HERSCHTIK Nachman From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
HERSCHTIK Itzik Ber From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
HERSCHTIK Moshe From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
POLLAK Chaim From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
RIZEL Zev From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side father of Yakov Hirsch 605
WALDMAN Yisrael From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side The Rabbi's 605
WALDMAN Moshe From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side the Judge 605
KASIRER Fishel From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
PERIL Chaim From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
MARKOWITZ Fishel From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side tailor 605
  Sprintze From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
  Avraham From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
  Avraham From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side the deaf 605
POLLAK Moshe From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
GANTZ David From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
  Shlomo From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side the shoemaker 605
FOGEL Moshe Aryeh From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
  Shimshon From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side the tailor 605
ADLER Yitzchak Menashe From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
GRINGLAS Tzvi Aryeh From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
GANTZ Yisrael From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
LAIFER Itzik From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
GENOD Mordechai From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side from Atele 605
GENOD Leizer From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
HOD Isser From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side his son Itzik 605
HALPERT Meir From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
Shlomo Yoel From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
APEL Menachem From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
  Mutzik From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
DASKAL Yakov Eliezer From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
  Devorah From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
DASKAL Shlomo From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
HOCH Avraham From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
ADLER Zeidil From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
WIEDER Yitzchak From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
KLEISTER Moshe Chaim From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
  Zelig From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side the weaver 605
APEL David From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   605
WIEDER Alter Idel From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side and his sons Shlomo, Simcha, Yosel 606
INDIK Chaim Leib From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   606
INDIK Yakov From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   606
    From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side Synagogue opposite Gabor 606
ADLER Eliezer From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   606
SHINDER Yakov From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   606
Yitzchak From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   606
SHTEIMETZ Alter From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   606
SHTEIMETZ Ezra From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   606
  Mordechai Hersh Shimon From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   606
FISCH Yakov (Yokel) From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side   606
    From the bridge to the west, the lower part south––residents on the left side mill of Yisrael the Miller 606
  Fisher End of Borsa, west side––residents of the Train Station son of Yisrael the miller 606
POLLAK WIEDER Avigdor End of Borsa, west side––residents of the Train Station   606
  Sara'l End of Borsa, west side––residents of the Train Station she has two boys and girls 606
FRUKHTER Shlomo End of Borsa, west side––residents of the Train Station   606
POLLAK Moshe Menachem End of Borsa, west side––residents of the Train Station   606
HERSCHTIK Alter the beginning of Borsa––the upper Street East; border of Borsa   606
POLLAK Yehuda Hersch the beginning of Borsa––the upper Street East; border of Borsa   606
WALTER Herschel the beginning of Borsa––the upper Street East; border of Borsa Eidis' 606
  Chaim the beginning of Borsa––the upper Street East; border of Borsa Avraham's (Avraham Shoel) 606
  Chaya Rakhel the beginning of Borsa––the upper Street East; border of Borsa the widow and her daughter Feige 606
POLLAK Meir the beginning of Borsa––the upper Street East; border of Borsa   606
FRUKHTER Zeidel the beginning of Borsa––the upper Street East; border of Borsa (Shlomo Yosef) 606
FISCHER David the beginning of Borsa––the upper Street East; border of Borsa matchmaker 606
SABOY Mordechai the beginning of Borsa––the upper Street East; border of Borsa carpenter 606
GANTZ Yosef Yontel the beginning of Borsa––the upper Street East; border of Borsa Eidis' 606
GANTZ Yitzchak the beginning of Borsa––the upper Street East; border of Borsa his son David 606
GANTZ Chaim Meir the beginning of Borsa––the upper Street East; border of Borsa his wife Babbe Reize 606
REIZEL Baruch Mendel the beginning of Borsa––the upper Street East; border of Borsa teacher 606
YAMPEL Eidel the beginning of Borsa––the upper Street East; border of Borsa teacher 606
SHEKHTER Shimon the beginning of Borsa––the upper Street East; border of Borsa teacher, shopkeeper 606
MENDELOWITZ Avraham Leib the Upper North Section––the Gypsies   606
POLLAK Matityahu (Mates) the Upper North Section––the Gypsies   606
SABOY Avraham the Upper North Section––the Gypsies Shlomo Alter Zeidel ADLER emigrated to Argentina 606
SHTEIN Wolf the Upper North Section––the Gypsies the “Big Moishe's” 606
SHTEIN Eliezer the Upper North Section––the Gypsies the carpenter; made aliyah to Israel 606
ADLER Zeidil the Upper North Section––the Gypsies   606
SHTEINER Yitzchak Leib after the bend of the street   606
SACHS Zeidil after the bend of the street Sarah Leah's 606
SHTAUBER Eliezer after the bend of the street   606
SHLOMOVITZ Shlomo Ber after the bend of the street   606
SHTEIN Yakov Eliezer after the bend of the street   606
FRUKHTER Tuviya after the bend of the street   606
  Feivel Leib after the bend of the street Chava Eke's 606
WEISEL Gedalya Hersch after the bend of the street   606
VERTZBERGER Tzvi after the bend of the street   606
  Eidel Yosef after the bend of the street Mordechai's 606
VERTZBERGER Shlomo after the bend of the street Berl's 606
VERTZBERGER Yakov after the bend of the street   606
VERTZBERGER Yechiel after the bend of the street   606
APEL Shmuel after the bend of the street   606
SHTEIMETZ Shlomo after the bend of the street   606
HOZ Eliezer (Yosef Yisrael) after the bend of the street   606
APTER Wolf after the bend of the street   606
SCHNEIDER Eliezer after the bend of the street   606
GANZ Anschil after the bend of the street   606
POLLAK Yisrael after the bend of the street   606
APTER Hersch after the bend of the street   606
FISHMAN Eliezer after the bend of the street   606
FARKAS Ben Tzion after the bend of the street   606
APTER Moshe Leib after the bend of the street his son Zeidel 606
EBENSHTEIN Chaim after the bend of the street Fayeh's 606
MENDELOWITZ Tzvi after the bend of the street   606
MENDELOWITZ Shmuel after the bend of the street   606
MENDELOWITZ Yisrael Yakov after the bend of the street   606
SHTEIMETZ Eliezer (Lozer) after the bend of the street   606
GANZ Avraham Yosef after the bend of the street   606
POLLAK Tzvi after the bend of the street Leah Yente Sosye's 606
KOPLER Yitzchak after the bend of the street his wife Perl; son of Yom Tov GANZ 606
SHTERN Fishel after the bend of the street Yosel David's 606
MARKOWITZ Yehuda Meir after the bend of the street   606
MARKOWITZ Shmuel after the bend of the street his father Moshe Yoel 606
    after the bend of the street the “Etz Chaim” synagogue 606
    after the bend of the street the Post Office 606
LEIBOWITZ Shlomo after the bend of the street   606
ZIS Mordechai after the bend of the street Shlomo's 606
VERTZBERGER Mordechai after the bend of the street   606
VERTZBERGER Moshe after the bend of the street   606
MARKOWITZ Alter after the bend of the street   606
SHTERN Moshe after the bend of the street   606
SHTERN Eliezer after the bend of the street   606
FOGEL Yakov Leib after the bend of the street   606
SABOY Chaim Aryeh after the bend of the street   606
MOSKOWITZ Moshe residents of the Kitrosa   606
SHTEIN Moshe Shmuel residents of the Kitrosa   606
    residents of the Kitrosa the mill, in partnership 606
(SHTEIN) (Wolf) residents of the Kitrosa lived in Leizer HERSCHTIK's home 606
  Yosl residents of the Kitrosa the Cohen 606
KILIN Leib residents of the Kitrosa (Devorah Breine's), teacher 606
  Yisrael residents of the Kitrosa Shochet, Mohel and teacher 606
SHTEIN Eide Leib residents of the Kitrosa   606
ROTA Avraham Hersch residents of the Kitrosa   606
FRIED Yosel residents of the Kitrosa Mantze's 607
    residents of the Kitrosa the tinsmith 607
RUBINSHTEIN Rafael residents of the Kitrosa   607
SHTEIN Fishel residents of the Kitrosa   607
  Meir residents of the Kitrosa the ? 607
SHTEIN Sender residents of the Kitrosa   607
SHTEIN Pinchas residents of the Kitrosa   607
SHTEIN Eliezer residents of the Kitrosa   607
  Heinich residents of the Kitrosa the needy, the “magician” 607
RUBINSHTEIN Berl residents of the Kitrosa   607
SHTEIN Menashe residents of the Kitrosa   607
SHTEIN Pinchas residents of the Kitrosa   607
SHTEIN Eliezer residents of the Kitrosa   607
WALTER Heinich Leib residents of the Kitrosa woodcutter 607
WALTER Yoel residents of the Kitrosa   607
POLLAK Yisrael residents of the Kitrosa Chezkel's (teacher) 607
  Freide Eke residents of the Kitrosa   607
  Chaya residents of the Kitrosa seamstress 607
  Chaya residents of the Kitrosa wire maker 607
VERTZBERGER Moshe continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend   607
VERTZBERGER Berl continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend   607
SHTEIMETZ Yechiel Mechl continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend   607
    continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend Rosh Chodesh Chavera synagogue 607
COHEN Mendel continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend   607
VERTZBERGER Chaim continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend and Mordechai 607
VERTZBERGER Yitzchak Eizik continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend   607
ROZENBERG Yakov continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend Leibush'es 607
ROZENBERG Yakov continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend Shalom's 607
SHTEIN Moshe Shmuel continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend (Fogacho)? 607
POPOWITCH Yitzchak continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend   607
NEULENDER Shmuel continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend   607
VERTZBERGER Shoal Leib continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend   607
OWITZ   continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend made aliyah to Eretz Yisrael and his sons raised families 607
HELLER Itzik Yisrael continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend “the thousander” 607
FRUKHTER Yitzchak continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend   607
NOYAVITZ Chaim Noach continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend   607
EINHORN Moshe continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend   607
PREIZ Shraga Feibush continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend   607
GANTZ Yontil continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend   607
POLLAK Elia continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend and Shmuel 607
GRINSHPAN Wolf continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend   607
GANTZ Alter continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend and Ezra 607
VERTZBERGER Hersch Mendil continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend   607
PREIZ Matel continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend (Shmuel WALTER) 607
KAHANA Shalom continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend Gedalya's 607
SHTEIN Shlomo Chaim continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend   607
SHTEIMETZ Katriel continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend Lazer's 607
FRUKHTER Alter continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend   607
FRIED Katriel continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend   607
FRIED Yosel continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend   607
FRIED Eber continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend   607
PERL Nachum continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend Lazer's family 607
HERSCHTIK Shmuel continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend   607
HERSCHTIK Yakov continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend   607
FRIED Mordechai continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend (Moshe'leh) 607
WEG Yisrael continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend son in law Herschel–Mendel–Feivish 607
SHTEIN Welwel continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend Chezkel–Gedalya's 607
SHTEIMETZ Chaim Meir continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend (Avraham) GOLD 607
GANTZ Mordechai continuation of the upper street, the bend; residents of the left side of the center street, from the bridge to the bend   607
    There are no houses on the left, from here to the East   607


[Page 616]

Early Families

Translated by Jerrold Landau

Donated by Brooke Schreier Ganz

“Are remembered and performed, family by family” (Esther)

Meir Shteimetz (the first) and his sons: Shlomo (Reb Shlomo Fried was named for him). The sons of Shlomo: Baruch, Yisrael, Mendel. The sons of Yisrael are Meir and Shaul Leib. The daughter of Shlomo: Sara. Her husband: Mendel (his brother is Meir Steimetz, one of the sons of Mordechai). Sara and Mendel had a son and a daughter. The name of the son is Yisrael Steimetz (he was the owner of Beit HaAmerikanka); the name of the daughter was Rivka (she was the maternal grandmother of Reb Shlomo Eke–Chava's). This Reb Shlomo was the grandfather of Yitzchak Walter the shoemaker (who was the shamash [beadle] in the Upper Synagogue). The second son was Reb Henech Walter the tree cutter. Their father was Yehuda Moshe Walter, the grandfather of Reb Meir the shochet. Meir had a daughter Hencha, who was the mother of Yehuda Moshe. The third brother was Reb Hirsch Walter the teacher, the husband of Ruth Risa.

Yaakov Steimetz – his property was in “Vâlcăneşti” near şaeşul. His sons: Lozer, Berl and daughter Eidel, a woman of valor and the wife of Reb Yosef Mordechai Wertzberger. The rest of his sons–in–law: Pinchas Rubin, Moshe Bitizer (the father of Yosef Fried). Meir Steimetz' son was Yisrael. The sons of Yisrael and Charna Michal and sons–in–law: Chuna, Leizer, and Moshe Wertzberger. Wolf Neulender (the son of Chaim Raziel) of Unter Vador [Între Păduri]. His sons were Yoel and Raziel. Yudel[1] was murdered in the middle of the day and in the middle of the village because he declared that the fields were his, and disputants arose who settled the accounts through murder. The school on the Rabbi's Street was owned by Lozer Steimetz (and later his daughter Freidel). It had belonged to his relative Wolf of Mosief, and when he disbursed his property, Lozer bought it from him. The Frieds originated in Prague (Nachum Hirsch, his sons Yosel and his son Shlomo, from whom the Frieds of Maramurses stemmed).

Avigdor Polak from the station was the son of Yankel the Babe's [Grandmother's]. Moshe Fruchter, the owner of the orchard next to the station, had two sons–in–law: Fishel Kasirer and Meir Kreindler. Chuna Leizer and Eliahu were brothers, the sons of Nachum, a scholar and communal trustee. Leibush Rosenberg owned the licensed liquor monopoly. His sons were Yaakov and Chaim Beer of Sibiu. His son–in–law was Yosel Fried Wertzberger. The residents of another neighborhood: Yisrael Ber (his wife Yehudit) Meisels, Yaakov Leib (killed in an accident) whose son Leizer the hospital orderly died of grief a half a year after his father. Naftali Greenspan. Gedalia Kahana and his son Shalom the Pulkes, the son of Shalom Gedalia, and Yosef Mordechai (the son–in–law of Chaim Evenstein). Yokel Fisch and Reb Ben–Zion were brothers. The son of Ben–Zion was Aharon (Avraham Hirsch Roth was his son–in–law in Zash”el). The son–in–law of Ben–Zion was Nathan Eliahu Leibovich (his wife Felicia was a righteous, pious woman).

Those who lived in the Fintina[2]: Leib Beir the son–in–law of Ezra of Borşa (his wife was Chaya). His son was Yosef Meir Ganz (his wife Reizel was the daughter of Nachum Leib – both of them died at an old age in Tzfat). Reb Yisrael Appel, his sons Elimelech the bath attendant (a scholar and God–fearing man. His wife was Keila and his son was Shimon). Yosel (his wife Gittel was the founder of the first girl's cheder in Borşa). Yitzchak Fishel inherited his father's home in Repedea, about two kilometers east of Borşa. Their daughters were Rivka the wife of Reb Leib Fogel, and Reizel the wife of Raziel Neulander. Someone named Avraham Yosef Eidelstein came from outside: His son Shalom was a great scholar, and also no less a gourmand: Once, they prepared mamaliga[3] in two pots, and it was not enough for him. Mordechai was his second son. His sons–in–law were Leizer the shochet and Zalman the cooper.

Yankel the son of Avraham Yosef Yoel was the father of Mendel Yoel's the chief of the undertakers – and the lastā€¦ Avraham Yosef, his sons were Chaim of Moisief, Herschel of Bitchkov, and Juda Meir; his daughters were: Bluma Chantsha, the wife of Moshe Ganz (Wolf Moshe's was named for him. He was the son–in–law from Zor, who married his daughter Batya, the mother or Rivka, the sister through the father of Coha”sh [?]); Chaya Feiga, the wife of Naftali Mendel the shochet [slaughterer]. The sons of Moshe Ganz were Anshel, Mordechai, Chaskel, and Avraham Yosef. His daughters were Batya and Devora. Shmuel Leizers' sons were: Moshe (Pogachev) – he discovered the wells in the estates of his father and sold them to Juda Meir (according to one version). According to another version, the father of Chaya Zisel discovered the “sour wells” and sold them to Yida Meir for a pittance. Yankel Leizers and Shlomo Leizers. Tuvia Juda his son–in–law and Shlomo his son. Shlomo Leib Ber Stein, Hirsch Leib Ber's (the father–in–law of Moshe Mendel), Juda Leib Stein (the father–in–law of Avraham Tzvi Rate), Gedalia (his sons were Chazkel, Mordechai and Yosel). Hershel the melamed [teacher] was the son–in–law of Yoel. Israel Apter was the son–in–law of Azriel Chaim Hirsch. Moshe Shmuel Ekes was the son of Azriel. His sons were: Velvel, Yankel (the husband of Esther Gitel) and Azriel.

The family of Shmuel Eke's (named for his wife Eke). His son Azriel had a son Chaim who made aliya to Israel. Yaakov his son was a farmer in his heart and dreamed of setting up Kfar Borsa [Borsa village] in Israel – in the place that today is Kfar Baruch[4]. When his aspiration was thwarted, he moved to Sde Yaakov and settled on the land as a member of the Irgun. Yaakov was one of the organizers and members of Mizrachi in Borşa. At memorial gatherings, he never ceased to urge the natives of Borşa that, if they want to perpetuate the memory of their village, they should establish a Moshav called Borsa.

His brother Chaim Hirsch Lannes (the name of his wife) had two sons Velvel and Azriel who made aliya to Israel. Azriel left Israel thinking that his Israeli money would make him wealthier than the Fruchters who were his former employers.

The wife of Shmuel Ponatchev was the sister of Shmuel Eke's.

Reb Yaakov Uri was known as a scholar. There is ambiguity in the spelling of his name, of which there are three versions in the scripture: Uri – the name of the father of Betzalel; Iri – a son of Binyamin listed in the Book of Chronicles; an Ira – a priest of David and two of his mighty men. However, the first version is the primary one because many great men of Israel are called by that name, such as Reb Uri of Strelisk[5].

The family of Yosel Genad: Shlomo Hirsch, a young man, talented in the field of inventions. Moshe Leib, Yente, Gitel Freida, Alterl his brother, the shoemaker; his wife Zlata (the daughter in Israel remembers only the names of the three of the ten –– David Yitzchak, Moshe Leib, and Leizer Yaakov –– from childhood stories). Their third brother was Yaakov the teacher. Zlata had a sister named Rachel (her husband was Anshili). Hirshel the cooper was a step–brother of Zlata.

Leizer Stein – his sons: Yaakov Ite's (the name of his wife), Shlomo Leizer's (his sons were Shlomo and Idel). Their sister was Chaia Zisel (Hirsch deim langen's [the son of the tall one].

[Page 617]

The family of Yaakov Steimetz (was killed in an accident when his carriage turned over). His sons: Luzer with his wife Heidl and his son Katriel and his daughters Chaia Sara (wife of the Rav R'Dudl) and Freidl, wife of Beril, who was a smart man and had a sharp mind, but in business he was not successful. Yakov's second son was Beril with his daughter Eidl, wife of R'Yosef Werzberger. Their sons were Yakov, Hirshel, Yechiel. He was a simple man, would read every day the entire Book of Psalms, tried to become a merchant but barely succeeded in the lumber trade.

Mates (Matityahu) Polack and his wife Gitza. Their children: Sara Risa, Reiza, Moshe and Leib.

Shlomo Adler – his wife Shprintza, his son Zeidl and his sister Minga (perished in the Holocaust).

The family of R'Avraham Chaim Steimetz. His son was Reb Gedalia the shochet. His daughters were: Miriam the wife of Yosel Weisberg, Charna the wife of Shaul Leib Polack, whose son was Pinchas and daughter was the wife of Litman Bertler of Vişeu. His son was Pinchas from his wife Chaya Devora. The daughters of Gedalia were Freidel the wife of Yisrael Appel the shochet of Zanta, Rachil (Rachel – mother of Koha”sh), who was the wife of Wolf Stein. (The sons of Wolf and Rachil were Gedalyahu and Efraim Fishel. Their daughters were Shprintza, Chaya Dvora, and Chana and Sara. The twin daughters who were born in the latter years died while still in their cradle. Wolf had another older daughter from his first wife Rivka.) The daughters of Gedalia from his second wife Bluma, the sister of the first wife, were: Reitza Tauba, Sasa, Chaya Devora, Feiga, Chana, and Meita. Their brother was Avraham Chaim the shochet. Reb Efraim Fishel Ganz of Untervischau and his wife Shprintza Rachil the daughter of Aizik Hirsch had three daughters; Chaya Dvora, Bluma, and Breindel. The two first ones married Gedalia the vshochet one after the other, and the third one married Reb Yosel Meir Wertzberger, the rabbi of Untervischau [Vişeu de Jos]. Their two sons were Yontil Ganz the book merchant, and Nachum Leib Ganz of Beregszas the lumber merchant (their sons immigrated to Mexico and became very wealthy). Reb Wolf Stein's parents were Yehuda and Charna. His brother was Reb Mendel of Sighet and his sister was Devora the wife of Reb Shamua the teacher from Vişeu.

The family of Wolf in Vişeu: Reb Shaul Leib Steimetz and Reb Moshe Stein (nicknamed “Kapoir”. They and their families were of the important people of the city). The in–laws Avraham Chaim and Efraim Fishel made aliya to the Land of Israel and purchased a common house for themselves in Tzfat. Miriam, the wife of Yosef Weisberg and the daughter of Avraham Chaim had a son, Reb Pinchas Weisberg the head of the community of Borşa in his time. The grandson of Reb Pinchas was Reb Meir Magid, a scholar and a Hassid of Visznitz. His sons–in–law were Rabbi Bari, and Aharon the son of the rabbi of Borşa. Their daughter was Chaya Rivka, and her husband Feivel. She bore the burden of the family during her long years of widowhood.

There was a family that produced a teacher, a rabbinical judge, a shochet, a rabbi, and a head of the community. The rabbinical judge was Rabbi Yitzchak who came via Poland (to where he had come from Germany). At the time of the dispute with Rabbi Waldman, Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Visznitz appointed him as a rabbinical judge (previously he had served as a teacher of children – according to the testimony of the rabbi of Bergszasz). He arrived in Borşa via the Handal. His second wife was the sister of the wealthy Reb Efraim Fishel Ganz of Untervischau. One of the sons of the rabbinical judge was Reb Yosef Meir – that is the Reb Yosel Meir who married Breindel the daughter of Efraim Fishel (the sister of Bluma, the mother of the rebbetzin Meita Wertheimer). When he moved to Untervischau, he was “coronated” there as the rebbe, and he became known as the Rebbe of Untervischau. He generously sustained his family through his large store.

Translator's Footnotes

  1. There may be a typo in the original text here between the names Yoel and Yudel. Return
  2. There are towns in Romania called Fintina. With the definite article in front, it may be an area of the city. Return
  3. A Romanian cornmeal porridge. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C4%83m%C4%83lig%C4%83 Return
  4. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kfar_Baruch Return
  5. See http://rabbishimon.com/tzadikim/showz.php?p=strelisk.htm Return


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