Memorial book of the martyrs of Bolechow
Bolekhiv (Bolechów), Ukraine

49°04' / 23°52'

Translation of Sefer ha-zikaron le-kedoshei Bolechow

Edited by: Y. Eshel

Published by the Association of Former Residents of Bolechow in Israel, 1957


Project Coordinator

Alex Sharon

This is a translation from: Sefer ha-zikaron le-kedoshei Bolechow (Memorial book of the martyrs of Bolechow),
Ed: Y. Eshel, Association of Former Residents of Bolechow in Israel, 1957.

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Bolekhiv

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at

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Note: The first part of the book is in Hebrew and the second part is in Yiddish. The following comments are from Mary Jane Shubow, based on examination and comparison of the two translated Tables of Contents:
“The 2 portions of the book seem to be almost identical but there are some differences. Some of this may be due to the use of different names and titles in the different languages for the same content. The same sections sometimes appear in a different order. In the Hebrew TOC there are some things that don't seem to appear in the Yiddish TOC: Two Bolekhovs by Avigdor Ben-Leah, My Town Bolekhov by Yocheved Vinitzky, The Shomer HaTsair Group by Isser Eshel (Eichel) Wood, and Other Industries by Abraham Weber. In the Yiddish TOC there are some things that don't seem to appear in the Hebrew TOC: Resurrection by MA Tenenblat, The Song from the Kigel by Lothringer, Elendman's Love Letters from the Ghetto, and  Memories by Abraham Weber. The content of the Abraham Weber sections are probably the same though the titles are different. In the Hebrew section of memories by Yonah Eshel, there is something called Day of the Hebrews but nothing called The Hebrew Language or Hebrew Day. Still the content may be the same.”

Hebrew Table of Contents translated by Mary Jane Shubow
From the Committee 5
From the Editorial Board 7
Yizkor 9
Dr. M. Hendel: History of the Jews in Bolekhov in the 18th Century 11
Dr. M. Hendel: Maskilim and Haskalah Movement in Bolekhov in the 19th Century 27
Daily Life
Yona Eshel-Elendman:  
My Town 57
Day of the Hebrews 62
The First Pioneer 62
Youth Movement 64
Day Gone By 65
Fire 66
My Rebbetzin 68
Tashlich 70
Preparation for Pesach 71
Daughters of Zion 73
Avigdor Ben Leah: Two Bolekhovers 77
Arthur Blumenthal, Engineer: From the History of the Blumenthal Family 82
Manis Veisbard: Personalities and Events 84
Isser Eshel-Ichel: Memories of My Childhood Years 86
Yocheved Vinitzky: My Town Bolekhov 88
Devorah Ichel-Adler: The Wedding of Rav Perlov's Daughter 91
Sima Pohoralis (Shindler): The Church “Dy Kaplitzka” 92
Meir Gottesman: My Path to Zionism 93
Ada Machvov-Berger: Memories of My Childhood 93
Aryeh Reichman: “The Zionist Youth” in Bolekhov 95
Isser Eshel (Ichel): A “Shomer HaTsair” Den 97
Michael Schevis: Tanneries in Bolekhov 101
Abraham Weber: Wood and Other Industries 102
I. B. M.: The Printing Shop 106
Frimke Braver-Fordes: Memories 109
The Destruction
M. Reisman: Bolekhov and the Jewish Population During Soviet Rule 117
Yosef Adler: Chapters of Destruction120
Benno Reisman: The Tragic Destruction of the Bolekhov Jews 140
Esther Yacolovitz (Vitashke): My Gloomy Visit in the Town of my Birth after WW2 151
Information from Yad Vashem 152
Yiddish Table of Contents translated by Susannah R. Juni
The Word from the Committee 157
The Word from the Editorial Board 159
Yizkor (Memorial) 161
Dr. M. Hendel: The History of the Jews in Bolekhov at the end of the 18th Century 163
Dr. M. Hendel: Maskilim and Haskalah Movement in Bolekhov in the 19th Century 184
Daily Life
Yonah (Yoyne) Ashel-Elendman:  
My Town 219
The Hebrew Language 223
Hebrew Day 224
The First Khaluts (Zionist Pioneer) 224
Youth Movement 225
Days of the Past 226
A Conflagration in Bolekhov 227
My Rebbetsin (Rabbi's wife) 229
Tashlikh 231
Before Pesakh in Bolechow 231
Daughters of Zion 234
M. A. Tenenblat: Resurrection of the Dead 242
Arthur Blumenthal, engineer: Fragments of the History of the Family Blumenthal 244
N. Lothringer and Shmuen Elendman: The Song from the Kigel (Kugel) 246
Shmuen Elendman: Love Letters from the Ghetto 251
Manis Vaisbard: Personalities and Events 261
Iser Ashl (Eykhel): Memories of my Childhood Years 264
Sime Faharlies-Schindler: The Kapliczka Church 267
Deborah (Dvoyre) Eykhl-Adler: Wedding at the Russian Rebbe's 267
Meyer Gotesman: My Path to Zionism 268
Ada Mekhavov-Berger: Memories from my Childhood (5693 / 1933) 269
Yosef Tishenkel: From the Kloiz to Israel 271
Abraham Weber: Memories 278
Arie Reichman: “Zionist Youth” in Bolekhov 283
Michael (Mekh) Shgeveys: The Tanners 285
I. B. M.: The Printing Shop 287
Frimke Braver-Fordes: Memories 289
The Destruction
M. Reisman: Bolekhov and the Jewish Population During the Soviet Regime 301
Yosef Adler: Holocaust Chapters 305
Benne Reisman: The Tragic Destruction of the Bolekhov Jews 340
Esther Yacolovitz (Vitashke): Bolekhov in 1945 347
From Yad Vashem we have the Following Information 349

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Alex Sharon
This web page created by Susannah R. Juni  and Osnat Ramaty

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Updated 15 Oct 2015 by LA