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(Stankau, Czech Republic 49°33' 13°4')
Compiled by Jaroslav Polák-Rokycana, Prague
Translated from the original Czech by Jan O. Hellmann/DK.
Edited in English by Rob Pearman/UK
The Israelite community of Stankau (the town of Staňkov) was founded in 1870. Before that, there was a synagogue association in the nearby village of Putzlitz (Puclice). They also built a beautiful synagogue there. Today, from what was once a very large community, there remains just one Jewish family, which bought the synagogue after the dissolving of the community and now lives there. It is doubtful whether the children of this last Jew in Putzlitz will stay there. So, as has happened in many other places in Bohemia, the synagogue could well be used for a secular purpose.
The Jewish community of Stankau (German region: Horšovský Týn) comprises the following communities: Putzlitz, Neuhof (Nové Dvory), Grossmalova (Velký Mahalov) and Elztyn (Lštění). In none of these places are there now any Jews.
Josef Luria was chairman of the community in 1893. Today the chairman is Emanuel Wilhelm, and he has held this post since 1915. The Jewish community does not have its own prayer house, but for some 50 years it has leased two large rooms.
Rabbi Leopold Lederer was active here for many years and the same is true of Jacob Sattler, who acted as rabbi and teacher. Following him came Dr. Simon Adler, for the period 1915-1918. Later, he found honorable employment as Archivist and Professor at a college in Prague. Since then the community has been unable to employ a rabbi.
The chairman of the Chevra Kadisha in Stankau is Sigmund Schleissner. He looks after the 100-year old Israelite cemetery and also increased its area through a significant purchase of land. Prior to 1890, the Stankau community was a subsidiary of the community in Bischofteinitz (Horšovský Týn). On 31 March 1890, the Stankau community was placed under the community in Taus (Domažlice).
Many years ago there was a Jewish primary school in the town. However, it was closed down because of the decreasing number of Jews in Stankau. In 1910, out of a total of 1,397 inhabitants, there were 41 Jews; in 1922, out of the total population of 1,528, only 33 were Jews – among whom there were just 9 tax payers.
In the World War, even from such a small community, the sacrifice of two Jews is on record:
MUDr. Moritz Sattler, regimental doctor
and Emil Brummel.
Video from Staňkov: http://www.mestostankov.cz/panorama-360/?detail=pano_MQ%3D%3Dideo
History of Staňkov in Czech: http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sta%C5%88kov_%28okres_Doma%C5%BElice%29
History of Jews in Puclice in Czech: http://www.hrady.cz/?OID=1554
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