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The memorial plaque of the Bobruisk martyrs on Mt. Zion, Jerusalem:
Square #2: In Bright Memory of the Bobruisk Martyrs of Blessed Memory Killed by the Nazi Murderers, May Their Names be Blotted out Forever, November, 1941
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Hershl and Sara Yokhe Krumer, d. 1941 | sister of Khana Nekhshin and Miriam Itkin |
Genieh Kutikoff-Hurvitch, d. 1952 her husband Shaya Hurvitch, d. 1963, writer and teacher |
parents of Vikhne Hokhstat her husband Moshe and children Zloteh Futter, her husband Khaim, and children |
David Nidelman (husband of Perleh Kutikoff), d. 1962 Sheyneh Rukhel Kutikoff-Orsher, d. 1960 wife of Zusheh Orsher, d. 1927 |
parents of Vikhneh Rubinshtayn her husband Daniel and grandchildren Rita and Norman Moss |
Mendl Elkin, b. in Bobruisk 1873, d. New York, 1962 his wife Rivkeh, b. in Bobruisk 1879, d. New York, 1947 |
father and mother of Esther Vinogradov |
Issac Sverdlov, Hebrew teacher, his wife Keyles, parents Nekhamieh and Malkheh Kral |
father and mother of Harry Sverdlov and his wife Soreh |
David and Simeh Itkin, d. in Tsfat 1892; grandfather and grandmother Zev Volf Yurzditski, d. in Bobruisk 1915; grandfather his wife Kheytseh, d. in New York, 1929; grandmother Nokhm Zalman Itkin, d. in New York, 1932; father his wife Alteh Bathsheba Sertsheh d. in New York, 1942; mother their son, Pinkas Itkin, d. in New York, 1954 |
Felix, Menakheh, Moyshe, Shimon, their wives Malkha, Miriam, Khashe, and grandchildren brothers and father of Ada and Diana |
Tsilia Drapkin, writer and poet, daughter of Feygl and Yosef Yoneh Levin |
mother of John Jay Drapkin |
Matus Reykhman and his wife Shtisheh |
parents of Ahron Yitskhok, his wife Elke, and the children (in the States, of 1905) |
Moshe Yitskhok and Stisheh Goldman | parents of Dr. Max Goldman |
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Mordekhay Leyb and Tsvieh Rozovski - grandfather and grandmother Berl and Rukhl Rozovsky - father and sister killed by Nazis in Babi-Yar, 1941 Reyzl Rozovski (Mitelman) Reuven and Shimon Rozovsky -brothers Avigdor and Elke Minkin - grandfather and grandmother Dovid and Laneh Minkin- father and mother killed by Nazis Soerh Rukhel and Leah Minkin aunts killed by Nazis Noakh, Meyer, Zalman, Sasha and Boris - brothers Maguleski Family |
Keyleh Rosovsky, Zalman Rozovsky, Sonia Berlind and Dr. Yehuda Minkin |
Yosef and his wife Rosheh Guskov (Guskin) | parents of Breyneh and her husband Meyzelson |
Yehuda and Khoeh Belenki d. he in 1934, she in 1931 Leon and Anna Lozinski Yanke Yeshia Lozinski, d. New York, 1941 |
parents of sister and brother-in-law and the husband of Manya Belinki-Lozinski |
Barukh Mordekhay and his wife Rozeh Mazin d. 1941 | parents of Khana Levin (Mazin) |
Leybe and Khashe Lokernik (Paritsh) Etl and Rikeh Lokernik |
brother and sister of Gnesheh Altshul |
Barukh and Kheyneh Efron Yeshayahu and Elia Efron Sore Minkin, Henyeh Moguleski and Khayeh Itshe and Elia Minkin |
parents, brothers, aunts, and uncles of Menenboim and her husband Ben Efron |
Margolin Leybe Feyes his wife Eydl (daughter of Khayim Levin), parents Benjamin, husband Zalman Shefsl, Shimon and Mordekhay, brothers |
Khaya Soreh Dekelbaum |
Moshe Yitskhok Marshak and his wife Mariasheh, daughter of Shmuel Yitskhok Levin (of the Kreytlokh) |
parents of Irving Marshak and Khashe Itkin, her husband Shimon and grandchildren |
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Motel ben Nisn Rukhl bas Shefsl Meyer ben Zelig Elke bas Bodoneh Ahron Zelig ben Meyer Sara Frida basElke Miriam bas Yisroel Saideh bas Nisn |
Soloviov Family |
Reuven bar Yisroel Fridman (Liuban) , Nftr trts'a Yokheh bas R. Manem Fridman and her daughters, mother Alteh and Beyleh and their families (Liuban) |
sister of Khaim Fridman, Albany |
Berl and Dineh Stanovits and their daughters, sister, brother-in-law, and neices of Devorah, Masheh, and Rozeh (Liuban), Devorah bas R. Moshe Ziml Levin (Liuban), nftrh trn't, mother of Shifreh and Khayim Fridman |
Shifreh Fridman |
Zusman Rozovski, d. 1940 his wife Rozeh d. 1938 parents, grandfather, grandmother their daughter Rukhel and family and their son Reuven, killed by Nazis Zelig Rozovski, died in 1967 |
Sonyeh Rozovski, Leo and his wife Erika Rozovski, Dineh and her husband Zosl Berkman Mireh Rosovski, children and grandchildren |
In fine memory of Reuven Rozovski, killed by Nazis |
husband of Mireh Rozovski, father of Oscar, his wife Idit and children |
Khaim Ayzenshtat, d. 1928 Masha Ayzenshtat, killed by Nazis |
father and mother of Mika and Vadim Wolf |
Khaim Levin, the the rabbi of Kholoy, his wife Tsifeh-Soreh | parents of Foygl (Levin) Fridman |
Yeshia Yankev ben Zev Vulf Kestin, his wife Feyeh, bas Nokhm, Beyleh bas Avrom |
father, mother, and wife of Zev Wolf Kestin |
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Gorbatshevski, Avrom and Motel, killed by Nazis | father and brother of Feni Fekelni |
Ferlin, Rukhel and Shmuel, d. 1931 | parents of Yankev Ferlin |
Nisn - Noteh and Libeh Fikus, Avrom and Yoel | parents and brother of Yisroel Fikus |
Alter Avrom Meyer the Scribe d. in 1912 his wife Neshe d. (in Fahast) in 1895 |
parents of Yankev Freeman and his wife Soreh |
Yehuda and Khaneh-Rukhl Kof Sem and Avrom Kof |
parents of brothers of Dovid Kof and his wife Brokheh (Sigel) |
Sheyne Feygeh Kashdan and Ben-Tsion Kashdan |
parents of Nisn Kashdan (America) |
Soreh and Shmuel Kagen | their father and nephew Nisn Kashdan |
Moyshe-Khayim bar Dov-Ber Frid, Zeldeh bas Moyshe, Yoysef bar Moyshe Khayim, Ester, Rozeh bas Moyshe Khayim, R. Yakov Kaminer |
Sonia and Yakov Lifshits, Yakov and Enye Frid Khaya and Yeshieh Kurtsman, Rineh and Reuven Neuman and their family in Israel |
Our Dear Parents Yakov and Fasyeh Rozovsky Our Brother Avrom, |
Sonyeh and Zelig Rozovsky, Boris and Fasyeh Rozovsky, Ester Mov, Raful Rozovsky, |
Our Parents Mendl and Khasye Altshul (Plotkin), My Brothers Avromel, Elye, and Mikhl, who were killed in the last World War |
from Leah Muzh (Altshul) Ashkelon, Israel |
Our Parents Keyleh and Zev Goldbort of Blessed Memory | son Yehuda Goldbort |
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Tsvi-Hirsh and Ester (Eskeh) Lozinski Menakhem Mendl and Khaneh Kantarovits |
Kadish and Rukhel Luz |
father Rabbi Alkhenen Ben-Tsion Halevi bar Yekhiel of Blessed Memory, mother Khanyeh bas harov R. Meyer Feymer, nkhdto of R. Yosef Maslutsk brothers Shneur and Yikhiel (Harry) Krop sister Khayeh Itl (Ida) Krop |
Hadasah Afrti (Krop) |
Our Dear Parents Yosef and Mosyeh Katzenelson Shloymeh and Eliahu Ben-Tsion of Blessed Memory |
Ruth, Khayeh, Yakov Katsenelson, Israel |
Aryeh and Shimon Slutsovski, Frideh and Tsvi Slutsovski, son Benjamin ben Rukhel and Lifah Soleh killed in the war |
Lifah and Nisan Soleh (Slutsovski) |
Our Dear Parents Zev ben Yitskhok Tumshov, d. in Bobruisk, 1925 and Khasyeh bas Gadlihu Tumshov, d. in Israel 1942 |
Moshe and Banihu Tumshov, Khaneh Silverman-Tumshov, Israel |
Zev Katsenelson, b. Bobruisk, 1888 | The Family |
My Father Shabati ben Moshe Rozenberg My Mother Keyleh bas Leyzer-Leyb Rozenberg |
Their Daughter Miriam Brookson |
Itkeh Dovres bas Berel and Khasyeh Kaganovitch | Her Husband Simkheh, Her Sons Yakov and Zev |
[Page 853]
R. Dovid and Badaneh Zalman Hirsh Zlateh Sender Elkeh Soreh Leah Khaneh Miriam Keyleh |
Soloviov Family |
My Father Elieh Epshteyn and Sister Resheh who were killed in the Second World War |
Reyeh Epshteyn Sonyeh Mayzner Yisroel Mayzner |
In Memory of Father Benjamin Ayzenshtat Mother Khayeh Sister Malkheh, Rozeh, and Khaneh Brother Iser |
Sonyeh Ayzenshtat-Katsenelson, Chaifa |
In Memory of Dovid Shloymeh Katsnelson of Osipovich His Wife Soreh Gitel niece of Mordekhay Tsvi Manvi (The Blind Hermit) |
Their Son Shmuel Katsenelson of Tel-Aviv |
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With bowed heads, with sorrowful eyes, and with broken hearts we stay with you who left us -
Ester Solof
Our dear and beloved friend!...
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