Chapters From the Past
(Bielsko Biała, Poland)

49°49' / 19°02'

Translation of
Bielitz-Biala pirkei avar

Editor: Elijahu Miron

Published in Israel 1973

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation of: Bielitz-Biala pirkei avar (Chapters from the past),
Editor: Elijahu Miron, Published: Israel 1973 (H,G 182 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Bielsko-Biala

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner

Title Page
Foreword 5
The city of Bielsko 6
The Bielsko Community Along the Generations
The history of the Jews in Bielsko 9
The Jewish community 15
Jewish education, its various branches 22
Associations and Organizations
The Chevruta Association 27
The Hashachar Association 29
The Emuna Association 36
The Hatchiya Association 38
The Sport Association Hakoach 42
The Sport Association Maccabi 43
The Hagana Organization 44
The Jewish Economy
The status of the Jews in the general economy 47
The Jewish craftsmen 50
The orthodox Jewry 52
The Zionist movement and the Parties 54
The Hit'achdut (Union) 55
The Mizrachi 56
The Revisionist Party 57
The Bielsko Zionists 57
The Youth Movements 60
Training for Aliya and Aliya 63
The “training camp” in Leshtchin 67
The Press
Seven hundred issues of the Yiddishes Folksblatt 69
Personalities and Figures
Prof. Dr. Michael Berkowitz 73
Shlomo Zalman Chaim Halberstat 77
A. D. Rosenberg, a pioneer of the Hebrew Language 78
The Rabbi Rav Zvi Shmuel Hirschfeld z”l 79
The Rapaport Dynasty 80
The Rabbinic family Stern 83
Bielsko-Biala and Surroundings
Biala 85
The Biala Jews 88
The Jewish community in Biala 91
Skotchau 94
Dzidzitza 96
The Community in Bliona
On the eve of the German invasion 98
The expulsion before the Holocaust 100
On the eve of war 101
The days of the Nazi occupation 104
The story of a survivor 110
The last rabbi in Bielsko, Rav Yehuda Stern 113
Among the ruins 115
Memorial Pages - We shall remember 118-134
German Section by Elijahu Miron
In Memoriam (List) 135-141
Foreword 181
1. On the early history of the Jews of Bielitz 1677–1816 180
2. The History of the Jews in Bielitz 177
3. About the History of the Jews in Bielitz 172
4. The Jewish Kehila in Bielitz 1865–1905 167
5. From the Early Days of “Haschachar” 159
6. The History of “Emunah” 1896/1906 157
7. Z. G. V. “Chewrussa” 154
8. Retrospective on the Jewish Athletic Club Maccabee Bielitz–Biala 151
9. The Jewish Craftsmen 148
10. Prof. Dr. Michael Berkowicz 147
11. Jakob Glasner 144
12. Dr. Josef Traubner 142
13. In Memoriam 141


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