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[Page 869]

List of Bilke (and the surrounding area) residents
who died in Israel after the Holocaust

Translated by Judy Petersen

Surname Given name Remarks Page
APPEL Hillel 869
EISENBERG Mordechai 869
ANGERMAN Chava 869
EINHORN Leah 869
BLASSBERG Shlomo and his wife 869
BERGER Shlomo 869
BERGER Feige 869
BERVIN Batya 869
BERVIN Yakov 869
BERVIN Leah 869
BERGER Avner 869
BERKOVITZ Hillel 869
BERCU Sarah 869
BERKOVITZ Yitzchak 869
BOHM Chaim 869
BOHM Helena 869
BERGMAN Yissachar Dov Rabbi 869
GELMAN Tzvi 869
GOLDBERGER Yitzchak 869
GOLDBERGER Yakov Zev 869
DAVIDOVITZ Shmuel Wolf 869
DAVIDOVITZ Yitzchak 869
HOLLANDER Aharon 869
WEISZ Meir Yehuda 869
WEISZ Sisi 869
WEISZ Bentzion 869
ZOLTZ Yosef 869
JAKUBOVITZ Yitzchak 869
KAHANA Nachman 869
COHEN Menachem Tzvi 869
LIFSCHITZ Shmuel Tzvi 869
LIFSCHITZ Channah 869
LAZAROVITZ Shoshana 869
LEIBOWITZ Yisrael Dov 869
MEIROVITZ Simcha 869
MAIZLIK Shmuel Eliezer 869
NEUMAN Moshe Meir 869
NEUMAN Avraham 869
FRIEDMAN Yitzchak Eizik 869
FRIEDMAN Asher Zelig 869
FRIEDMAN Menachem Zev 869
FRIEDMAN Channah 869
FORI Eliezer 869
PODKOWITZKI Yakov and Brandel 869
FRIEDNER Malka 869
KALECH Chaim 869
KALMAN Yitzchak 869
KONIGSBERG Yeshayahu 869
ROTH Akiva 869
ROTH Eliahu 869
ROTH Azriel Tzvi 869
ROTH Aharon Yitzchak 869
REISZ Shmuel Eliezer 869
SCHWIMMER Naftali 869
SCHWIMMER Shalom Tzvi 869
SOLOMON Yehoshua 869
SOLOMON Gershon 869
SPIEGEL Yehuda 869
SCHWIMMER Shlomo 869

[Page 870]

List of families of Bilke and the surrounding area

Translated by Judy Petersen

Surname Given name Spouse's
given name
maiden name
Given name(s)
of sons
Given name(s)
of daughters
Remarks Page
AVRAHAM Zalman Leib Hentsche Yosef Chaim; Zelig; Eliahu; Yitzchak Modechai; Shlomo; Aharon Bluma; Rakhel; Miriam 870
AVRAHAM Chanan Esther Malka DAVIDOVITZ Mira; Tami 870
ENGERMAN Levi Esther Feige 870
ENGERMAN Alexander Etil SHTERN Aharon; Shmuel; Yakov; Shlomo; Baruch; Yisrael Antchel Sarah; Bracha 870
ITZKOVITZ David Zisl Tzvi (fell in the War of Independence on 10 Jul 1948) from Mistichiv 870
ITZKOVITZ Zelig Feige 870
AKKERMAN Efraim Fishel 870
ARONOVITZ David Aharon 870
ENGEL Tzvi Avigdor Dr. 870
BALABAN Yakov from Kolbasovo 870
BALABAN Batya the midwife 870
BOHM Aharon Leah MOSKOVITZ Avraham; Mendil; Tzvi Hersch Ginisiya; Sarah; Reizil; Rita; Margaret haKohen; "the tall one" 870
BOHM 870
BOHM Shmuel Toibe Zise a daughter lived next to the train station 870
BOHM Nachman Bluma Mordechai David Chaya 870
BOHM Beril Beila Shmuel; Mendil Esther; Genisiya 870
BROYN Zev unnamed Shmuel; Mendil 870
BROYN Shimon unnamed 870
BLASSBERGER Moshe Aharon Leah Yehoshua; Shlomo; Kalman Sarah Feige; Ite; Lieba; Rakhel 870
BLASSBERGER Kalman Golda NEUMAN Mendy; Meir Sarah; Reizil; Malka 871
BROYN Mordechai Batya Yakov 871
BERGER Aharon from Rakovitz 871
BERGER Yakov 871
BERGER Meir unnamed Moshe Bella; Reizil; Roize 871
BERGER Yehuda Hersch Leah GEDALOVITZ Shmuel; Wolf Reizil; Olga; Elza; Gizi; Penina from Rakovitz 871
BERKOVITZ Shlomo Zalman unnamed 871
BALABAN Eliahu Meir Frumet Gitel 871
BERKOVITZ Aharon Hersch / Tzvi unnamed Yisrael Ber; Avraham 871
GEDALOVITZ Yakov head of the community 871
GEDALOVITZ Shlomo the wagon owner 871
GEDALOVITZ Moshe Reizil 871
GEDALOVITZ Gedalya 871
GELB Chaim Tzvi 871
GELB Chaya Malka the seamstress 871
GELB Avraham Scheindil Herman Channah; Esther; Rivka; Feige (HORNSTEIN); Malka haKohen. 871
DAFT Yehoshua Peril LIFSCHITZ Chaim Aryeh; Shmuel Tzvi; Nachum Uri; Shlomo Yishaye; Yosef; Moshe Nechemya Leah; Sarah; Chaya Feige; Miriam Eidil; Reizil ritual slaughterer 871
DAVIDOVITZ Fishel the father of Yehuda Itzik 871
DAVIDOVITZ Yehuda Itzik May Eliezer Levitchi Bobo 871
DAVIDOVITZ Maghem Chaim Reizil BERGER Yitzchak; Shlomo; Shmuel Yosef Esther Malka 872
DAVIDOVITZ Yitzchak Feige Sarah Shmuel Yosef; Zev Reizil-Shoshana 872
DAVIDOVITZ Shlomo Sarah Malka EKSTEIN Chaim Meir 872
DAVIDOVITZ Shmuel Leib made aliyah in 1909 872
DAVIDOVITZ Shmuel David 872
HOLLANDER Menachem Rivka Gitel (KLEIN) from Mistichiv 872
HEISLER Shmuel Sarah Baruch; Mendil; Tzvi David; Yakov; Eliahu Leah; Etil; Miriam; Chaya-Esther; Reizil 872
HEISLER Efraim unnamed 872
HIRSCH Yisrael Chaim Leah DAFT-LIFSCHITZ Avraham; Eliezer; Shmuel; Moshe Shlomo Rakhel Yuta Rabbi 872
HERSHKOVITZ R' Mechil Hersch unnamed Chaim Udil 872
HERSHKOVITZ Yakov Yehuda Paula KLEIN Yitzchak; Chaim; Shmuel; Aharon Chaya; Bella; Sarah; Rakhel; Leah 872
HERSHKOVITZ Leib the tailor 872
WEISZ Naftali Tzvi Scheindil Moshe Mordechai Channah; Peril; Miriam Rabbi 872
WEISZ Avraham (chik) Henya Moshe Aharon (Tzali) Tzvi 872
WEISZ Feivel Esther Yisrael 872
WEISZ Leib unnamed 872
WEISZ Yisrael unnamed 872
WEISZ Mordechai unnamed Leah; Sarah the lawyer 872
WEINGARTEN R' Yakov unnamed Anpi Batsheva haKohen 873
ZISOVITZ Shlomo Yente JAKOBOVITZ Avraham; Kalman Leah; Bluma; Hentsche; Chaya Rakhel 873
ZALMONOVITZ unnamed unnamed Reizil 873
CHAIMOVITZ Moshe Elazar unnamed 873
TEICHMAN Itzik Hersch unnamed Miriam milkman 873
JAKUBOVITZ Moshe Aharon Feige GEDLOVITZ Nute; Shlomo; Wally; Avraham; Meir Reizil; Leah; Golda 873
JAKUBOVITZ Eliahu Meir unnamed Yitzchak Naftali Hertzka from Yelnitza; died in the War of Independence 873
JAKUBOVITZ unnamed Yeshayahu from Rakovitz; son died in the War of Independence 873
JAKUBOVITZ Aharon Chaya Reuven; Wolf (Wawa); Yitzchak Eizik; Yeshayahu Scheindel; Rakhel; Sarah lived next to the train station 873
JAKUBOVITZ Yehuda Meir unnamed 873
YAKOV Simcha Mordechai 873
YAKOV unnamed Zelig; Yisrael Lili (MAYERS); family of Eizik KUZIS 873
YOSOVITZ Shraga-Fishel Sarah Aharon; Tzvi-Zev; Zelig; Moshe Leah 873
YOSOVITZ Mechel Malka Meir Eizik; Chone; Yehoshua Chaya; Yachne; Reizil; Rivka; Rakhel the carpenter 873
YOSOVITZ Zelig Feige Mechil called "the black one" 873
YOSOVITZ Yitzchak Eizik Chaya Yosef Chaim Aharon Hersh; Zigmond; Efraim Etya; Reizil; Sarah Feige 873
YOSOVITZ Avraham Batsheva 873
YOSOVITZ Moshe Sheva grandfather of Yitzchak REIZMAN 873
YOSOVITZ Aharon Leah Zelig; Moshe the JUS family of Australia 873
YOSOVITZ Shmuel Chaim 874
YOSOVITZ Shraga Feivil 874
YOSOVITZ Yehuda Meir 874
KATZ Tzvi 874
LIEBERMAN Mordechai Aharon unnamed Shalom; Naftali Hertzka; Chaim Tzvi; Shlomo; Avraham; Yakov Rakhel-Leah; Esther Rabbi 874
LIEBOVITZ Yisrael 874
LIEBOVITZ Avraham 874
LAZAROVITZ Hersh Ber Rivka Meir Yosef; Yehuda Leib Kreindil; Sarah Feige; Esther; Miriam from Ulitkes 874
LAZAROVITZ Mordechai 874
LAZAROVITZ Elazar Elimelech 874
MOSKOVITZ Avraham Yitzchak Kolbsovo 874
MECHLOWITZ Noach Feige Azriel, Mendil Chaim; Daniel Udil; Sarah; Rivka; Chaya; Malka 874
MEIEROVITZ George unnamed David 874
MERMELSTEIN Leib-Yitzchak Yehuda Beila Edward; Yisrael Mogda (BEKERMAN); Channah; Violet 874
MANGLOVITZ Mendil; Wolf 874
MANGLOVITZ Shmuel (Shmelke) Bracha Avraham Yakov Hentche; Malka; Leah 874
MANGLOVITZ Rakhel Leah 874
MARKOVITZ Yisrael 875
MILGROM Hersh Wolf Beila David; Avraham; Shimon Feige 875
NEUMAN Moshe Meir 875
NEUMAN Yechiel Tzvi (Mechil Hersh) Roza Shoshana KATZ Moshe; Yakov; Simcha; Pinchas; Mordechai; Zev (Wolf) Golda, Malka 875
NEUMAN Meir Feige Avraham; Moshe Hedi 875
NEUMAN Yisrael from Kolbasovo 875
NEUMAN Zev from Kolbasovo 875
NEUMAN Moshe Meir from Kolbasovo 875
STROULOVITZ Aharon Leah Chaya Malka sold vegetables 875
ELIAS Eliahu Eizik Rivka Chaim Hersh-Tzvi; Baruch; Zisa; Kalman, Michael Toibe; Paula; Feige 875
EKSTEIN Aharon Yakov Leah Yosef Chaim; Itzik Hersh; Moshe; Yehoshua Hentsche; Bluma 875
EKSTEIN Meir Leah (second wife); Sheva (first wife) Moshe; Zoli; Yakov Manci; Elza; Klari; Buri; Peril 875
FRIEDMAN R' Meshulam Feige Avraham; Pinchas; Moshe; Yitzchak Eizik; Yosef Meir; Chaim Binyamin Channah; Liebe; Sarah; Rakhel; Rivka 875
FRIEDMAN Chaim Eizik Beila Malka Yisrael Meir; Yosef; Levi Yente Leah; Rakhel; Esther Mindel; Yocheved; Miriam 875
FRIEDMAN Zalman Gizi Yehuda; Tzvi Tzutzu 875
FRIEDMAN Meir unnamed Mano Etil 875
FRIEDMAN Yakov Yela 875
FRIEDMAN Pinchas 875
PEISIKOVITZ David Tzvi Rivka haKohen; from Likiwe 876
PEISIKOVITZ Yitzchak Eizik Feige Simcha; Shmuel; Yisrael; David; Tzvi Tova 876
FELDMAN Avraham Golda Yakov; Movshe Yakov's wife: Ella; their children Louisa, Kati and Lidi. Moshe's daughter: Boriska-Bina 876
FARKAS Yosef Meir Feige 876
KALECH R' Yehuda Leibush Yocheved Eliahu; Yeshaye Shlomo Zalman; David; Menachem Mendil; Avraham; Chaim Sheyna Rakhel; Sarah; Etil 876
KAHAN R' Meir Rachil Yakov; Yitzchak Tzvi Meite; Feige; Freyda-Rivka 876
KLEIN Moshe Binyamin Gitel Nutil; Leib Wolf; Shmuel Etu; Tovi; Suni 876
KLEIN Elazar unnamed Yosef Wolf (Yuzi) 876
KLEIN Shmuel Meir unnamed 876
KLEIN Shalom unnamed 876
KLEIN Avraham Yitzchak 876
KENIGSBERG R' Shmuel Elimelech unnamed Yakov (the teacher from Mistichiv) Channah 876
KENIGSBERG Wally; Yakov; Shlomo 876
KENIGSBERG Yeshaye unnamed 876
KENIGSBERG Zelig Shmuel Hersh 876
ROZENBAUM Chaim Eizik was the last head of the community 876
REIZMAN R' David Aharon Rakhel Yitzchak; Yosef Tzvi; Meir; Moshe; Chaim; Zelig Chava Miriam; Freyda; Eidi; Hentsche; Chaya haLevi 876
REISZ Shmuel Eliezer 876
RAAT Azriel (Srul) Hersh 876
RAAT Yosef Monish Max 877
RAINGEWIRTZ Elazar son of Shabtai 877
STERN R' Moshe unnamed Fishel; Yoel; David Freyda 877
STERN Fishel unnamed Yoel 877
SCHWIMMER R' Naftali Breina Yisrael Yakov; Eliezer; Avraham; Simcha Miriam; Scheindel 877
SCHLESINGER Yosef unnamed Wally Malka 877
SHTEINBERG David Alter unnamed uncle of Yitzchak REIZMAN 877
SAJOVITZ Gedalya 877
SAJOVITZ Pinchas 877
SHMEYOVITZ Moshe Mordechai 877
SHMILOVITZ Tzvi Sarah Menachem Zev; Eliezer Tova; Pesla 877

[Page 877]

List of the Jews of Kolbasovo

Recorded by Efraim KOLB (YOSOVITZ)

Translated by Judy Petersen

No. Surname Given name Spouse's
given name
Wife's maiden name Given name(s)
of sons
Given name(s)
of daughters
Remarks Page
1 R' Shmuel Leib Yitzchak (Itzik); Hersh; Beril 877
2 MOSKOVITZ R' Zelig Yehuda Hersh; Yitzchak (Itizk); Mordechai 877
MOSKOVITZ Yehuda Hersh Yosef Roza; two additional daughters Roza survived, immigrated to Israel, and died 5 years ago. 877
3 YANKELES Sarah two daughters the youngest daughter Leah went to the United States in 1936 and raised her family there. The other daughter, along with her husband Hersh Wolf and their children, lived with Sarah YANKELES; the entire family perished. 877
4 Moshe Binyamin had a number of children 877
5 PEISIKOVITZ R' Eizik Fani Mendil Chaim; David Hersh; Shmuel; Simcha Tova David Hersh, Simcha and Tova survived and Chaim was in the United States. 877
6 R' Avraham Eizik unnamed He and his wife didn't have any children. 878
7 GRINSPAN Lipa Leah had a number of children; everyone perished. 878
8 GOLDSTEIN R' Leib unnamed had a number of children; everyone perished. 878
9 JOSOVITZ Moshe Sheva the grandparents of Efraim JOSOVITZ. 878
10 JOSOVITZ Avraham Yosef Chaim Uncle of Efraim JOSOVITZ. His only son Yosef Chaim JOSOVITZ made aliyah to Israel; lived in Holon. He had a handsome family of 2 sons and a daughter, and also grandchildren. 878
11 AVRAHAM Zalman Leib Hentsche Yosef Chaim; Aharon; Zelig; Eliahu (Eli); Mordechai; Shlomo Bluma; Miriam; Rakhel Yosef Chaim was married and had children; everyone perished. Bluma was also married with children; everyone perished. Miriam survived and lived in the United States with her family, sons and daughters, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Rakhel, Aharon and Zelig perished. Eliahu survived, married, and lived in the United States with his sons and daughters and grandchildren. Mordechai survived, emigrated to Israel, lived in Holon and had a son, a daughter and grandchildren. Shlomo survived, lived in the United States, married and had children and grandchildren. 878
12 JOSOVITZ R' Yitzchak Eizik Chaya Yosef Chaim; Aharon Hersh; Efraim; Zelig Etya; Rakhel; Sarah Feige Family of Efraim KOLB. They had 7 children. Yosef Chaim was married with 5 children; no one survived. Aharon Hersh died in Bilky in 1926. Etya died in Bilky in 1935. Rakehl was married with a daughter; no survivors. Sarah Feige perished. Efraim survived, lived in the United States, had a son and a daughter; his son, wife and 4 children lived in Israel in Rehovot; his daughter, her husband and sons lived in the United States; Efraim and his wife immigrated to Israel 3 years ago. Zelig died in Bilky in 1938. 878
13 Roza had 4 sons and a daughter; everyone was married and had children. Everyone perished. 878
14 Chaya Leah not much is known about this family. 879
15 SCHLESINGER R' Yosef He had a large family; one of the sons emigrated to the United States before the war. One daughter survived and lived in Canada. 879
16 ZISOVITZ R' Shmuel Hersh Yakov Shlomo His son Yakov Shlomo survived, stayed in Bilky until 1975, then emigrated to the United States. 879
17 KENIGSBERG Peril had 4 sons and a daughter. One son survived, lived in the United States and died there a few years ago. 879
18 NEUMAN R' Shlomo Eliezer 879
19 R Moshe Eliezer Son in law of Reb Shlomo Eliezer NEUMAN. They had a number of children. Everyone perished. 879
20 NEUMAN R Yisrael The son of Reb Eliezer NEUMAN. They had a number of children; one son survived, emigrated to Israel and lived in Israel. 879
21 JAKUBOVITZ R' Yisrael Yakov Chaim They had a son and a daughter. The son Chaim survived, lived in Israel and died there a few years ago. 879
22 SCHWIMMER R' Avraham Simcha Family of Eliezer SCHWIMMER. 879
23 LEBOVITZ R' Yakov 879
24 LEBOVITZ Mendil Wolf son of Reb Yakov LEBOVITZ. They had a number of children; everyone perished. 879
25 R' Zelig Ber Beila They had two sons, both emigrated to the United States before the war. 879
26 SHMEIOVITZ R' Matityahu (Matis) They had 7 children; apparently everyone perished. 879
27 REIZMAN R' Yosef Hersh The grandfather of Yitzchak REIZMAN. 879
28 R'Eliezer Brother in law of Yosef Hersh REIZMAN. 879
29 Leib the son of Reb Eliezer; they had 3 children; apparently everyone perished. 879
30 Frimet 879
31 Moshe Binyamin Frimet's son. He was married with many children, two of whom were already married with children; apparently everyone perished. 879
32 Malik Frimet's daughter. She had 2 sons that were already married with children; apparently everyone perished. 880
33 SHIMONOVITZ R' Noach Zelig; Falik Channah; Golda Falik survived, immigrated to Israel, lived in Holon and died a few years ago. 880
34 LAZAROVITZ R' Mordechai They had children and grandchildren; apparently everyone perished. 880
35 LAZAROVITZ R' Eliezer Melech They lived in the suburb of “Olitkes". 880
36 LAZAROVITZ R' Hersh 880
37 In the suburb of “Olitkes” lived about another 5 families. 880


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