Belchatow Memorial Book
(Bełchatów, Poland)

51°22' / 19°23'

Translation of: Belchatow yizker-bukh

Edited by: Mark Tarkov and Abraham Mittleberg.

Published in Buenos Aires: Association of Polish Jews in Argentina, 1951.




Project Coordinator

Roni Seibel Liebowitz


Our sincere appreciation to Indiana University Press,
for permission for the following chapters
“The Struggle for the Right to Work” & “Belchatov without Jews” from
From A Ruined Garden

This is a translation from: Belchatow yizker-bukh Belchatow memorial book,
Editors: Mark Tarkov and Abraham Mittleberg. Buenos Aires: Association of Polish Jews in Argentina, 1951.
Pages: 511 Language: Y

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Belchatow

Purchase details for a printed copy of this book can be found at

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Cover page

All the profits from this Yizkor Book are pledged to
the fund to aid the Belchatow survivors.

Series Title Page 2
Title Page 5
From the editor 9
A word to the reader 11
Dedication 14
Belchatow on the Geographic Map of Poland 15
The Seal of the Belchatower Municipal Government 16
I. The Story of the Jews in Belchatow
Dr. P. Friedman: The history of the Jews in Belchatow 19
II. Belchatow in struggle, work and art
Israel Pitowski: The Beginning and the End 63
L. Rodnitski: “The Belchatow Revolutionary” 81
P. Wald: Belchatow in the year 1898 83
Yosef Reich: Belchatow that lives in my memory 102
Zalman Pudlowski: On the border of two centuries 110
Levi Herzkowicz: This is how we began 144
Avraham Laib: Belchatow 1914 - 1922 148
Relief activitites during the First World War 200
Hersh Goldminc: The struggle for the right to work 208
Shlomo Zytnicki: Once there was a shtetl 218
Yakov Botoshanski: Y. L. [Yoel Lajb] Goldsztejn - A writer who wanted to solve the most difficult problems of man and Jew 246
Moshe Janowsky: “Hands” 268
III. Political movements
Moshe Efrati: Belchatow and Zionism  271
Elimelech Pudlowski: The Zionist groups in Belchatow 275
Fishel Szmulewicz: The Leftist Poalei Zion [Zionist Workers' Party] 291
Leib Pudlowski: The Orthodox movement in Belchatow 300
M. Gliksman: From the Bundist Movement in Belchatow 323
Zainwel Przedborski: The story of the Leftist Workers' Party [Labor Party] 358
Jakov Tsingler: The Leftist Workers Movement between the two World Wars 369
Y.M. Pukacz: Portraits of Progressive Activists 379
IV. The Destruction of Belchatow
Leib Pudlowski: Under the Nazi's occupation 391
Zaken Liberman: The Four Days of Horror 456
M. Kaufman: In the Years of the Holocaust 463
Documents of the Holocaust and Destruction 477
Belchatower Martyrs in France and Belgium 498
Yosef Reich: Belchatow without Jews 501
Polish Jewry Book Collection from the Central–Union of Polish Jewry in Argentina 505
Press Articles about the Book Collection 508
List of Pictures  

Note on translation: For the sake of consistency, wherever possible, the spellings of names have been edited using the English or Polish spellings preferred by the families.

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Roni Seibel Liebowitz
This web page created by Mike Kalt and Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 13 Jul 2020 by LA